• Tim Maffett's avatar
    fix typo of 'not' instead of 'now' for `useInheritedMediaQuery` (#139940) · 2b3a16b4
    Tim Maffett authored
    The doc comment for `useInheritedMediaQuery` has a typo of 'not' instead of 'now' and it is confusing at the `@Deprecated()` message clearly states it is *now* ignored.
    (and indeed checking the code you can verify that it *is* indeed ignored)
    existing code before PR:
    /// {@template flutter.widgets.widgetsApp.useInheritedMediaQuery}
    /// Deprecated. This setting is not ignored.
    ///                             ^^^
    /// The widget never introduces its own [MediaQuery]; the [View] widget takes
    /// care of that.
    /// {@endtemplate}
      'This setting is now ignored. '
      'WidgetsApp never introduces its own MediaQuery; the View widget takes care of that. '
      'This feature was deprecated after v3.7.0-29.0.pre.'
    final bool useInheritedMediaQuery;
    - [X ] I read the [Contributor Guide] and followed the process outlined there for submitting PRs.
app.dart 77 KB