• Phil Quitslund's avatar
    remove super_goes_last (#27690) · 9e3a0d30
    Phil Quitslund authored
    In Dart 2, it is a compile-time error if a superinitializer
    appears in an initializer list at any other position than at the end so this
    rule is made redundant by the Dart analyzer's basic checks and is no longer
analysis_options_user.yaml 2.89 KB
# Specify analysis options.
# Until there are meta linter rules, each desired lint must be explicitly enabled.
# See: https://github.com/dart-lang/linter/issues/288
# For a list of lints, see: http://dart-lang.github.io/linter/lints/
# See the configuration guide for more
# https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/tree/master/pkg/analyzer#configuring-the-analyzer
# There are four similar analysis options files in the flutter repos:
#   - analysis_options.yaml
#   - packages/flutter/lib/analysis_options_user.yaml (this file)
#   - https://github.com/flutter/plugins/blob/master/analysis_options.yaml
#   - https://github.com/flutter/engine/blob/master/analysis_options.yaml
# This file contains the analysis options used by "flutter analyze" and the
# dartanalyzer when analyzing code outside the flutter repository. It isn't named
# 'analysis_options.yaml' because otherwise editors would use it when analyzing
# the flutter tool itself.
# When editing, make sure you keep this and /analysis_options.yaml consistent.

    # treat missing required parameters as a warning (not a hint)
    missing_required_param: warning

    # these rules are documented on and in the same order as
    # the Dart Lint rules page to make maintenance easier
    # https://github.com/dart-lang/linter/blob/master/example/all.yaml
    # - always_declare_return_types
    # - always_specify_types
    # - annotate_overrides
    # - avoid_as
    - avoid_empty_else
    - avoid_init_to_null
    - avoid_return_types_on_setters
    - await_only_futures
    - camel_case_types
    - cancel_subscriptions
    - close_sinks
    # - comment_references # we do not presume as to what people want to reference in their dartdocs
    # - constant_identifier_names # https://github.com/dart-lang/linter/issues/204
    - control_flow_in_finally
    - empty_constructor_bodies
    - empty_statements
    - hash_and_equals
    - implementation_imports
    # - invariant_booleans
    # - iterable_contains_unrelated_type
    - library_names
    # - library_prefixes
    # - list_remove_unrelated_type
    # - literal_only_boolean_expressions
    - non_constant_identifier_names
    # - one_member_abstracts
    # - only_throw_errors
    # - overridden_fields
    - package_api_docs
    - package_names
    - package_prefixed_library_names
    - prefer_is_not_empty
    # - prefer_mixin # https://github.com/dart-lang/language/issues/32
    # - public_member_api_docs
    - slash_for_doc_comments
    # - sort_constructors_first
    # - sort_unnamed_constructors_first
    # - super_goes_last # no longer needed w/ Dart 2
    - test_types_in_equals
    - throw_in_finally
    # - type_annotate_public_apis # subset of always_specify_types
    - type_init_formals
    # - unawaited_futures
    - unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps
    - unnecessary_getters_setters
    - unnecessary_statements
    - unrelated_type_equality_checks
    - valid_regexps