Unverified Commit 15f187fc authored by LongCatIsLooong's avatar LongCatIsLooong Committed by GitHub

Add docs to AppBar (#31317)

- Added docs to AppBar to cover AppBar's inherited MediaQuery when not used in a Scaffold in general
- s/Hero]s/Hero]es/
parent 76f2c362
......@@ -68,9 +68,13 @@ class _ToolbarContainerLayout extends SingleChildLayoutDelegate {
/// menu").
/// App bars are typically used in the [Scaffold.appBar] property, which places
/// the app bar as a fixed-height widget at the top of the screen. For a
/// scrollable app bar, see [SliverAppBar], which embeds an [AppBar] in a sliver
/// for use in a [CustomScrollView].
/// the app bar as a fixed-height widget at the top of the screen. For a scrollable
/// app bar, see [SliverAppBar], which embeds an [AppBar] in a sliver for use in
/// a [CustomScrollView].
/// When not used as [Scaffold.appBar], or when wrapped in a [Hero], place the app
/// bar in a [MediaQuery] to take care of the padding around the content of the
/// app bar if needed, as the padding will not be handled by [Scaffold].
/// The AppBar displays the toolbar widgets, [leading], [title], and [actions],
/// above the [bottom] (if any). The [bottom] is usually used for a [TabBar]. If
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import 'transitions.dart';
/// [MaterialRectArcTween].
typedef CreateRectTween = Tween<Rect> Function(Rect begin, Rect end);
/// A function that lets [Hero]s self supply a [Widget] that is shown during the
/// A function that lets [Hero]es self supply a [Widget] that is shown during the
/// hero's flight from one route to another instead of default (which is to
/// show the destination route's instance of the Hero).
typedef HeroFlightShuttleBuilder = Widget Function(
......@@ -122,10 +122,10 @@ Rect _boundingBoxFor(BuildContext context, [BuildContext ancestorContext]) {
/// ### Nested Navigators
/// If either or both routes contain nested [Navigator]s, only [Hero]s
/// If either or both routes contain nested [Navigator]s, only [Hero]es
/// contained in the top-most routes (as defined by [Route.isCurrent]) *of those
/// nested [Navigator]s* are considered for animation. Just like in the
/// non-nested case the top-most routes containing these [Hero]s in the nested
/// non-nested case the top-most routes containing these [Hero]es in the nested
/// [Navigator]s have to be [PageRoute]s.
/// ## Parts of a Hero Transition
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ class Hero extends StatefulWidget {
/// Create a hero.
/// The [tag] and [child] parameters must not be null.
/// The [child] parameter and all of the its descendants must not be [Hero]s.
/// The [child] parameter and all of the its descendants must not be [Hero]es.
const Hero({
Key key,
@required this.tag,
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ class Hero extends StatefulWidget {
/// well as the incoming and outgoing routes' [Hero] descendants' widgets and
/// layout.
/// When both the source and destination [Hero]s provide a [flightShuttleBuilder],
/// When both the source and destination [Hero]es provide a [flightShuttleBuilder],
/// the destination's [flightShuttleBuilder] takes precedence.
/// If none is provided, the destination route's Hero child is shown in-flight
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class Hero extends StatefulWidget {
/// Whether to perform the hero transition if the [PageRoute] transition was
/// triggered by a user gesture, such as a back swipe on iOS.
/// If [Hero]s with the same [tag] on both the from and the to routes have
/// If [Hero]es with the same [tag] on both the from and the to routes have
/// [transitionOnUserGestures] set to true, a back swipe gesture will
/// trigger the same hero animation as a programmatically triggered push or
/// pop.
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