Commit 153e1bb9 authored by Viktor Lidholt's avatar Viktor Lidholt

Fixes to particle system API (#3762)

parent 01978d98
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_sprites/flutter_sprites.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart' as vec;
ImageMap _images;
SpriteSheet _sprites;
......@@ -581,7 +580,7 @@ class _FireworksNode extends NodeWithSize {
speedVar: 50.0,
startSize: 1.0,
startSizeVar: 0.5,
gravity: new vec.Vector2(0.0, 30.0),
gravity: const Offset(0.0, 30.0),
colorSequence: new ColorSequence.fromStartAndEndColor(startColor, endColor)
system.position = new Point(randomDouble() * 1024.0, randomDouble() * 1024.0);
......@@ -41,6 +41,49 @@ class _ParticleAccelerations {
/// number of particles can never exceed the [maxParticles] limit.
class ParticleSystem extends Node {
{ 1.5,
this.lifeVar: 1.0,
this.posVar: Point.origin,
this.startSize: 2.5,
this.startSizeVar: 0.5,
this.endSize: 0.0,
this.endSizeVar: 0.0,
this.startRotation: 0.0,
this.startRotationVar: 0.0,
this.endRotation: 0.0,
this.endRotationVar: 0.0,
this.rotateToMovement : false,
this.direction: 0.0,
this.directionVar: 360.0,
this.speed: 100.0,
this.speedVar: 50.0,
this.radialAcceleration: 0.0,
this.radialAccelerationVar: 0.0,
this.tangentialAcceleration: 0.0,
this.tangentialAccelerationVar: 0.0,
this.maxParticles: 100,
this.emissionRate: 50.0,
this.alphaVar: 0,
this.redVar: 0,
this.greenVar: 0,
this.blueVar: 0,
this.numParticlesToEmit: 0,
this.autoRemoveOnFinish: true,
Offset gravity
}) {
this.gravity = gravity;
_particles = new List<_Particle>();
_emitCounter = 0.0;
// _elapsedTime = 0.0;
if (_gravity == null)
_gravity = new;
if (colorSequence == null)
colorSequence = new ColorSequence.fromStartAndEndColor(new Color(0xffffffff), new Color(0x00ffffff));
/// The texture used to draw each individual sprite.
Texture texture;
......@@ -108,7 +151,21 @@ class ParticleSystem extends Node {
double tangentialAccelerationVar;
/// The gravity vector of the particle system.
Vector2 gravity;
Offset get gravity {
if (_gravity == null)
return null;
return new Offset(_gravity.x, _gravity.y);
Vector2 _gravity;
void set gravity(Offset gravity) {
if (gravity == null)
_gravity = null;
_gravity = new Vector2(gravity.dx, gravity.dy);
/// The maximum number of particles the system can display at a single time.
int maxParticles;
......@@ -157,45 +214,6 @@ class ParticleSystem extends Node {
..filterQuality = FilterQuality.low
..isAntiAlias = false;
{ 1.5,
this.lifeVar: 1.0,
this.posVar: Point.origin,
this.startSize: 2.5,
this.startSizeVar: 0.5,
this.endSize: 0.0,
this.endSizeVar: 0.0,
this.startRotation: 0.0,
this.startRotationVar: 0.0,
this.endRotation: 0.0,
this.endRotationVar: 0.0,
this.rotateToMovement : false,
this.direction: 0.0,
this.directionVar: 360.0,
this.speed: 100.0,
this.speedVar: 50.0,
this.radialAcceleration: 0.0,
this.radialAccelerationVar: 0.0,
this.tangentialAcceleration: 0.0,
this.tangentialAccelerationVar: 0.0,
this.maxParticles: 100,
this.emissionRate: 50.0,
this.alphaVar: 0,
this.redVar: 0,
this.greenVar: 0,
this.blueVar: 0,
this.numParticlesToEmit: 0,
this.autoRemoveOnFinish: true}) {
_particles = new List<_Particle>();
_emitCounter = 0.0;
// _elapsedTime = 0.0;
if (gravity == null) gravity = new;
if (colorSequence == null) colorSequence = new ColorSequence.fromStartAndEndColor(new Color(0xffffffff), new Color(0x00ffffff));
void update(double dt) {
// TODO: Fix this (it's a temp fix for low framerates)
......@@ -249,11 +267,11 @@ class ParticleSystem extends Node {
// (gravity + radial + tangential) * dt
Vector2 accel = (gravity + radial + tangential).scale(dt);
final Vector2 accel = (_gravity + radial + tangential).scale(dt);
particle.dir += accel;
} else if (gravity[0] != 0.0 || gravity[1] != 0) {
} else if (_gravity[0] != 0.0 || _gravity[1] != 0) {
// gravity
Vector2 accel = new Vector2.copy(gravity).scale(dt);
final Vector2 accel = new Vector2.copy(_gravity).scale(dt);
particle.dir += accel;
......@@ -362,7 +380,8 @@ class ParticleSystem extends Node {
void paint(Canvas canvas) {
if (opacity == 0.0) return;
if (opacity == 0.0)
List<RSTransform> transforms = <RSTransform>[];
List<Rect> rects = <Rect>[];
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