Unverified Commit 160a5680 authored by Gary Qian's avatar Gary Qian Committed by GitHub

Re-add deprecated method for plugin migration compatibility. (#34006)

parent 3f4ce348
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'basic_types.dart';
import 'text_painter.dart';
import 'text_span.dart';
import 'text_style.dart';
/// Mutable wrapper of an integer that can be passed by reference to track a
......@@ -103,6 +104,15 @@ abstract class InlineSpan extends DiagnosticableTree {
/// [Paragraph] objects can be drawn on [Canvas] objects.
void build(ui.ParagraphBuilder builder, { double textScaleFactor = 1.0, List<PlaceholderDimensions> dimensions });
// TODO(garyq): Remove this after next stable release.
/// Walks this [TextSpan] and any descendants in pre-order and calls `visitor`
/// for each span that has content.
/// When `visitor` returns true, the walk will continue. When `visitor` returns
/// false, then the walk will end.
@Deprecated('Use to visitChildren instead')
bool visitTextSpan(bool visitor(TextSpan span));
/// Walks this [InlineSpan] and any descendants in pre-order and calls `visitor`
/// for each span that has content.
......@@ -60,6 +60,15 @@ abstract class PlaceholderSpan extends InlineSpan {
// TODO(garyq): Remove this after next stable release.
/// The [visitTextSpan] method is invalid on [PlaceholderSpan]s
@Deprecated('Use to visitChildren instead')
bool visitTextSpan(bool visitor(TextSpan span)) {
assert(false, 'visitTextSpan is deprecated. Use visitChildren to support InlineSpans');
return false;
/// Populates the `semanticsOffsets` and `semanticsElements` with the appropriate data
/// to be able to construct a [SemanticsNode].
......@@ -164,8 +164,13 @@ class TextPainter {
/// The (potentially styled) text to paint.
/// After this is set, you must call [layout] before the next call to [paint].
/// This and [textDirection] must be non-null before you call [layout].
/// The [InlineSpan] this provides is in the form of a tree that may contain
/// multiple instances of [TextSpan]s and [WidgetSpan]s. To obtain a plaintext
/// representation of the contents of this [TextPainter], use [InlineSpan.toPlainText]
/// to get the full contents of all nodes in the tree. [TextSpan.text] will
/// only provide the contents of the first node in the tree.
InlineSpan get text => _text;
InlineSpan _text;
set text(InlineSpan value) {
......@@ -205,8 +205,11 @@ class TextSpan extends InlineSpan {
/// Walks this text span and its descendants in pre-order and calls [visitor]
/// Walks this [TextSpan] and its descendants in pre-order and calls [visitor]
/// for each span that has text.
/// When `visitor` returns true, the walk will continue. When `visitor` returns
/// false, then the walk will end.
bool visitChildren(InlineSpanVisitor visitor) {
if (text != null) {
......@@ -222,6 +225,30 @@ class TextSpan extends InlineSpan {
return true;
// TODO(garyq): Remove this after next stable release.
/// Walks this [TextSpan] and any descendants in pre-order and calls `visitor`
/// for each span that has content.
/// When `visitor` returns true, the walk will continue. When `visitor` returns
/// false, then the walk will end.
@Deprecated('Use to visitChildren instead')
bool visitTextSpan(bool visitor(TextSpan span)) {
if (text != null) {
if (!visitor(this))
return false;
if (children != null) {
for (InlineSpan child in children) {
assert(child is TextSpan, 'visitTextSpan is deprecated. Use visitChildren to support InlineSpans');
final TextSpan textSpanChild = child;
if (!textSpanChild.visitTextSpan(visitor))
return false;
return true;
/// Returns the text span that contains the given position in the text.
InlineSpan getSpanForPositionVisitor(TextPosition position, Accumulator offset) {
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