• Chris Bracken's avatar
    Simplify iOS debug build (#17145) · 68a1e2f7
    Chris Bracken authored
    iOS debug builds always run in interpreted mode whether on device or on
    simulator. In both cases, we can skip snapshotting and link against an
    empty App.framework. Previously, we did this for iOS simulator builds.
    This does the same for device builds.
    Previously, debug iOS builds used gen_snapshot to generate a core
    snapshot, then used 'xxd' to generate C files containing the snapshot
    data in buffers named kDartVmSnapshotData and kDartIsolateSnapshotData,
    which are then compiled/linked into App.framework. This is unnecessary
    since the VM compiled into Flutter.framework already contains this data.
xcode_backend.sh 8.19 KB