rendering_tester.dart 14.3 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:ui' show SemanticsUpdate;

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart' show EnginePhase, TestDefaultBinaryMessengerBinding, fail;

export 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show FlutterError, FlutterErrorDetails;
export 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart' show EnginePhase, TestDefaultBinaryMessengerBinding;

class TestRenderingFlutterBinding extends BindingBase with SchedulerBinding, ServicesBinding, GestureBinding, PaintingBinding, SemanticsBinding, RendererBinding, TestDefaultBinaryMessengerBinding {
  /// Creates a binding for testing rendering library functionality.
  /// If [onErrors] is not null, it is called if [FlutterError] caught any errors
  /// while drawing the frame. If [onErrors] is null and [FlutterError] caught at least
  /// one error, this function fails the test. A test may override [onErrors] and
  /// inspect errors using [takeFlutterErrorDetails].
  /// Errors caught between frames will cause the test to fail unless
  /// [FlutterError.onError] has been overridden.
  TestRenderingFlutterBinding({ this.onErrors }) {
    FlutterError.onError = (FlutterErrorDetails details) {
      Zone.current.parent!.handleUncaughtError(details.exception, details.stack!);

  /// The current [TestRenderingFlutterBinding], if one has been created.
  /// Provides access to the features exposed by this binding. The binding must
  /// be initialized before using this getter; this is typically done by calling
  /// [TestRenderingFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized].
  static TestRenderingFlutterBinding get instance => BindingBase.checkInstance(_instance);
  static TestRenderingFlutterBinding? _instance;

  void initInstances() {
    _instance = this;
    // TODO(goderbauer): Create (fake) window if embedder doesn't provide an implicit view.
    assert(platformDispatcher.implicitView != null);
    _renderView = initRenderView(platformDispatcher.implicitView!);

  RenderView get renderView => _renderView;
  late RenderView _renderView;

  PipelineOwner get pipelineOwner => rootPipelineOwner;

  /// Creates a [RenderView] object to be the root of the
  /// [RenderObject] rendering tree, and initializes it so that it
  /// will be rendered when the next frame is requested.
  /// Called automatically when the binding is created.
  RenderView initRenderView(FlutterView view) {
    final RenderView renderView = RenderView(view: view);
    rootPipelineOwner.rootNode = renderView;
    return renderView;

  PipelineOwner createRootPipelineOwner() {
    return PipelineOwner(
      onSemanticsOwnerCreated: () {
      onSemanticsUpdate: (SemanticsUpdate update) {
      onSemanticsOwnerDisposed: () {

  /// Creates and initializes the binding. This function is
  /// idempotent; calling it a second time will just return the
  /// previously-created instance.
  static TestRenderingFlutterBinding ensureInitialized({ VoidCallback? onErrors }) {
    return _instance ?? TestRenderingFlutterBinding(onErrors: onErrors);

  final List<FlutterErrorDetails> _errors = <FlutterErrorDetails>[];

  /// A function called after drawing a frame if [FlutterError] caught any errors.
  /// This function is expected to inspect these errors and decide whether they
  /// are expected or not. Use [takeFlutterErrorDetails] to take one error at a
  /// time, or [takeAllFlutterErrorDetails] to iterate over all errors.
  VoidCallback? onErrors;

  /// Returns the error least recently caught by [FlutterError] and removes it
  /// from the list of captured errors.
  /// Returns null if no errors were captures, or if the list was exhausted by
  /// calling this method repeatedly.
  FlutterErrorDetails? takeFlutterErrorDetails() {
    if (_errors.isEmpty) {
      return null;
    return _errors.removeAt(0);

  /// Returns all error details caught by [FlutterError] from least recently caught to
  /// most recently caught, and removes them from the list of captured errors.
  /// The returned iterable takes errors lazily. If, for example, you iterate over 2
  /// errors, but there are 5 errors total, this binding will still fail the test.
  /// Tests are expected to take and inspect all errors.
  Iterable<FlutterErrorDetails> takeAllFlutterErrorDetails() sync* {
    // sync* and yield are used for lazy evaluation. Otherwise, the list would be
    // drained eagerly and allow a test pass with unexpected errors.
    while (_errors.isNotEmpty) {
      yield _errors.removeAt(0);

  /// Returns all exceptions caught by [FlutterError] from least recently caught to
  /// most recently caught, and removes them from the list of captured errors.
  /// The returned iterable takes errors lazily. If, for example, you iterate over 2
  /// errors, but there are 5 errors total, this binding will still fail the test.
  /// Tests are expected to take and inspect all errors.
  Iterable<dynamic> takeAllFlutterExceptions() sync* {
    // sync* and yield are used for lazy evaluation. Otherwise, the list would be
    // drained eagerly and allow a test pass with unexpected errors.
    while (_errors.isNotEmpty) {
      yield _errors.removeAt(0).exception;

  EnginePhase phase = EnginePhase.composite;

  /// Pumps a frame and runs its entire life cycle.
  /// This method runs all of the [SchedulerPhase]s in a frame, this is useful
  /// to test [SchedulerPhase.postFrameCallbacks].
  void pumpCompleteFrame() {
    final FlutterExceptionHandler? oldErrorHandler = FlutterError.onError;
    FlutterError.onError = _errors.add;
    try {
    } finally {
      FlutterError.onError = oldErrorHandler;
      if (_errors.isNotEmpty) {
        if (onErrors != null) {
          if (_errors.isNotEmpty) {
            fail('There are more errors than the test inspected using TestRenderingFlutterBinding.takeFlutterErrorDetails.');
        } else {
          fail('Caught error while rendering frame. See preceding logs for details.');

  void drawFrame() {
    assert(phase !=, 'rendering_tester does not support testing the build phase; use flutter_test instead');
    final FlutterExceptionHandler? oldErrorHandler = FlutterError.onError;
    FlutterError.onError = _errors.add;
    try {
      if (phase == EnginePhase.layout) {
      if (phase == EnginePhase.compositingBits) {
      if (phase == EnginePhase.paint) {
      for (final RenderView renderView in renderViews) {
      if (phase == EnginePhase.composite) {
      if (phase == EnginePhase.flushSemantics) {
      assert(phase == EnginePhase.flushSemantics || phase == EnginePhase.sendSemanticsUpdate);
    } finally {
      FlutterError.onError = oldErrorHandler;
      if (_errors.isNotEmpty) {
        if (onErrors != null) {
          if (_errors.isNotEmpty) {
            fail('There are more errors than the test inspected using TestRenderingFlutterBinding.takeFlutterErrorDetails.');
        } else {
          fail('Caught error while rendering frame. See preceding logs for details.');

/// Place the box in the render tree, at the given size and with the given
/// alignment on the screen.
/// If you've updated `box` and want to lay it out again, use [pumpFrame].
/// Once a particular [RenderBox] has been passed to [layout], it cannot easily
/// be put in a different place in the tree or passed to [layout] again, because
/// [layout] places the given object into another [RenderBox] which you would
/// need to unparent it from (but that box isn't itself made available).
/// The EnginePhase must not be [], since the rendering layer
/// has no build phase.
/// If `onErrors` is not null, it is set as [TestRenderingFlutterBinding.onError].
void layout(
  RenderBox box, { // If you want to just repump the last box, call pumpFrame().
  BoxConstraints? constraints,
  Alignment alignment =,
  EnginePhase phase = EnginePhase.layout,
  VoidCallback? onErrors,
}) {
  assert(box.parent == null); // We stick the box in another, so you can't reuse it easily, sorry.

  TestRenderingFlutterBinding.instance.renderView.child = null;
  if (constraints != null) {
    box = RenderPositionedBox(
      alignment: alignment,
      child: RenderConstrainedBox(
        additionalConstraints: constraints,
        child: box,
  TestRenderingFlutterBinding.instance.renderView.child = box;

  pumpFrame(phase: phase, onErrors: onErrors);

/// Pumps a single frame.
/// If `onErrors` is not null, it is set as [TestRenderingFlutterBinding.onError].
void pumpFrame({ EnginePhase phase = EnginePhase.layout, VoidCallback? onErrors }) {
  assert(TestRenderingFlutterBinding.instance.renderView.child != null); // call layout() first!

  if (onErrors != null) {
    TestRenderingFlutterBinding.instance.onErrors = onErrors;

  TestRenderingFlutterBinding.instance.phase = phase;

class TestCallbackPainter extends CustomPainter {
  const TestCallbackPainter({ required this.onPaint });

  final VoidCallback onPaint;

  void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {

  bool shouldRepaint(TestCallbackPainter oldPainter) => true;

class RenderSizedBox extends RenderBox {

  final Size _size;

  double computeMinIntrinsicWidth(double height) {
    return _size.width;

  double computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(double height) {
    return _size.width;

  double computeMinIntrinsicHeight(double width) {
    return _size.height;

  double computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(double width) {
    return _size.height;

  bool get sizedByParent => true;

  void performResize() {
    size = constraints.constrain(_size);

  void performLayout() { }

  bool hitTestSelf(Offset position) => true;

class FakeTickerProvider implements TickerProvider {
  Ticker createTicker(TickerCallback onTick, [ bool disableAnimations = false ]) {
    return FakeTicker();

class FakeTicker implements Ticker {
  bool muted = false;

  void absorbTicker(Ticker originalTicker) { }

  String? get debugLabel => null;

  bool get isActive => throw UnimplementedError();

  bool get isTicking => throw UnimplementedError();

  bool get scheduled => throw UnimplementedError();

  bool get shouldScheduleTick => throw UnimplementedError();

  void dispose() { }

  void scheduleTick({ bool rescheduling = false }) { }

  TickerFuture start() {
    throw UnimplementedError();

  void stop({ bool canceled = false }) { }

  void unscheduleTick() { }

  String toString({ bool debugIncludeStack = false }) => super.toString();

  DiagnosticsNode describeForError(String name) {
    return DiagnosticsProperty<Ticker>(name, this, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty);

class TestClipPaintingContext extends PaintingContext {
  TestClipPaintingContext() : this._(ContainerLayer());

  TestClipPaintingContext._(this._containerLayer) : super(_containerLayer,;

  final ContainerLayer _containerLayer;

  ClipRectLayer? pushClipRect(
    bool needsCompositing,
    Offset offset,
    Rect clipRect,
    PaintingContextCallback painter, {
    Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge,
    ClipRectLayer? oldLayer,
  }) {
    this.clipBehavior = clipBehavior;
    return null;

  Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none;

  void dispose() {

class TestPushLayerPaintingContext extends PaintingContext {
  TestPushLayerPaintingContext() : super(ContainerLayer(),;

  final List<ContainerLayer> pushedLayers = <ContainerLayer>[];

  void pushLayer(
    ContainerLayer childLayer,
    PaintingContextCallback painter,
    Offset offset, {
    Rect? childPaintBounds
  }) {
    super.pushLayer(childLayer, painter, offset, childPaintBounds: childPaintBounds);

// Absorbs errors that don't have "overflowed" in their error details.
void absorbOverflowedErrors() {
  final Iterable<FlutterErrorDetails> errorDetails = TestRenderingFlutterBinding.instance.takeAllFlutterErrorDetails();
  final Iterable<FlutterErrorDetails> filtered = errorDetails.where((FlutterErrorDetails details) {
    return !details.toString().contains('overflowed');
  if (filtered.isNotEmpty) {

// Reports any FlutterErrors.
void expectNoFlutterErrors() {
  final Iterable<FlutterErrorDetails> errorDetails = TestRenderingFlutterBinding.instance.takeAllFlutterErrorDetails();

RenderConstrainedBox get box200x200 =>
    RenderConstrainedBox(additionalConstraints: const BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: 200.0, width: 200.0));