Unverified Commit 13501af6 authored by Shi-Hao Hong's avatar Shi-Hao Hong Committed by GitHub

[gen_l10n] Optionally generate list of inputs/outputs (#56490)

parent 8f7b2f9b
......@@ -105,6 +105,21 @@ void main(List<String> arguments) {
'Note that this flag does not affect other platforms such as mobile or '
valueHelp: 'path-to-output-directory',
help: 'When specified, the tool generates a JSON file containing the '
'tool\'s inputs and outputs named gen_l10n_inputs_and_outputs.json.'
'This can be useful for keeping track of which files of the Flutter '
'project were used when generating the latest set of localizations. '
'For example, the Flutter tool\'s build system uses this file to '
'keep track of when to call gen_l10n during hot reload.\n\n'
'The value of this option is the directory where the JSON file will be '
'When null, the JSON file will not be generated.'
final argslib.ArgResults results = parser.parse(arguments);
if (results['help'] == true) {
......@@ -124,6 +139,7 @@ void main(List<String> arguments) {
final String headerString = results['header'] as String;
final String headerFile = results['header-file'] as String;
final bool useDeferredLoading = results['use-deferred-loading'] as bool;
final String inputsAndOutputsListPath = results['gen-inputs-and-outputs-list'] as String;
const local.LocalFileSystem fs = local.LocalFileSystem();
final LocalizationsGenerator localizationsGenerator = LocalizationsGenerator(fs);
......@@ -140,9 +156,10 @@ void main(List<String> arguments) {
headerString: headerString,
headerFile: headerFile,
useDeferredLoading: useDeferredLoading,
inputsAndOutputsListPath: inputsAndOutputsListPath,
} on FileSystemException catch (e) {
......@@ -418,11 +418,13 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
/// This file is specified with the [initialize] method.
File templateArbFile;
/// The file to write the generated localizations and localizations delegate
/// classes to.
/// The file to write the generated abstract localizations and
/// localizations delegate classes to. Separate localizations
/// files will also be generated for each language using this
/// filename as a prefix and the locale as the suffix.
/// This file is specified with the [initialize] method.
File outputFile;
File baseOutputFile;
/// The class name to be used for the localizations class in [outputFile].
......@@ -491,6 +493,12 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
/// classes.
String _generatedLocalizationsFile;
/// The file that contains the list of inputs and outputs for generating
/// localizations.
File _inputsAndOutputsListFile;
List<String> _inputFileList;
List<String> _outputFileList;
/// Initializes [inputDirectory], [outputDirectory], [templateArbFile],
/// [outputFile] and [className].
......@@ -509,15 +517,17 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
String headerString,
String headerFile,
bool useDeferredLoading = false,
String inputsAndOutputsListPath,
}) {
setOutputDirectory(outputPathString ?? inputPathString);
_setHeader(headerString, headerFile);
className = classNameString;
static bool _isNotReadable(FileStat fileStat) {
......@@ -581,10 +591,10 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
/// Sets the reference [File] for the localizations delegate [outputFile].
void setOutputFile(String outputFileString) {
void setBaseOutputFile(String outputFileString) {
if (outputFileString == null)
throw L10nException('outputFileString argument cannot be null');
outputFile = _fs.file(path.join(outputDirectory.path, outputFileString));
baseOutputFile = _fs.file(path.join(outputDirectory.path, outputFileString));
static bool _isValidClassName(String className) {
......@@ -664,6 +674,17 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
_useDeferredLoading = useDeferredLoading;
void _setInputsAndOutputsListFile(String inputsAndOutputsListPath) {
if (inputsAndOutputsListPath == null)
_inputsAndOutputsListFile = _fs.file(
path.join(inputsAndOutputsListPath, 'gen_l10n_inputs_and_outputs.json'),
_inputFileList = <String>[];
_outputFileList = <String>[];
static bool _isValidGetterAndMethodName(String name) {
// Public Dart method name must not start with an underscore
if (name[0] == '_')
......@@ -697,6 +718,11 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
_allBundles = AppResourceBundleCollection(inputDirectory);
if (_inputsAndOutputsListFile != null) {
_inputFileList.addAll(_allBundles.bundles.map((AppResourceBundle bundle) {
return bundle.file.absolute.path;
final List<LocaleInfo> allLocales = List<LocaleInfo>.from(_allBundles.locales);
for (final LocaleInfo preferredLocale in preferredSupportedLocales) {
......@@ -781,8 +807,9 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
// Generate the AppLocalizations class, its LocalizationsDelegate subclass,
// and all AppLocalizations subclasses for every locale.
void generateCode() {
// and all AppLocalizations subclasses for every locale. This method by
// itself does not generate the output files.
void _generateCode() {
bool isBaseClassLocale(LocaleInfo locale, String language) {
return locale.languageCode == language
&& locale.countryCode == null
......@@ -800,7 +827,7 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
final String directory = path.basename(outputDirectory.path);
final String outputFileName = path.basename(outputFile.path);
final String outputFileName = path.basename(baseOutputFile.path);
final Iterable<String> supportedLocalesCode = supportedLocales.map((LocaleInfo locale) {
final String languageCode = locale.languageCode;
......@@ -892,9 +919,9 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
.replaceAll('@(delegateClass)', delegateClass);
void writeOutputFile() {
void writeOutputFiles() {
// First, generate the string contents of all necessary files.
// Since all validity checks have passed up to this point,
// write the contents into the directory.
......@@ -913,8 +940,27 @@ class LocalizationsGenerator {
// Generate the required files for localizations.
_languageFileMap.forEach((File file, String contents) {
if (_inputsAndOutputsListFile != null) {
if (_inputsAndOutputsListFile != null) {
// Generate a JSON file containing the inputs and outputs of the gen_l10n script.
if (!_inputsAndOutputsListFile.existsSync()) {
_inputsAndOutputsListFile.createSync(recursive: true);
json.encode(<String, Object> {
'inputs': _inputFileList,
'outputs': _outputFileList,
void outputUnimplementedMessages(String untranslatedMessagesFile) {
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