Unverified Commit 06cd79d7 authored by Christopher Fujino's avatar Christopher Fujino Committed by GitHub

[flutter_tools] Add additional bash entrypoint for running dart sdk directly (#57257)

parent 4d8d0f56
This diff is collapsed.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# ---------------------------------- NOTE ---------------------------------- #
# Please keep the logic in this file consistent with the logic in the
# `dart.bat` script in the same directory to ensure that Flutter & Dart continue
# to work across all platforms!
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
set -e
unset CDPATH
function follow_links() {
cd -P "${1%/*}"
local file="$PWD/${1##*/}"
while [[ -h "$file" ]]; do
# On Mac OS, readlink -f doesn't work.
cd -P "${file%/*}"
file="$(readlink "$file")"
cd -P "${file%/*}"
echo "$PWD/${file##*/}"
# Convert a filesystem path to a format usable by Dart's URI parser.
function path_uri() {
# Reduce multiple leading slashes to a single slash.
echo "$1" | sed -E -e "s,^/+,/,"
PROG_NAME="$(path_uri "$(follow_links "$BASH_SOURCE")")"
BIN_DIR="$(cd "${PROG_NAME%/*}" ; pwd -P)"
# To define `shared::execute()` function
source "$BIN_DIR/shared.sh"
shared::execute "$@"
@ECHO off
REM Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
REM Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
REM found in the LICENSE file.
REM ---------------------------------- NOTE ----------------------------------
REM Please keep the logic in this file consistent with the logic in the
REM `dart` script in the same directory to ensure that Flutter & Dart continue to
REM work across all platforms!
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------
FOR %%i IN ("%~dp0..") DO SET FLUTTER_ROOT=%%~fi
REM Include shared scripts in shared.bat
SET shared_bin=%FLUTTER_ROOT%/bin/internal/shared.bat
CALL "%shared_bin%"
SET cache_dir=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\cache
SET dart_sdk_path=%cache_dir%\dart-sdk
SET dart=%dart_sdk_path%\bin\dart.exe
REM Chaining the call to 'dart' and 'exit' with an ampersand ensures that
REM Windows reads both commands into memory once before executing them. This
REM avoids nasty errors that may otherwise occur when the dart command (e.g. as
REM part of 'flutter upgrade') modifies this batch script while it is executing.
REM Do not use the CALL command in the next line to execute Dart. CALL causes
REM Windows to re-read the line from disk after the CALL command has finished
REM regardless of the ampersand chain.
"%dart%" %* & exit /B !ERRORLEVEL!
EXIT /B %exit_code%
...@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ ...@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file. # found in the LICENSE file.
# ---------------------------------- NOTE ---------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------- NOTE ---------------------------------- #
# #
# Please keep the logic in this file consistent with the logic in the # Please keep the logic in this file consistent with the logic in the
...@@ -35,158 +34,10 @@ function path_uri() { ...@@ -35,158 +34,10 @@ function path_uri() {
echo "$1" | sed -E -e "s,^/+,/," echo "$1" | sed -E -e "s,^/+,/,"
} }
function _rmlock () {
function retry_upgrade {
local total_tries="10"
local remaining_tries=$((total_tries - 1))
while [[ "$remaining_tries" -gt 0 ]]; do
(cd "$FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR" && "$PUB" upgrade "$VERBOSITY" --no-precompile) && break
echo "Error: Unable to 'pub upgrade' flutter tool. Retrying in five seconds... ($remaining_tries tries left)"
remaining_tries=$((remaining_tries - 1))
sleep 5
if [[ "$remaining_tries" == 0 ]]; then
echo "Command 'pub upgrade' still failed after $total_tries tries, giving up."
return 1
return 0
function upgrade_flutter () {
mkdir -p "$FLUTTER_ROOT/bin/cache"
# This function is executed with a redirect that pipes the source of
# this script into file descriptor 3.
# To ensure that we don't simultaneously update Dart in multiple
# parallel instances, we try to obtain an exclusive lock on this
# file descriptor (and thus this script's source file) while we are
# updating Dart and compiling the script. To do this, we try to use
# the command line program "flock", which is available on many
# Unix-like platforms, in particular on most Linux distributions.
# You give it a file descriptor, and it locks the corresponding
# file, having inherited the file descriptor from the shell.
# Complicating matters, there are two major scenarios where this
# will not work.
# The first is if the platform doesn't have "flock", for example on Mac.
# There is not a direct equivalent, so on platforms that don't have flock,
# we fall back to using a lockfile and spinlock with "shlock". This
# doesn't work as well over NFS as it relies on PIDs. Any platform
# without either of these tools has no locking at all. To determine if we
# have "flock" or "shlock" available, we abuse the "hash" shell built-in.
# The second complication is NFS. On NFS, to obtain an exclusive
# lock you need a file descriptor that is open for writing, because
# NFS implements exclusive locks by writing, or some such. Thus, we
# ignore errors from flock. We do so by using the '|| true' trick,
# since we are running in a 'set -e' environment wherein all errors
# are fatal, and by redirecting all output to /dev/null, since
# users will typically not care about errors from flock and are
# more likely to be confused by them than helped.
# For "flock", the lock is released when the file descriptor goes out of
# scope, i.e. when this function returns. The lock is released via
# a trap when using "shlock".
if hash flock 2>/dev/null; then
flock 3 2>/dev/null || true
elif hash shlock 2>/dev/null; then
while ! shlock -f "$FLUTTER_UPGRADE_LOCK" -p $$ ; do sleep .1 ; done
trap _rmlock EXIT
local revision="$(cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT"; git rev-parse HEAD)"
# Invalidate cache if:
# * SNAPSHOT_PATH is not a file, or
# * STAMP_PATH is not a file with nonzero size, or
# * Contents of STAMP_PATH is not our local git HEAD revision, or
# * pubspec.yaml last modified after pubspec.lock
if [[ ! -f "$SNAPSHOT_PATH" || ! -s "$STAMP_PATH" || "$(cat "$STAMP_PATH")" != "$revision" || "$FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR/pubspec.yaml" -nt "$FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR/pubspec.lock" ]]; then
rm -f "$FLUTTER_ROOT/version"
touch "$FLUTTER_ROOT/bin/cache/.dartignore"
echo Building flutter tool...
if [[ "$CI" == "true" || "$BOT" == "true" || "$CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION" == "true" || "$CHROME_HEADLESS" == "1" ]]; then
export PUB_ENVIRONMENT="$PUB_ENVIRONMENT:flutter_install"
if [[ -d "$FLUTTER_ROOT/.pub-cache" ]]; then
export PUB_CACHE="${PUB_CACHE:-"$FLUTTER_ROOT/.pub-cache"}"
"$DART" --disable-dart-dev $FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS --snapshot="$SNAPSHOT_PATH" --packages="$FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR/.packages" --no-enable-mirrors "$SCRIPT_PATH"
echo "$revision" > "$STAMP_PATH"
# The exit here is duplicitous since the function is run in a subshell,
# but this serves as documentation that running the function in a
# subshell is required to make sure any lockfile created by shlock
# is cleaned up.
exit $?
PROG_NAME="$(path_uri "$(follow_links "$BASH_SOURCE")")" PROG_NAME="$(path_uri "$(follow_links "$BASH_SOURCE")")"
BIN_DIR="$(cd "${PROG_NAME%/*}" ; pwd -P)" BIN_DIR="$(cd "${PROG_NAME%/*}" ; pwd -P)"
export FLUTTER_ROOT="$(cd "${BIN_DIR}/.." ; pwd -P)"
# If running over git-bash, overrides the default UNIX
# executables with win32 executables
case "$(uname -s)" in
# Test if running as superuser – but don't warn if running within Docker
if [[ "$EUID" == "0" && ! -f /.dockerenv ]]; then
echo " Woah! You appear to be trying to run flutter as root."
echo " We strongly recommend running the flutter tool without superuser privileges."
echo " /"
echo "📎"
# Test if Git is available on the Host
if ! hash git 2>/dev/null; then
echo "Error: Unable to find git in your PATH."
exit 1
# Test if the flutter directory is a git clone (otherwise git rev-parse HEAD would fail)
if [[ ! -e "$FLUTTER_ROOT/.git" ]]; then
echo "Error: The Flutter directory is not a clone of the GitHub project."
echo " The flutter tool requires Git in order to operate properly;"
echo " to set up Flutter, run the following command:"
echo " git clone -b stable https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git"
exit 1
# To debug the tool, you can uncomment the following lines to enable checked mode and set an observatory port:
(upgrade_flutter) 3< "$PROG_NAME" # To define `shared::execute()` function
source "$BIN_DIR/shared.sh"
# FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS isn't quoted below, because it is meant to be considered as shared::execute "$@"
# separate space-separated args.
"$DART" --disable-dart-dev --packages="$FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR/.packages" $FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS "$SNAPSHOT_PATH" "$@"
...@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ REM found in the LICENSE file. ...@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ REM found in the LICENSE file.
REM ---------------------------------- NOTE ---------------------------------- REM ---------------------------------- NOTE ----------------------------------
REM Please keep the logic in this file consistent with the logic in the REM Please keep the logic in this file consistent with the logic in the
REM `flutter` script in the same directory to ensure that Flutter continues to REM `flutter` script in the same directory to ensure that Flutter & Dart continue to
REM work across all platforms! REM work across all platforms!
REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------
FOR %%i IN ("%~dp0..") DO SET FLUTTER_ROOT=%%~fi FOR %%i IN ("%~dp0..") DO SET FLUTTER_ROOT=%%~fi
REM Include shared scripts in shared.bat
SET shared_bin=%FLUTTER_ROOT%/bin/internal/shared.bat
CALL "%shared_bin%"
SET flutter_tools_dir=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\packages\flutter_tools SET flutter_tools_dir=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\packages\flutter_tools
SET cache_dir=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\cache SET cache_dir=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\cache
SET snapshot_path=%cache_dir%\flutter_tools.snapshot SET snapshot_path=%cache_dir%\flutter_tools.snapshot
SET stamp_path=%cache_dir%\flutter_tools.stamp
SET script_path=%flutter_tools_dir%\bin\flutter_tools.dart
SET dart_sdk_path=%cache_dir%\dart-sdk SET dart_sdk_path=%cache_dir%\dart-sdk
SET engine_stamp=%cache_dir%\engine-dart-sdk.stamp
SET engine_version_path=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\internal\engine.version
SET pub_cache_path=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\.pub-cache
SET dart=%dart_sdk_path%\bin\dart.exe SET dart=%dart_sdk_path%\bin\dart.exe
SET pub=%dart_sdk_path%\bin\pub.bat
REM If available, add location of bundled mingit to PATH
SET mingit_path=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\mingit\cmd
IF EXIST "%mingit_path%" SET PATH=%PATH%;%mingit_path%
REM Test if Git is available on the Host
where /q git || ECHO Error: Unable to find git in your PATH. && EXIT /B 1
REM Test if the flutter directory is a git clone, otherwise git rev-parse HEAD would fail
IF NOT EXIST "%flutter_root%\.git" (
ECHO Error: The Flutter directory is not a clone of the GitHub project.
ECHO The flutter tool requires Git in order to operate properly;
ECHO to set up Flutter, run the following command:
ECHO git clone -b stable https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
REM Detect which PowerShell executable is available on the Host
REM PowerShell version <= 5: PowerShell.exe
REM PowerShell version >= 6: pwsh.exe
WHERE /Q pwsh.exe && (
SET powershell_executable=pwsh.exe
) || WHERE /Q PowerShell.exe && (
SET powershell_executable=PowerShell.exe
) || (
ECHO Error: PowerShell executable not found.
ECHO Either pwsh.exe or PowerShell.exe must be in your PATH.
REM Ensure that bin/cache exists.
IF NOT EXIST "%cache_dir%" MKDIR "%cache_dir%"
REM If the cache still doesn't exist, fail with an error that we probably don't have permissions.
IF NOT EXIST "%cache_dir%" (
ECHO Error: Unable to create cache directory at
ECHO %cache_dir%
ECHO This may be because flutter doesn't have write permissions for
ECHO this path. Try moving the flutter directory to a writable location,
ECHO such as within your home directory.
REM To debug the tool, you can uncomment the following lines to enable checked mode and set an observatory port: REM To debug the tool, you can uncomment the following lines to enable checked mode and set an observatory port:
2>NUL (
REM "3" is now stderr because of "2>NUL".
CALL :subroutine %* 2>&3 9> "%cache_dir%\flutter.bat.lock" || GOTO acquire_lock
GOTO :after_subroutine
PUSHD "%flutter_root%"
FOR /f %%r IN ('git rev-parse HEAD') DO SET revision=%%r
REM The following IF conditions are all linked with a logical OR. However,
REM there is no OR operator in batch and a GOTO construct is used as replacement.
IF NOT EXIST "%engine_stamp%" GOTO do_sdk_update_and_snapshot
SET /P dart_required_version=<"%engine_version_path%"
SET /P dart_installed_version=<"%engine_stamp%"
IF !dart_required_version! NEQ !dart_installed_version! GOTO do_sdk_update_and_snapshot
IF NOT EXIST "%snapshot_path%" GOTO do_snapshot
IF NOT EXIST "%stamp_path%" GOTO do_snapshot
SET /P stamp_value=<"%stamp_path%"
IF !stamp_value! NEQ !revision! GOTO do_snapshot
SET pubspec_yaml_path=%flutter_tools_dir%\pubspec.yaml
SET pubspec_lock_path=%flutter_tools_dir%\pubspec.lock
FOR /F %%i IN ('DIR /B /O:D "%pubspec_yaml_path%" "%pubspec_lock_path%"') DO SET newer_file=%%i
FOR %%i IN (%pubspec_yaml_path%) DO SET pubspec_yaml_timestamp=%%~ti
FOR %%i IN (%pubspec_lock_path%) DO SET pubspec_lock_timestamp=%%~ti
IF "%pubspec_yaml_timestamp%" == "%pubspec_lock_timestamp%" SET newer_file=""
IF "%newer_file%" EQU "pubspec.yaml" GOTO do_snapshot
REM Everything is up-to-date - exit subroutine
ECHO Checking Dart SDK version...
SET update_dart_bin=%FLUTTER_ROOT%/bin/internal/update_dart_sdk.ps1
REM Escape apostrophes from the executable path
SET "update_dart_bin=!update_dart_bin:'=''!"
%powershell_executable% -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "Unblock-File -Path '%update_dart_bin%'; & '%update_dart_bin%'"
ECHO Error: Unable to update Dart SDK. Retrying...
timeout /t 5 /nobreak
GOTO :do_sdk_update_and_snapshot
ECHO: > "%cache_dir%\.dartignore"
ECHO Building flutter tool...
PUSHD "%flutter_tools_dir%"
REM Makes changes to PUB_ENVIRONMENT only visible to commands within SETLOCAL/ENDLOCAL
SET VERBOSITY=--verbosity=error
IF "%CI%" == "true" GOTO on_bot
IF "%BOT%" == "true" GOTO on_bot
IF "%CHROME_HEADLESS%" == "1" GOTO on_bot
GOTO not_on_bot
SET VERBOSITY=--verbosity=normal
IF "%PUB_CACHE%" == "" (
IF EXIST "%pub_cache_path%" SET PUB_CACHE=%pub_cache_path%
SET /A total_tries=10
SET /A remaining_tries=%total_tries%-1
ECHO Running pub upgrade...
CALL "%pub%" upgrade "%VERBOSITY%" --no-precompile
IF "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" goto :upgrade_succeeded
ECHO Error (%ERRORLEVEL%): Unable to 'pub upgrade' flutter tool. Retrying in five seconds... (%remaining_tries% tries left)
timeout /t 5 /nobreak 2>NUL
SET /A remaining_tries-=1
IF "%remaining_tries%" EQU "0" GOTO upgrade_retries_exhausted
GOTO :retry_pub_upgrade
SET exit_code=%ERRORLEVEL%
ECHO Error: 'pub upgrade' still failing after %total_tries% tries, giving up.
GOTO final_exit
"%dart%" --disable-dart-dev --snapshot="%snapshot_path%" --packages="%flutter_tools_dir%\.packages" --no-enable-mirrors "%script_path%"
) else (
"%dart%" --disable-dart-dev "%FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS%" --snapshot="%snapshot_path%" --packages="%flutter_tools_dir%\.packages" "%script_path%"
ECHO Error: Unable to create dart snapshot for flutter tool.
SET exit_code=%ERRORLEVEL%
GOTO :final_exit
>"%stamp_path%" ECHO %revision%
REM Exit Subroutine
REM Chaining the call to 'dart' and 'exit' with an ampersand ensures that REM Chaining the call to 'dart' and 'exit' with an ampersand ensures that
REM Windows reads both commands into memory once before executing them. This REM Windows reads both commands into memory once before executing them. This
@ECHO off
REM Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
REM Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
REM found in the LICENSE file.
REM ---------------------------------- NOTE ----------------------------------
REM Please keep the logic in this file consistent with the logic in the
REM `shared.sh` script in the same directory to ensure that Flutter & Dart continue to
REM work across all platforms!
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------
SET flutter_tools_dir=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\packages\flutter_tools
SET cache_dir=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\cache
SET snapshot_path=%cache_dir%\flutter_tools.snapshot
SET stamp_path=%cache_dir%\flutter_tools.stamp
SET script_path=%flutter_tools_dir%\bin\flutter_tools.dart
SET dart_sdk_path=%cache_dir%\dart-sdk
SET engine_stamp=%cache_dir%\engine-dart-sdk.stamp
SET engine_version_path=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\internal\engine.version
SET pub_cache_path=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\.pub-cache
SET dart=%dart_sdk_path%\bin\dart.exe
SET pub=%dart_sdk_path%\bin\pub.bat
REM If available, add location of bundled mingit to PATH
SET mingit_path=%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin\mingit\cmd
IF EXIST "%mingit_path%" SET PATH=%PATH%;%mingit_path%
REM Test if Git is available on the Host
where /q git || ECHO Error: Unable to find git in your PATH. && EXIT /B 1
REM Test if the flutter directory is a git clone, otherwise git rev-parse HEAD would fail
IF NOT EXIST "%flutter_root%\.git" (
ECHO Error: The Flutter directory is not a clone of the GitHub project.
ECHO The flutter tool requires Git in order to operate properly;
ECHO to set up Flutter, run the following command:
ECHO git clone -b stable https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
REM Detect which PowerShell executable is available on the Host
REM PowerShell version <= 5: PowerShell.exe
REM PowerShell version >= 6: pwsh.exe
WHERE /Q pwsh.exe && (
SET powershell_executable=pwsh.exe
) || WHERE /Q PowerShell.exe && (
SET powershell_executable=PowerShell.exe
) || (
ECHO Error: PowerShell executable not found.
ECHO Either pwsh.exe or PowerShell.exe must be in your PATH.
REM Ensure that bin/cache exists.
IF NOT EXIST "%cache_dir%" MKDIR "%cache_dir%"
REM If the cache still doesn't exist, fail with an error that we probably don't have permissions.
IF NOT EXIST "%cache_dir%" (
ECHO Error: Unable to create cache directory at
ECHO %cache_dir%
ECHO This may be because flutter doesn't have write permissions for
ECHO this path. Try moving the flutter directory to a writable location,
ECHO such as within your home directory.
2>NUL (
REM "3" is now stderr because of "2>NUL".
CALL :subroutine %* 2>&3 9> "%cache_dir%\flutter.bat.lock" || GOTO acquire_lock
GOTO :after_subroutine
PUSHD "%flutter_root%"
FOR /f %%r IN ('git rev-parse HEAD') DO SET revision=%%r
REM The following IF conditions are all linked with a logical OR. However,
REM there is no OR operator in batch and a GOTO construct is used as replacement.
IF NOT EXIST "%engine_stamp%" GOTO do_sdk_update_and_snapshot
SET /P dart_required_version=<"%engine_version_path%"
SET /P dart_installed_version=<"%engine_stamp%"
IF !dart_required_version! NEQ !dart_installed_version! GOTO do_sdk_update_and_snapshot
IF NOT EXIST "%snapshot_path%" GOTO do_snapshot
IF NOT EXIST "%stamp_path%" GOTO do_snapshot
SET /P stamp_value=<"%stamp_path%"
IF !stamp_value! NEQ !revision! GOTO do_snapshot
SET pubspec_yaml_path=%flutter_tools_dir%\pubspec.yaml
SET pubspec_lock_path=%flutter_tools_dir%\pubspec.lock
FOR /F %%i IN ('DIR /B /O:D "%pubspec_yaml_path%" "%pubspec_lock_path%"') DO SET newer_file=%%i
FOR %%i IN (%pubspec_yaml_path%) DO SET pubspec_yaml_timestamp=%%~ti
FOR %%i IN (%pubspec_lock_path%) DO SET pubspec_lock_timestamp=%%~ti
IF "%pubspec_yaml_timestamp%" == "%pubspec_lock_timestamp%" SET newer_file=""
IF "%newer_file%" EQU "pubspec.yaml" GOTO do_snapshot
REM Everything is up-to-date - exit subroutine
ECHO Checking Dart SDK version...
SET update_dart_bin=%FLUTTER_ROOT%/bin/internal/update_dart_sdk.ps1
REM Escape apostrophes from the executable path
SET "update_dart_bin=!update_dart_bin:'=''!"
%powershell_executable% -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "Unblock-File -Path '%update_dart_bin%'; & '%update_dart_bin%'"
ECHO Error: Unable to update Dart SDK. Retrying...
timeout /t 5 /nobreak
GOTO :do_sdk_update_and_snapshot
ECHO: > "%cache_dir%\.dartignore"
ECHO Building flutter tool...
PUSHD "%flutter_tools_dir%"
REM Makes changes to PUB_ENVIRONMENT only visible to commands within SETLOCAL/ENDLOCAL
SET VERBOSITY=--verbosity=error
IF "%CI%" == "true" GOTO on_bot
IF "%BOT%" == "true" GOTO on_bot
IF "%CHROME_HEADLESS%" == "1" GOTO on_bot
GOTO not_on_bot
SET VERBOSITY=--verbosity=normal
IF "%PUB_CACHE%" == "" (
IF EXIST "%pub_cache_path%" SET PUB_CACHE=%pub_cache_path%
SET /A total_tries=10
SET /A remaining_tries=%total_tries%-1
ECHO Running pub upgrade...
CALL "%pub%" upgrade "%VERBOSITY%" --no-precompile
IF "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" goto :upgrade_succeeded
ECHO Error (%ERRORLEVEL%): Unable to 'pub upgrade' flutter tool. Retrying in five seconds... (%remaining_tries% tries left)
timeout /t 5 /nobreak 2>NUL
SET /A remaining_tries-=1
IF "%remaining_tries%" EQU "0" GOTO upgrade_retries_exhausted
GOTO :retry_pub_upgrade
SET exit_code=%ERRORLEVEL%
ECHO Error: 'pub upgrade' still failing after %total_tries% tries, giving up.
GOTO final_exit
"%dart%" --snapshot="%snapshot_path%" --packages="%flutter_tools_dir%\.packages" --no-enable-mirrors "%script_path%"
) else (
"%dart%" "%FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS%" --snapshot="%snapshot_path%" --packages="%flutter_tools_dir%\.packages" "%script_path%"
ECHO Error: Unable to create dart snapshot for flutter tool.
SET exit_code=%ERRORLEVEL%
GOTO :final_exit
>"%stamp_path%" ECHO %revision%
REM Exit Subroutine
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# ---------------------------------- NOTE ---------------------------------- #
# Please keep the logic in this file consistent with the logic in the
# `shared.bat` script in the same directory to ensure that Flutter & Dart continue
# to work across all platforms!
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
set -e
unset CDPATH
function _rmlock () {
function retry_upgrade {
local total_tries="10"
local remaining_tries=$((total_tries - 1))
while [[ "$remaining_tries" -gt 0 ]]; do
(cd "$FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR" && "$PUB" upgrade "$VERBOSITY" --no-precompile) && break
echo "Error: Unable to 'pub upgrade' flutter tool. Retrying in five seconds... ($remaining_tries tries left)"
remaining_tries=$((remaining_tries - 1))
sleep 5
if [[ "$remaining_tries" == 0 ]]; then
echo "Command 'pub upgrade' still failed after $total_tries tries, giving up."
return 1
return 0
function upgrade_flutter () {
mkdir -p "$FLUTTER_ROOT/bin/cache"
# This function is executed with a redirect that pipes the source of
# this script into file descriptor 3.
# To ensure that we don't simultaneously update Dart in multiple
# parallel instances, we try to obtain an exclusive lock on this
# file descriptor (and thus this script's source file) while we are
# updating Dart and compiling the script. To do this, we try to use
# the command line program "flock", which is available on many
# Unix-like platforms, in particular on most Linux distributions.
# You give it a file descriptor, and it locks the corresponding
# file, having inherited the file descriptor from the shell.
# Complicating matters, there are two major scenarios where this
# will not work.
# The first is if the platform doesn't have "flock", for example on Mac.
# There is not a direct equivalent, so on platforms that don't have flock,
# we fall back to using a lockfile and spinlock with "shlock". This
# doesn't work as well over NFS as it relies on PIDs. Any platform
# without either of these tools has no locking at all. To determine if we
# have "flock" or "shlock" available, we abuse the "hash" shell built-in.
# The second complication is NFS. On NFS, to obtain an exclusive
# lock you need a file descriptor that is open for writing, because
# NFS implements exclusive locks by writing, or some such. Thus, we
# ignore errors from flock. We do so by using the '|| true' trick,
# since we are running in a 'set -e' environment wherein all errors
# are fatal, and by redirecting all output to /dev/null, since
# users will typically not care about errors from flock and are
# more likely to be confused by them than helped.
# For "flock", the lock is released when the file descriptor goes out of
# scope, i.e. when this function returns. The lock is released via
# a trap when using "shlock".
if hash flock 2>/dev/null; then
flock 3 2>/dev/null || true
elif hash shlock 2>/dev/null; then
while ! shlock -f "$FLUTTER_UPGRADE_LOCK" -p $$ ; do sleep .1 ; done
trap _rmlock EXIT
local revision="$(cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT"; git rev-parse HEAD)"
# Invalidate cache if:
# * SNAPSHOT_PATH is not a file, or
# * STAMP_PATH is not a file with nonzero size, or
# * Contents of STAMP_PATH is not our local git HEAD revision, or
# * pubspec.yaml last modified after pubspec.lock
if [[ ! -f "$SNAPSHOT_PATH" || ! -s "$STAMP_PATH" || "$(cat "$STAMP_PATH")" != "$revision" || "$FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR/pubspec.yaml" -nt "$FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR/pubspec.lock" ]]; then
rm -f "$FLUTTER_ROOT/version"
touch "$FLUTTER_ROOT/bin/cache/.dartignore"
echo Building flutter tool...
if [[ "$CI" == "true" || "$BOT" == "true" || "$CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION" == "true" || "$CHROME_HEADLESS" == "1" ]]; then
export PUB_ENVIRONMENT="$PUB_ENVIRONMENT:flutter_install"
if [[ -d "$FLUTTER_ROOT/.pub-cache" ]]; then
export PUB_CACHE="${PUB_CACHE:-"$FLUTTER_ROOT/.pub-cache"}"
"$DART" --disable-dart-dev $FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS --snapshot="$SNAPSHOT_PATH" --packages="$FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR/.packages" --no-enable-mirrors "$SCRIPT_PATH"
echo "$revision" > "$STAMP_PATH"
# The exit here is duplicitous since the function is run in a subshell,
# but this serves as documentation that running the function in a
# subshell is required to make sure any lockfile created by shlock
# is cleaned up.
exit $?
# This function is intended to be executed by entrypoints (e.g. `//bin/flutter`
# and `//bin/dart`)
function shared::execute() {
export FLUTTER_ROOT="$(cd "${BIN_DIR}/.." ; pwd -P)"
# If running over git-bash, overrides the default UNIX
# executables with win32 executables
case "$(uname -s)" in
# Test if running as superuser – but don't warn if running within Docker
if [[ "$EUID" == "0" && ! -f /.dockerenv ]]; then
echo " Woah! You appear to be trying to run flutter as root."
echo " We strongly recommend running the flutter tool without superuser privileges."
echo " /"
echo "📎"
# Test if Git is available on the Host
if ! hash git 2>/dev/null; then
echo "Error: Unable to find git in your PATH."
exit 1
# Test if the flutter directory is a git clone (otherwise git rev-parse HEAD
# would fail)
if [[ ! -e "$FLUTTER_ROOT/.git" ]]; then
echo "Error: The Flutter directory is not a clone of the GitHub project."
echo " The flutter tool requires Git in order to operate properly;"
echo " to set up Flutter, run the following command:"
echo " git clone -b stable https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git"
exit 1
# To debug the tool, you can uncomment the following lines to enable checked
# mode and set an observatory port:
(upgrade_flutter) 3< "$PROG_NAME"
BIN_NAME="$(basename "$PROG_NAME")"
case "$BIN_NAME" in
# FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS aren't quoted below, because it is meant to
# be considered as separate space-separated args.
"$DART" --disable-dart-dev --packages="$FLUTTER_TOOLS_DIR/.packages" $FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS "$SNAPSHOT_PATH" "$@"
"$DART" "$@"
echo "Error! Executable name $BIN_NAME not recognized!"
exit 1
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