// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// See also test_async_utils.dart which has some stack manipulation code.
/// Report call site for `expect()` call. Returns the number of frames that
/// should be elided if a stack were to be modified to hide the expect call, or
/// zero if no such call was found.
/// If the head of the stack trace consists of a failure as a result of calling
/// the test_widgets [expect] function, this will fill the given StringBuffer
/// with the precise file and line number that called that function.
int reportExpectCall(StackTrace stack, StringBuffer information) {
final RegExp line0 = new RegExp(r'^#0 +fail \(.+\)$');
final RegExp line1 = new RegExp(r'^#1 +_expect \(.+\)$');
final RegExp line2 = new RegExp(r'^#2 +expect \(.+\)$');
final RegExp line3 = new RegExp(r'^#3 +expect \(.+\)$');
final RegExp line4 = new RegExp(r'^#4 +[^(]+ \((.+?):([0-9]+)(?::[0-9]+)?\)$');
final List<String> stackLines = stack.toString().split('\n');
if (line0.firstMatch(stackLines[0]) != null &&
line1.firstMatch(stackLines[1]) != null &&
line2.firstMatch(stackLines[2]) != null &&
line3.firstMatch(stackLines[3]) != null
) {
final Match expectMatch = line4.firstMatch(stackLines[4]);
assert(expectMatch != null);
assert(expectMatch.groupCount == 2);
information.writeln('This was caught by the test expectation on the following line:');
information.writeln(' ${expectMatch.group(1)} line ${expectMatch.group(2)}');
return 4;
return 0;
Chris Bracken authored895f3e63