• Ian Hickson's avatar
    License update (#45373) · 449f4a66
    Ian Hickson authored
    * Update project.pbxproj files to say Flutter rather than Chromium
    Also, the templates now have an empty organization so that we don't cause people to give their apps a Flutter copyright.
    * Update the copyright notice checker to require a standard notice on all files
    * Update copyrights on Dart files. (This was a mechanical commit.)
    * Fix weird license headers on Dart files that deviate from our conventions; relicense Shrine.
    Some were already marked "The Flutter Authors", not clear why. Their
    dates have been normalized. Some were missing the blank line after the
    license. Some were randomly different in trivial ways for no apparent
    reason (e.g. missing the trailing period).
    * Clean up the copyrights in non-Dart files. (Manual edits.)
    Also, make sure templates don't have copyrights.
    * Fix some more ORGANIZATIONNAMEs
scroll_context.dart 2.45 KB
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';

import 'framework.dart';
import 'ticker_provider.dart';

/// An interface that [Scrollable] widgets implement in order to use
/// [ScrollPosition].
/// See also:
///  * [ScrollableState], which is the most common implementation of this
///    interface.
///  * [ScrollPosition], which uses this interface to communicate with the
///    scrollable widget.
abstract class ScrollContext {
  /// The [BuildContext] that should be used when dispatching
  /// [ScrollNotification]s.
  /// This context is typically different that the context of the scrollable
  /// widget itself. For example, [Scrollable] uses a context outside the
  /// [Viewport] but inside the widgets created by
  /// [ScrollBehavior.buildViewportChrome].
  BuildContext get notificationContext;

  /// The [BuildContext] that should be used when searching for a [PageStorage].
  /// This context is typically the context of the scrollable widget itself. In
  /// particular, it should involve any [GlobalKey]s that are dynamically
  /// created as part of creating the scrolling widget, since those would be
  /// different each time the widget is created.
  BuildContext get storageContext;

  /// A [TickerProvider] to use when animating the scroll position.
  TickerProvider get vsync;

  /// The direction in which the widget scrolls.
  AxisDirection get axisDirection;

  /// Whether the contents of the widget should ignore [PointerEvent] inputs.
  /// Setting this value to true prevents the use from interacting with the
  /// contents of the widget with pointer events. The widget itself is still
  /// interactive.
  /// For example, if the scroll position is being driven by an animation, it
  /// might be appropriate to set this value to ignore pointer events to
  /// prevent the user from accidentally interacting with the contents of the
  /// widget as it animates. The user will still be able to touch the widget,
  /// potentially stopping the animation.
  void setIgnorePointer(bool value);

  /// Whether the user can drag the widget, for example to initiate a scroll.
  void setCanDrag(bool value);

  /// Set the [SemanticsAction]s that should be expose to the semantics tree.
  void setSemanticsActions(Set<SemanticsAction> actions);