Unverified Commit 0220afdd authored by Michael Goderbauer's avatar Michael Goderbauer Committed by GitHub

enable use_enums (#117376)

parent e0742ebb
......@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ linter:
- use_build_context_synchronously
# - use_colored_box # not yet tested
# - use_decorated_box # leads to bugs: DecoratedBox and Container are not equivalent (Container inserts extra padding)
# - use_enums # not yet tested
- use_enums
- use_full_hex_values_for_flutter_colors
- use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters
- use_if_null_to_convert_nulls_to_bools
......@@ -26,34 +26,33 @@ export 'raw_keyboard.dart' show RawKeyEvent, RawKeyboard;
/// Only a limited number of modes are supported, which are enumerated as
/// static members of this class. Manual constructing of this class is
/// prohibited.
class KeyboardLockMode {
// KeyboardLockMode has a fixed pool of supported keys, enumerated as static
// members of this class, therefore constructing is prohibited.
const KeyboardLockMode._(this.logicalKey);
/// The logical key that triggers this lock mode.
final LogicalKeyboardKey logicalKey;
enum KeyboardLockMode {
/// Represents the number lock mode on the keyboard.
/// On supporting systems, enabling number lock mode usually allows key
/// presses of the number pad to input numbers, instead of acting as up, down,
/// left, right, page up, end, etc.
static const KeyboardLockMode numLock = KeyboardLockMode._(LogicalKeyboardKey.numLock);
/// Represents the scrolling lock mode on the keyboard.
/// On supporting systems and applications (such as a spreadsheet), enabling
/// scrolling lock mode usually allows key presses of the cursor keys to
/// scroll the document instead of the cursor.
static const KeyboardLockMode scrollLock = KeyboardLockMode._(LogicalKeyboardKey.scrollLock);
/// Represents the capital letters lock mode on the keyboard.
/// On supporting systems, enabling capital lock mode allows key presses of
/// the letter keys to input uppercase letters instead of lowercase.
static const KeyboardLockMode capsLock = KeyboardLockMode._(LogicalKeyboardKey.capsLock);
// KeyboardLockMode has a fixed pool of supported keys, enumerated as static
// members of this class, therefore constructing is prohibited.
const KeyboardLockMode._(this.logicalKey);
/// The logical key that triggers this lock mode.
final LogicalKeyboardKey logicalKey;
static final Map<int, KeyboardLockMode> _knownLockModes = <int, KeyboardLockMode>{
numLock.logicalKey.keyId: numLock,
......@@ -1565,14 +1565,11 @@ class LogMessage {
/// The method by which the Flutter app was launched.
class LaunchMode {
const LaunchMode._(this._value);
/// The app was launched via `flutter run`.
static const LaunchMode run = LaunchMode._('run');
enum LaunchMode {
/// The app was launched via `flutter attach`.
static const LaunchMode attach = LaunchMode._('attach');
const LaunchMode._(this._value);
final String _value;
......@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ import 'vmservice.dart';
DeviceManager? get deviceManager => context.get<DeviceManager>();
/// A description of the kind of workflow the device supports.
class Category {
const Category._(this.value);
enum Category {
static const Category web = Category._('web');
static const Category desktop = Category._('desktop');
static const Category mobile = Category._('mobile');
const Category._(this.value);
final String value;
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Category {
String toString() => value;
static Category? fromString(String category) {
return <String, Category>{
return const <String, Category>{
'web': web,
'desktop': desktop,
'mobile': mobile,
......@@ -45,17 +45,17 @@ class Category {
/// The platform sub-folder that a device type supports.
class PlatformType {
const PlatformType._(this.value);
enum PlatformType {
static const PlatformType web = PlatformType._('web');
static const PlatformType android = PlatformType._('android');
static const PlatformType ios = PlatformType._('ios');
static const PlatformType linux = PlatformType._('linux');
static const PlatformType macos = PlatformType._('macos');
static const PlatformType windows = PlatformType._('windows');
static const PlatformType fuchsia = PlatformType._('fuchsia');
static const PlatformType custom = PlatformType._('custom');
const PlatformType._(this.value);
final String value;
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class PlatformType {
String toString() => value;
static PlatformType? fromString(String platformType) {
return <String, PlatformType>{
return const <String, PlatformType>{
'web': web,
'android': android,
'ios': ios,
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