Unverified Commit 1095eafe authored by Chris Bracken's avatar Chris Bracken Committed by GitHub

Adjust scroll increment in transition perf test (#17593)

When attempting to locate an element in the Flutter Gallery transition
performance driver test, attempt to scroll downward in increments of 25%
of the screen rather than by an absolute pixel amount.

This helps get the test passing on devices with relatively small screen
parent 5159ab35
......@@ -4,16 +4,30 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show JsonEncoder;
import 'dart:ui' show window, Size;
import 'package:flutter_driver/driver_extension.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gallery/gallery/demos.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gallery/main.dart' as app;
Future<String> _handleMessages(String message) async {
assert(message == 'demoNames');
return const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(
kAllGalleryDemos.map((GalleryDemo demo) => '${demo.title}@${demo.category.name}').toList(),
assert(message == 'demoNames' || message == 'mediaSize');
const JsonEncoder jsonEncoder = const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ');
switch(message) {
case 'demoNames':
return jsonEncoder.convert(
kAllGalleryDemos.map((GalleryDemo demo) => '${demo.title}@${demo.category.name}').toList(),
case 'mediaSize':
final Size size = window.physicalSize / window.devicePixelRatio;
return jsonEncoder.convert(<String, double>{
'width': size.width,
'height': size.height,
assert(false, 'Not reachable');
return '';
void main() {
......@@ -51,10 +51,16 @@ const List<String> kSkippedDemos = const <String>[
// All of the gallery demos, identified as "title@category".
// These names are reported by the test app, see _handleMessages()
// in transitions_perf.dart.
// These names are reported by the test app. See _handleMessages() in
// transitions_perf.dart.
List<String> _allDemos = <String>[];
// The height of the screen, in logical pixels.
// This is reported by the test app. See _handleMessages() in
// transition_perf.dart.
double _mediaHeight = 0.0;
/// Extracts event data from [events] recorded by timeline, validates it, turns
/// it into a histogram, and saves to a JSON file.
Future<Null> saveDurationsHistogram(List<Map<String, dynamic>> events, String outputPath) async {
......@@ -146,7 +152,8 @@ Future<Null> runDemos(List<String> demos, FlutterDriver driver) async {
currentDemoCategory = demoCategory;
final SerializableFinder demoItem = find.text(demoName);
await driver.scrollUntilVisible(demoList, demoItem, dyScroll: -48.0, alignment: 0.5);
final double scrollDistance = _mediaHeight / 4.0;
await driver.scrollUntilVisible(demoList, demoItem, dyScroll: -scrollDistance, alignment: 0.5);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i += 1) {
await driver.tap(demoItem); // Launch the demo
......@@ -182,6 +189,10 @@ void main([List<String> args = const <String>[]]) {
_allDemos = const JsonDecoder().convert(await driver.requestData('demoNames'));
if (_allDemos.isEmpty)
throw 'no demo names found';
_mediaHeight = const JsonDecoder().convert(await driver.requestData('mediaSize'))['height'];
if (_mediaHeight <= 0.0)
throw 'unable to determine media height';
tearDownAll(() async {
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