Unverified Commit 0d3cc92d authored by Youssef Attia's avatar Youssef Attia Committed by GitHub

Fixed AnimatedSwitcher chain produced duplicates (#106962)

* Fixed AnimatedSwitcher chain produced duplicates

* Fixed issue with global keys being copied

* trailing whitespace

* removed unused dependencies

* Fixed dependency loop
parent 15739345
......@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ class AnimatedSwitcher extends StatefulWidget {
/// This is an [AnimatedSwitcherTransitionBuilder] function.
static Widget defaultTransitionBuilder(Widget child, Animation<double> animation) {
return FadeTransition(
key: ValueKey<Key?>(child.key),
opacity: animation,
child: child,
......@@ -394,6 +395,6 @@ class _AnimatedSwitcherState extends State<AnimatedSwitcher> with TickerProvider
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return widget.layoutBuilder(_currentEntry?.transition, _outgoingWidgets!);
return widget.layoutBuilder(_currentEntry?.transition, _outgoingWidgets!.where((Widget outgoing) => outgoing.key != _currentEntry?.transition.key).toSet().toList());
......@@ -415,6 +415,25 @@ void main() {
testWidgets('AnimatedSwitcher does not duplicate animations if the same child is entered twice.', (WidgetTester tester) async {
Future<void> pumpChild(Widget child) async {
return tester.pumpWidget(
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
child: AnimatedSwitcher(
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 1000),
child: child,
await pumpChild(const Text('1', key: Key('1')));
await pumpChild(const Text('2', key: Key('2')));
await pumpChild(const Text('1', key: Key('1')));
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 1000));
expect(find.text('1'), findsOneWidget);
class StatefulTest extends StatefulWidget {
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