• Greg Spencer's avatar
    Remove 'must be non-null' and 'must not be null' comments from material. (#134991) · a1e49be2
    Greg Spencer authored
    ## Description
    This removes all of the comments that are of the form "so-and-so (must not be null|can ?not be null|must be non-null)" from the cases where those values are defines as non-nullable values.
    This PR removes them from the material library.
    This was done by hand, since it really didn't lend itself to scripting, so it needs to be more than just spot-checked, I think. I was careful to leave any comment that referred to parameters that were nullable, but I may have missed some.
    In addition to being no longer relevant after null safety has been made the default, these comments were largely fragile, in that it was easy for them to get out of date, and not be accurate anymore anyhow.
    This did create a number of constructor comments which basically say "Creates a [Foo].", but I don't really know how to avoid that in a large scale change, since there's not much you can really say in a lot of cases.  I think we might consider some leniency for constructors to the "Comment must be meaningful" style guidance (which we de facto have already, since there are a bunch of these).
    ## Related PRs
    - https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/134984
    - https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/134992
    - https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/134993
    - https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/134994
    ## Tests
     - Documentation only change.
toggle_buttons_theme.dart 10.1 KB
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:ui' show lerpDouble;

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';

import 'theme.dart';

// Examples can assume:
// late BuildContext context;

/// Defines the color and border properties of [ToggleButtons] widgets.
/// Used by [ToggleButtonsTheme] to control the color and border properties
/// of toggle buttons in a widget subtree.
/// To obtain the current [ToggleButtonsTheme], use [ToggleButtonsTheme.of].
/// Values specified here are used for [ToggleButtons] properties that are not
/// given an explicit non-null value.
/// See also:
///  * [ToggleButtonsTheme], which describes the actual configuration of a
///    toggle buttons theme.
class ToggleButtonsThemeData with Diagnosticable {
  /// Creates the set of color and border properties used to configure
  /// [ToggleButtons].
  const ToggleButtonsThemeData({

  /// The default text style for [ToggleButtons.children].
  /// [TextStyle.color] will be ignored and substituted by [color],
  /// [selectedColor] or [disabledColor] depending on whether the buttons
  /// are active, selected, or disabled.
  final TextStyle? textStyle;

  /// Defines the button's size.
  /// Typically used to constrain the button's minimum size.
  final BoxConstraints? constraints;

  /// The color for descendant [Text] and [Icon] widgets if the toggle button
  /// is enabled.
  final Color? color;

  /// The color for descendant [Text] and [Icon] widgets if the toggle button
  /// is selected.
  final Color? selectedColor;

  /// The color for descendant [Text] and [Icon] widgets if the toggle button
  /// is disabled.
  final Color? disabledColor;

  /// The fill color for selected toggle buttons.
  final Color? fillColor;

  /// The color to use for filling the button when the button has input focus.
  final Color? focusColor;

  /// The highlight color for the toggle button's [InkWell].
  final Color? highlightColor;

  /// The splash color for the toggle button's [InkWell].
  final Color? splashColor;

  /// The color to use for filling the toggle button when the button has a
  /// pointer hovering over it.
  final Color? hoverColor;

  /// The border color to display when the toggle button is enabled.
  final Color? borderColor;

  /// The border color to display when the toggle button is selected.
  final Color? selectedBorderColor;

  /// The border color to display when the toggle button is disabled.
  final Color? disabledBorderColor;

  /// The width of the border surrounding each toggle button.
  /// This applies to both the greater surrounding border, as well as the
  /// borders dividing each toggle button.
  /// To render a hairline border (one physical pixel), set borderWidth to 0.0.
  /// See [BorderSide.width] for more details on hairline borders.
  final double? borderWidth;

  /// The radii of the border's corners.
  final BorderRadius? borderRadius;

  /// Creates a copy of this object but with the given fields replaced with the
  /// new values.
  ToggleButtonsThemeData copyWith({
    TextStyle? textStyle,
    BoxConstraints? constraints,
    Color? color,
    Color? selectedColor,
    Color? disabledColor,
    Color? fillColor,
    Color? focusColor,
    Color? highlightColor,
    Color? hoverColor,
    Color? splashColor,
    Color? borderColor,
    Color? selectedBorderColor,
    Color? disabledBorderColor,
    BorderRadius? borderRadius,
    double? borderWidth,
  }) {
    return ToggleButtonsThemeData(
      textStyle: textStyle ?? this.textStyle,
      constraints: constraints ?? this.constraints,
      color: color ?? this.color,
      selectedColor: selectedColor ?? this.selectedColor,
      disabledColor: disabledColor ?? this.disabledColor,
      fillColor: fillColor ?? this.fillColor,
      focusColor: focusColor ?? this.focusColor,
      highlightColor: highlightColor ?? this.highlightColor,
      hoverColor: hoverColor ?? this.hoverColor,
      splashColor: splashColor ?? this.splashColor,
      borderColor: borderColor ?? this.borderColor,
      selectedBorderColor: selectedBorderColor ?? this.selectedBorderColor,
      disabledBorderColor: disabledBorderColor ?? this.disabledBorderColor,
      borderRadius: borderRadius ?? this.borderRadius,
      borderWidth: borderWidth ?? this.borderWidth,

  /// Linearly interpolate between two toggle buttons themes.
  static ToggleButtonsThemeData? lerp(ToggleButtonsThemeData? a, ToggleButtonsThemeData? b, double t) {
    if (identical(a, b)) {
      return a;
    return ToggleButtonsThemeData(
      textStyle: TextStyle.lerp(a?.textStyle, b?.textStyle, t),
      constraints: BoxConstraints.lerp(a?.constraints, b?.constraints, t),
      color: Color.lerp(a?.color, b?.color, t),
      selectedColor: Color.lerp(a?.selectedColor, b?.selectedColor, t),
      disabledColor: Color.lerp(a?.disabledColor, b?.disabledColor, t),
      fillColor: Color.lerp(a?.fillColor, b?.fillColor, t),
      focusColor: Color.lerp(a?.focusColor, b?.focusColor, t),
      highlightColor: Color.lerp(a?.highlightColor, b?.highlightColor, t),
      hoverColor: Color.lerp(a?.hoverColor, b?.hoverColor, t),
      splashColor: Color.lerp(a?.splashColor, b?.splashColor, t),
      borderColor: Color.lerp(a?.borderColor, b?.borderColor, t),
      selectedBorderColor: Color.lerp(a?.selectedBorderColor, b?.selectedBorderColor, t),
      disabledBorderColor: Color.lerp(a?.disabledBorderColor, b?.disabledBorderColor, t),
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.lerp(a?.borderRadius, b?.borderRadius, t),
      borderWidth: lerpDouble(a?.borderWidth, b?.borderWidth, t),

  int get hashCode => Object.hash(

  bool operator ==(Object other) {
    if (identical(this, other)) {
      return true;
    if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
      return false;
    return other is ToggleButtonsThemeData
        && other.textStyle == textStyle
        && other.constraints == constraints
        && other.color == color
        && other.selectedColor == selectedColor
        && other.disabledColor == disabledColor
        && other.fillColor == fillColor
        && other.focusColor == focusColor
        && other.highlightColor == highlightColor
        && other.hoverColor == hoverColor
        && other.splashColor == splashColor
        && other.borderColor == borderColor
        && other.selectedBorderColor == selectedBorderColor
        && other.disabledBorderColor == disabledBorderColor
        && other.borderRadius == borderRadius
        && other.borderWidth == borderWidth;

  void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
    textStyle?.debugFillProperties(properties, prefix: 'textStyle.');
    properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<BoxConstraints>('constraints', constraints, defaultValue: null));
    properties.add(ColorProperty('color', color, defaultValue: null));
    properties.add(ColorProperty('selectedColor', selectedColor, defaultValue: null));
    properties.add(ColorProperty('disabledColor', disabledColor, defaultValue: null));
    properties.add(ColorProperty('fillColor', fillColor, defaultValue: null));
    properties.add(ColorProperty('focusColor', focusColor, defaultValue: null));
    properties.add(ColorProperty('highlightColor', highlightColor, defaultValue: null));
    properties.add(ColorProperty('hoverColor', hoverColor, defaultValue: null));
    properties.add(ColorProperty('splashColor', splashColor, defaultValue: null));
    properties.add(ColorProperty('borderColor', borderColor, defaultValue: null));
    properties.add(ColorProperty('selectedBorderColor', selectedBorderColor, defaultValue: null));
    properties.add(ColorProperty('disabledBorderColor', disabledBorderColor, defaultValue: null));
    properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<BorderRadius>('borderRadius', borderRadius, defaultValue: null));
    properties.add(DoubleProperty('borderWidth', borderWidth, defaultValue: null));

/// An inherited widget that defines color and border parameters for
/// [ToggleButtons] in this widget's subtree.
/// Values specified here are used for [ToggleButtons] properties that are not
/// given an explicit non-null value.
class ToggleButtonsTheme extends InheritedTheme {
  /// Creates a toggle buttons theme that controls the color and border
  /// parameters for [ToggleButtons].
  const ToggleButtonsTheme({
    required this.data,
    required super.child,

  /// Specifies the color and border values for descendant [ToggleButtons] widgets.
  final ToggleButtonsThemeData data;

  /// The closest instance of this class that encloses the given context.
  /// If there is no enclosing [ToggleButtonsTheme] widget, then
  /// [ThemeData.toggleButtonsTheme] is used.
  /// Typical usage is as follows:
  /// ```dart
  /// ToggleButtonsThemeData theme = ToggleButtonsTheme.of(context);
  /// ```
  static ToggleButtonsThemeData of(BuildContext context) {
    final ToggleButtonsTheme? toggleButtonsTheme = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<ToggleButtonsTheme>();
    return toggleButtonsTheme?.data ?? Theme.of(context).toggleButtonsTheme;

  Widget wrap(BuildContext context, Widget child) {
    return ToggleButtonsTheme(data: data, child: child);

  bool updateShouldNotify(ToggleButtonsTheme oldWidget) => data != oldWidget.data;