Commit 07951ee9 authored by Jason Simmons's avatar Jason Simmons

Add a profile build mode flag for building APKs with AOT compilation (#3526)

This is currently hidden for development use.  It will select artifacts from
the android_{Debug,Release}_Deploy output in a local engine build.
parent 2e4aa795
......@@ -15,11 +15,10 @@ enum BuildType {
/// The type of build - `debug` or `release`.
/// TODO(devoncarew): Add a `profile` mode.
/// The type of build - `debug`, `profile`, or `release`.
enum BuildMode {
......@@ -64,16 +64,23 @@ abstract class FlutterCommand extends Command {
negatable: false,
help: 'Build a debug version of your app (the default).');
hide: true,
negatable: false,
help: 'Build a profile (ahead of time compilation) version of your app.');
negatable: false,
help: 'Build a release version of your app.');
BuildMode getBuildMode() {
if (argResults['debug'] && argResults['release'])
throw new UsageException('Only one of --debug or --release should be specified.', null);
List<bool> modeFlags = [argResults['debug'], argResults['profile'], argResults['release']];
if (modeFlags.where((bool flag) => flag).length > 1)
throw new UsageException('Only one of --debug, --profile, or --release should be specified.', null);
BuildMode mode = BuildMode.debug;
if (argResults['profile'])
mode = BuildMode.profile;
if (argResults['release'])
mode = BuildMode.release;
return mode;
......@@ -159,7 +159,11 @@ class ToolConfiguration {
// Return something like 'out/android_Release'.
return new Directory(path.join(engineSrcPath, 'out/${type}_$_modeStr'));
String buildOutputPath = 'out/${type}_$_modeStr';
if (mode == BuildMode.profile)
buildOutputPath += '_Deploy';
return new Directory(path.join(engineSrcPath, buildOutputPath));
} else {
// For now, only suffix for deploy variants.
String suffix = mode == BuildMode.release ? '-${getModeName(mode)}' : '';
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