forces.dart 1.84 KB
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'package:newton/newton.dart';

export 'package:newton/newton.dart' show SpringDescription;

/// A factory for simulations.
abstract class Force {
  const Force();

  /// Creates a new physics simulation with the given initial conditions.
  Simulation release(double position, double velocity);

/// A factory for spring-based physics simulations.
class SpringForce extends Force {
  const SpringForce(this.spring, { this.left: 0.0, this.right: 1.0 });

  /// The description of the spring to be used in the created simulations.
  final SpringDescription spring;

  /// Where to put the spring's resting point when releasing left.
  final double left;

  /// Where to put the spring's resting point when releasing right.
  final double right;

  /// How pricely to terminate the simulation.
  /// We overshoot the target by this distance, but stop the simulation when
  /// the spring gets within this distance (regardless of how fast it's moving).
  /// This causes the spring to settle a bit faster than it otherwise would.
  static const Tolerance tolerance = const Tolerance(
    velocity: double.INFINITY,
    distance: 0.01

  Simulation release(double position, double velocity) {
    double target = velocity < 0.0 ? this.left - tolerance.distance
                                   : this.right + tolerance.distance;
    return new SpringSimulation(spring, position, target, velocity)
      ..tolerance = tolerance;

final SpringDescription _kDefaultSpringDesc = new SpringDescription.withDampingRatio(
  mass: 1.0,
  springConstant: 500.0,
  ratio: 1.0

/// A spring force with reasonable default values.
final SpringForce kDefaultSpringForce = new SpringForce(_kDefaultSpringDesc);