Unverified Commit 1363bd17 authored by Danny Tuppeny's avatar Danny Tuppeny Committed by GitHub

Ensure timeouts in flutter_tools integration tests include all messages received (#19253)

* Allow a longer timeout for app launches

* Include timings in errors when waiting for events

* Extract a helper that adds a timeout and includes message logging

* Ensure all timeouts include messages

* Ensure logs are set up before we invoke actions

* Ensure all messages are logged during timeout periods

This adds a new stream _allMessages that collects all output (as routed through debugPrint) and updates _timeoutWithMessages to use that instead of stdin/out of only the flutter run process (since that was missing stdin - the sends, and both input/output to the VM service).
parent 2e215fdf
......@@ -19,20 +19,14 @@ import '../src/common.dart';
// Set this to true for debugging to get JSON written to stdout.
const bool _printJsonAndStderr = false;
const Duration defaultTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 20);
String debugPrint(String msg) {
const int maxLength = 200;
if (_printJsonAndStderr) {
print(msg.length > maxLength ? msg.substring(0, maxLength) + '...' : msg);
return msg;
const Duration appStartTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 60);
class FlutterTestDriver {
Directory _projectFolder;
Process _proc;
final StreamController<String> _stdout = new StreamController<String>.broadcast();
final StreamController<String> _stderr = new StreamController<String>.broadcast();
final StreamController<String> _allMessages = new StreamController<String>.broadcast();
final StringBuffer _errorBuffer = new StringBuffer();
String _lastResponse;
String _currentRunningAppId;
......@@ -42,6 +36,17 @@ class FlutterTestDriver {
VMServiceClient vmService;
String get lastErrorInfo => _errorBuffer.toString();
String _debugPrint(String msg) {
const int maxLength = 500;
final String truncatedMsg =
msg.length > maxLength ? msg.substring(0, maxLength) + '...' : msg;
if (_printJsonAndStderr) {
return msg;
// TODO(dantup): Is there a better way than spawning a proc? This breaks debugging..
// However, there's a lot of logic inside RunCommand that wouldn't be good
// to duplicate here.
......@@ -54,24 +59,28 @@ class FlutterTestDriver {
// This is just debug printing to aid running/debugging tests locally.
// Set this up now, but we don't wait it yet. We want to make sure we don't
// miss it while waiting for debugPort below.
final Future<Map<String, dynamic>> started = _waitFor(event: 'app.started');
final Future<Map<String, dynamic>> started = _waitFor(event: 'app.started',
timeout: appStartTimeout);
if (withDebugger) {
final Future<Map<String, dynamic>> debugPort = _waitFor(event: 'app.debugPort');
final Future<Map<String, dynamic>> debugPort = _waitFor(event: 'app.debugPort',
timeout: appStartTimeout);
final String wsUriString = (await debugPort)['params']['wsUri'];
// Ensure the app is started before we try to connect to it.
await started;
final Uri uri = Uri.parse(wsUriString);
// Proxy the stream/sink for the VM Client so we can debugPrint it.
final StreamChannel<String> channel = new IOWebSocketChannel.connect(uri)
.changeStream((Stream<String> stream) => stream.map(debugPrint))
.changeStream((Stream<String> stream) => stream.map(_debugPrint))
.changeSink((StreamSink<String> sink) =>
new StreamController<String>()
..stream.listen((String s) => sink.add(debugPrint(s))));
..stream.listen((String s) => sink.add(_debugPrint(s))));
vmService = new VMServiceClient(channel);
// Because we start paused, resume so the app is in a "running" state as
......@@ -126,7 +135,7 @@ class FlutterTestDriver {
debugPrint('Spawning $command in ${projectDir.path}');
_debugPrint('Spawning $command in ${projectDir.path}');
const ProcessManager _processManager = const LocalProcessManager();
return _processManager.start(
......@@ -139,16 +148,16 @@ class FlutterTestDriver {
Future<void> addBreakpoint(String path, int line) async {
final VM vm = await vmService.getVM();
final VMIsolate isolate = await vm.isolates.first.load();
debugPrint('Sending breakpoint for $path:$line');
_debugPrint('Sending breakpoint for $path:$line');
await isolate.addBreakpoint(path, line);
Future<VMIsolate> waitForPause() async {
final VM vm = await vmService.getVM();
final VMIsolate isolate = await vm.isolates.first.load();
debugPrint('Waiting for isolate to pause');
await isolate.waitUntilPaused()
.timeout(defaultTimeout, onTimeout: () => throw 'Isolate did not pause');
_debugPrint('Waiting for isolate to pause');
await _timeoutWithMessages<dynamic>(isolate.waitUntilPaused,
message: 'Isolate did not pause');
return isolate.load();
......@@ -160,9 +169,9 @@ class FlutterTestDriver {
Future<VMIsolate> _resume({VMStep step, bool wait = true}) async {
final VM vm = await vmService.getVM();
final VMIsolate isolate = await vm.isolates.first.load();
debugPrint('Sending resume ($step)');
await isolate.resume(step: step)
.timeout(defaultTimeout, onTimeout: () => throw 'Isolate did not respond to resume ($step)');
_debugPrint('Sending resume ($step)');
await _timeoutWithMessages<dynamic>(() => isolate.resume(step: step),
message: 'Isolate did not respond to resume ($step)');
return wait ? waitForPause() : null;
......@@ -182,8 +191,8 @@ class FlutterTestDriver {
Future<VMInstanceRef> evaluateExpression(String expression) async {
final VMFrame topFrame = await getTopStackFrame();
return topFrame.evaluate(expression)
.timeout(defaultTimeout, onTimeout: () => throw 'Timed out evaluating expression ($expression)');
return _timeoutWithMessages(() => topFrame.evaluate(expression),
message: 'Timed out evaluating expression ($expression)');
Future<VMFrame> getTopStackFrame() async {
......@@ -202,13 +211,7 @@ class FlutterTestDriver {
return script.sourceLocation(frame.location.token);
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _waitFor({String event, int id}) async {
// Capture output to a buffer so if we don't get the repsonse we want we can show
// the output that did arrive in the timeout error.
final StringBuffer messages = new StringBuffer();
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _waitFor({String event, int id, Duration timeout}) async {
final Completer<Map<String, dynamic>> response = new Completer<Map<String, dynamic>>();
final StreamSubscription<String> sub = _stdout.stream.listen((String line) {
final dynamic json = _parseFlutterResponse(line);
......@@ -221,12 +224,29 @@ class FlutterTestDriver {
return response.future.timeout(defaultTimeout, onTimeout: () {
if (event != null)
throw 'Did not receive expected $event event.\nDid get:\n${messages.toString()}';
else if (id != null)
throw 'Did not receive response to request "$id".\nDid get:\n${messages.toString()}';
}).whenComplete(() => sub.cancel());
return _timeoutWithMessages(() => response.future,
timeout: timeout,
message: event != null
? 'Did not receive expected $event event.'
: 'Did not receive response to request "$id".')
.whenComplete(() => sub.cancel());
Future<T> _timeoutWithMessages<T>(Future<T> Function() f, {Duration timeout, String message}) {
// Capture output to a buffer so if we don't get the response we want we can show
// the output that did arrive in the timeout error.
final StringBuffer messages = new StringBuffer();
final DateTime start = new DateTime.now();
void logMessage(String m) {
final int ms = new DateTime.now().difference(start).inMilliseconds;
messages.writeln('[+ ${ms.toString().padLeft(5)}] $m');
final StreamSubscription<String> sub = _allMessages.stream.listen(logMessage);
return f().timeout(timeout ?? defaultTimeout, onTimeout: () {
logMessage('<timed out>');
throw '$message\nReceived:\n${messages.toString()}';
}).whenComplete(() => sub.cancel());
Map<String, dynamic> _parseFlutterResponse(String line) {
......@@ -252,7 +272,7 @@ class FlutterTestDriver {
'params': params
final String jsonEncoded = json.encode(<Map<String, dynamic>>[req]);
// Set up the response future before we send the request to avoid any
// races.
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