Unverified Commit 06386d4b authored by jcollins-g's avatar jcollins-g Committed by GitHub

Add optional arguments to dartdoc.dart for Dartdoc's grinder and travis (#14440)

* Add arguments to dartdoc.dart for Dartdoc's grinder and travis

* Fix bug in filter
parent f0f0f097
......@@ -6,15 +6,10 @@ import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// Whether to report all error messages (true) or attempt to filter out some
/// known false positives (false).
/// Set this to false locally if you want to address Flutter-specific issues.
const bool kVerbose = true; // please leave this as true on Travis
const String kDocRoot = 'dev/docs/doc';
/// This script expects to run with the cwd as the root of the flutter repo. It
......@@ -30,7 +25,14 @@ const String kDocRoot = 'dev/docs/doc';
/// in your path. It requires that 'flutter' has been run previously. It uses
/// the version of Dart downloaded by the 'flutter' tool in this repository and
/// will crash if that is absent.
Future<Null> main(List<String> args) async {
Future<Null> main(List<String> arguments) async {
final ArgParser argParser = _createArgsParser();
final ArgResults args = argParser.parse(arguments);
if (args['help']) {
print ('Usage:');
print (argParser.usage);
// If we're run from the `tools` dir, set the cwd to the repo root.
if (path.basename(Directory.current.path) == 'tools')
Directory.current = Directory.current.parent.parent;
......@@ -95,18 +97,26 @@ Future<Null> main(List<String> args) async {
final List<String> dartdocBaseArgs = <String>['global', 'run'];
if (args['checked']) {
// Verify which version of dartdoc we're using.
final ProcessResult result = Process.runSync(
<String>['global', 'run', 'dartdoc', '--version'],
workingDirectory: 'dev/docs',
environment: pubEnvironment,
print('\n${result.stdout}flutter version: $version\n');
if (args['json']) {
// Generate the documentation.
final List<String> args = <String>[
'global', 'run', 'dartdoc',
final List<String> dartdocArgs = <String>[]..addAll(dartdocBaseArgs)..addAll(<String>[
'--header', 'styles.html',
'--header', 'analytics.html',
'--header', 'survey.html',
......@@ -120,30 +130,30 @@ Future<Null> main(List<String> args) async {
'--category-order', 'flutter,Dart Core,flutter_test,flutter_driver',
// Explicitly list all the packages in //flutter/packages/* that are
// not listed 'nodoc' in their pubspec.yaml.
for (String libraryRef in libraryRefs(diskPath: true)) {
process = await Process.start(
workingDirectory: 'dev/docs',
environment: pubEnvironment,
printStream(process.stdout, prefix: 'dartdoc:stdout: ',
filter: kVerbose ? const <Pattern>[] : <Pattern>[
printStream(process.stdout, prefix: args['json'] ? '' : 'dartdoc:stdout: ',
filter: args['verbose'] ? const <Pattern>[] : <Pattern>[
new RegExp(r'^generating docs for library '), // unnecessary verbosity
new RegExp(r'^pars'), // unnecessary verbosity
printStream(process.stderr, prefix: 'dartdoc:stderr: ',
filter: kVerbose ? const <Pattern>[] : <Pattern>[
new RegExp(r'^ warning: generic type handled as HTML:'), // https://github.com/dart-lang/dartdoc/issues/1475
printStream(process.stderr, prefix: args['json'] ? '' : 'dartdoc:stderr: ',
filter: args['verbose'] ? const <Pattern>[] : <Pattern>[
new RegExp(r'^[ ]+warning: generic type handled as HTML:'), // https://github.com/dart-lang/dartdoc/issues/1475
new RegExp(r'^ warning: .+: \(.+/\.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/.+\)'), // packages outside our control
......@@ -157,6 +167,21 @@ Future<Null> main(List<String> args) async {
ArgParser _createArgsParser() {
final ArgParser parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('help', abbr: 'h', negatable: false,
help: 'Show command help.');
parser.addFlag('verbose', negatable: true, defaultsTo: true,
help: 'Whether to report all error messages (on) or attempt to '
'filter out some known false positives (off). Shut this off '
'locally if you want to address Flutter-specific issues.');
parser.addFlag('checked', abbr: 'c', negatable: true,
help: 'Run dartdoc in checked mode.');
parser.addFlag('json', negatable: true,
help: 'Display json-formatted output from dartdoc and skip stdout/stderr prefixing.');
return parser;
void createFooter(String footerPath) {
const int kGitRevisionLength = 10;
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