• Jonah Williams's avatar
    [framework] make hit slop based on device pointer kind for drag/pan/scale gestures (#64267) · 29898812
    Jonah Williams authored
    Currently the framework uses fairly large "hit slop" values to disambiguate taps from drags/pans. This makes sense on touch devices where the interaction is not very precise, on mice however it can feel as if the UI is lagging. This is immediately noticeable on our infra dashboard, where it takes almost half of a grid square of drag before the actual drag kicks in.
    One potential solution is to always use smaller constants depending on whether the interaction is mouse or touch based. The only reasonable choice is to use the pointer device kind and not target platform - same platform can have different input sources. This requires exposing the pointer device kind in a few new places in several of the gesture detectors, and using the enum to compute the correct hit slop from an expanded set of constants.
    This almost works, however there are a few places (notably ListViews) which uses the touch hit slop as a default value in scroll physics. It does not seem like it will be easy to disambiguate a user provided scroll physics constant from the default and/or adjust it somehow - this might require significant changes to scroll physics which I have left out of this PR.
    This PR does not adjust:
    kTouchSlop used in scroll_physics.dart's minFlingDistance
    kTouchSlop used in PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer/LongPressGestureRecognizer
constants.dart 5.2 KB
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Modeled after Android's ViewConfiguration:
// https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/master/core/java/android/view/ViewConfiguration.java

/// The time that must elapse before a tap gesture sends onTapDown, if there's
/// any doubt that the gesture is a tap.
const Duration kPressTimeout = Duration(milliseconds: 100);

/// Maximum length of time between a tap down and a tap up for the gesture to be
/// considered a tap. (Currently not honored by the TapGestureRecognizer.)
// TODO(ianh): Remove this, or implement a hover-tap gesture recognizer which
// uses this.
const Duration kHoverTapTimeout = Duration(milliseconds: 150);

/// Maximum distance between the down and up pointers for a tap. (Currently not
/// honored by the [TapGestureRecognizer]; [PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer],
/// which TapGestureRecognizer inherits from, uses [kTouchSlop].)
// TODO(ianh): Remove this or implement it correctly.
const double kHoverTapSlop = 20.0; // Logical pixels

/// The time before a long press gesture attempts to win.
const Duration kLongPressTimeout = Duration(milliseconds: 500);

/// The maximum time from the start of the first tap to the start of the second
/// tap in a double-tap gesture.
// In Android, this is actually the time from the first's up event
// to the second's down event, according to the ViewConfiguration docs.
const Duration kDoubleTapTimeout = Duration(milliseconds: 300);

/// The minimum time from the end of the first tap to the start of the second
/// tap in a double-tap gesture.
const Duration kDoubleTapMinTime = Duration(milliseconds: 40);

/// The maximum distance that the first touch in a double-tap gesture can travel
/// before deciding that it is not part of a double-tap gesture.
/// DoubleTapGestureRecognizer also restricts the second touch to this distance.
const double kDoubleTapTouchSlop = kTouchSlop; // Logical pixels

/// Distance between the initial position of the first touch and the start
/// position of a potential second touch for the second touch to be considered
/// the second touch of a double-tap gesture.
const double kDoubleTapSlop = 100.0; // Logical pixels

/// The time for which zoom controls (e.g. in a map interface) are to be
/// displayed on the screen, from the moment they were last requested.
const Duration kZoomControlsTimeout = Duration(milliseconds: 3000);

/// The distance a touch has to travel for the framework to be confident that
/// the gesture is a scroll gesture, or, inversely, the maximum distance that a
/// touch can travel before the framework becomes confident that it is not a
/// tap.
/// A total delta less than or equal to [kTouchSlop] is not considered to be a
/// drag, whereas if the delta is greater than [kTouchSlop] it is considered to
/// be a drag.
// This value was empirically derived. We started at 8.0 and increased it to
// 18.0 after getting complaints that it was too difficult to hit targets.
const double kTouchSlop = 18.0; // Logical pixels

/// The distance a touch has to travel for the framework to be confident that
/// the gesture is a paging gesture. (Currently not used, because paging uses a
/// regular drag gesture, which uses kTouchSlop.)
// TODO(ianh): Create variants of HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer et al for
// paging, which use this constant.
const double kPagingTouchSlop = kTouchSlop * 2.0; // Logical pixels

/// The distance a touch has to travel for the framework to be confident that
/// the gesture is a panning gesture.
const double kPanSlop = kTouchSlop * 2.0; // Logical pixels

/// The distance a touch has to travel for the framework to be confident that
/// the gesture is a scale gesture.
const double kScaleSlop = kTouchSlop; // Logical pixels

/// The margin around a dialog, popup menu, or other window-like widget inside
/// which we do not consider a tap to dismiss the widget. (Not currently used.)
// TODO(ianh): Make ModalBarrier support this.
const double kWindowTouchSlop = 16.0; // Logical pixels

/// The minimum velocity for a touch to consider that touch to trigger a fling
/// gesture.
// TODO(ianh): Make sure nobody has their own version of this.
const double kMinFlingVelocity = 50.0; // Logical pixels / second
// const Velocity kMinFlingVelocity = const Velocity(pixelsPerSecond: 50.0);

/// Drag gesture fling velocities are clipped to this value.
// TODO(ianh): Make sure nobody has their own version of this.
const double kMaxFlingVelocity = 8000.0; // Logical pixels / second

/// The maximum time from the start of the first tap to the start of the second
/// tap in a jump-tap gesture.
// TODO(ianh): Implement jump-tap gestures.
const Duration kJumpTapTimeout = Duration(milliseconds: 500);

/// Like [kTouchSlop], but for more precise pointers like mice and trackpads.
const double kPrecisePointerHitSlop = 1.0; // Logical pixels;

/// Like [kPanSlop], but for more precise pointers like mice and trackpads.
const double kPrecisePointerPanSlop = kPrecisePointerHitSlop * 2.0; // Logical pixels

/// Like [kScaleSlop], but for more precise pointers like mice and trackpads.
const double kPrecisePointerScaleSlop = kPrecisePointerHitSlop; // Logical pixels