• Chris Bracken's avatar
    [tool] Consistent FakeProcessManager.run/runSync (#103947) · 928bb122
    Chris Bracken authored
    `FakeProcessManager` is a test-oriented implementation of `ProcessManager`
    that simulates launching processes and returning `ProcessResult` objects
    whose `exitCode`, `stdout`, `stderr` can be used to write platform-portable,
    hermetic tests that don't rely on actually launching processes from
    executables on disk. Its `run` and `runSync` methods provide asynchronous and
    synchronous variants of this functionality.
    Previously, the behaviour of `run` and `runSync` were inconsistent with
    regards to the treatment of the `stdoutEncoding` (similarly,
    `stderrEncoding`) parameters:
    * if the encoding was null, `ProcessResult.stdout` was returned as a
      String in UTF-8 encoding. This was incorrect. The behaviour as
      specified in `ProcessResult.stdout` is that in this case, a raw
      `List<int>` should be returned.
    * If the encoding was unspecified, `ProcessResult.stdout` was returned as
      a `String` in the `io.systemEncoding` encoding. This was correct.
    * If the encoding was non-null, `ProcessResult.stdout` was returned as a
      `String` in the specified encoding. This was correct.
    * if the encoding was null, `ProcessResult.stdout` was returned as a
      `List<int>` in UTF-8 encoding. This was incorrect. The behaviour as
      specified in `ProcessResult.stdout` is that in this case, a raw
      `List<int>` should be returned.
    * If the encoding was unspecified, `ProcessResult.stdout` was returned as
      `List<int>` in UTF-8 encoding. This was incorrect. The behaviour as
      specified in `ProcessResult.stdout` is that in this case, a String a
      `String` in the `io.systemEncoding` encoding should be returned.
    * if the encoding was non-null, `ProcessResult.stdout` was returned as a
      `String` in unknown (but probably UTF-8) encoding. This was incorrect.
      The behaviour as specified in `ProcessResult.stdout` is that in this
      case, a `String` in the specified encoding should be returned.
    `_FakeProcess`, from which we obtain the fake stdout and stderr values now
    holds these fields as raw `List<int>` of bytes rather than as `String`s. It
    is up to the user to supply values that can be decoded with the encoding
    passed to `run`/`runAsync`.
    `run` and `runAsync` have been updated to set stdout (likewise, stderr) as
    specified in the `ProcessResult` documentation.
    This is pre-factoring for #102451, in which the tool throws an exception
    when processing the JSON output from stdout of the `vswhere.exe` tool,
    whose output was found to include the `U+FFFD` Unicode replacement
    character during UTF-8 decoding, which triggers a `toolExit` exception
    when decoded using our [Utf8Decoder][decoder] configured with `reportErrors` =
    true. Because `FakeProcessManager.runAsync` did not previously invoke
    `utf8.decode` on its output (behaviour which differs from the non-fake
    implementation), it was impossible to write tests to verify the fix.
    Ref: https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/dart-io/ProcessResult/stdout.html
    Issue: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/102451
    [decoder]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/blob/fd312f1ccff909fde28d2247a489bf210bbc6c48/packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/convert.dart#L51-L60
ios_device_port_forwarder_test.dart 1.83 KB