Unverified Commit 04f4dd8e authored by hellohuanlin's avatar hellohuanlin Committed by GitHub

[platform_view]terminate the app in tear down for platform view xcuitest (#109720)

parent 61a54b07
......@@ -23,11 +23,23 @@ static const CGFloat kStandardTimeOut = 60.0;
@implementation PlatformViewUITests
- (void)setUp {
[super setup];
self.continueAfterFailure = NO;
self.app = [[XCUIApplication alloc] init];
[self.app launch];
- (void)tearDown {
// This is trying to fix a "failed to terminate" failure, which is likely a bug in Xcode.
// In theory the terminate call is not necessary, but many has encountered this similar
// issue, and fixed it by terminating the app and relaunching it if needed for each test.
// Here we simply try terminating the app in tearDown, but if it does not work,
// then alternative solution is to terminate and relaunch the app.
[self.app terminate];
[super tearDown];
- (void)testPlatformViewFocus {
XCUIElement *entranceButton = self.app.buttons[@"platform view focus test"];
XCTAssertTrue([entranceButton waitForExistenceWithTimeout:kStandardTimeOut], @"The element tree is %@", self.app.debugDescription);
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