placeholder_span.dart 3.63 KB
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:ui' as ui show PlaceholderAlignment;

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';

import 'basic_types.dart';
import 'inline_span.dart';
import 'text_painter.dart';
import 'text_span.dart';
import 'text_style.dart';

/// An immutable placeholder that is embedded inline within text.
/// [PlaceholderSpan] represents a placeholder that acts as a stand-in for other
/// content. A [PlaceholderSpan] by itself does not contain useful
/// information to change a [TextSpan]. Instead, this class must be extended
/// to define contents.
/// [WidgetSpan] from the widgets library extends [PlaceholderSpan] and may be
/// used instead to specify a widget as the contents of the placeholder.
/// See also:
///  * [WidgetSpan], a leaf node that represents an embedded inline widget.
///  * [TextSpan], a node that represents text in a [TextSpan] tree.
///  * [Text], a widget for showing uniformly-styled text.
///  * [RichText], a widget for finer control of text rendering.
///  * [TextPainter], a class for painting [TextSpan] objects on a [Canvas].
abstract class PlaceholderSpan extends InlineSpan {
  /// Creates a [PlaceholderSpan] with the given values.
  /// A [TextStyle] may be provided with the [style] property, but only the
  /// decoration, foreground, background, and spacing options will be used.
  const PlaceholderSpan({
    this.alignment = ui.PlaceholderAlignment.bottom,

  /// The unicode character to represent a placeholder.
  static const int placeholderCodeUnit = 0xFFFC;

  /// How the placeholder aligns vertically with the text.
  /// See [ui.PlaceholderAlignment] for details on each mode.
  final ui.PlaceholderAlignment alignment;

  /// The [TextBaseline] to align against when using [ui.PlaceholderAlignment.baseline],
  /// [ui.PlaceholderAlignment.aboveBaseline], and [ui.PlaceholderAlignment.belowBaseline].
  /// This is ignored when using other alignment modes.
  final TextBaseline? baseline;

  /// [PlaceholderSpan]s are flattened to a `0xFFFC` object replacement character in the
  /// plain text representation when `includePlaceholders` is true.
  void computeToPlainText(StringBuffer buffer, {bool includeSemanticsLabels = true, bool includePlaceholders = true}) {
    if (includePlaceholders) {

  void computeSemanticsInformation(List<InlineSpanSemanticsInformation> collector) {

  /// Populates the `semanticsOffsets` and `semanticsElements` with the appropriate data
  /// to be able to construct a [SemanticsNode].
  /// [PlaceholderSpan]s have a text length of 1, which corresponds to the object
  /// replacement character (0xFFFC) that is inserted to represent it.
  /// Null is added to `semanticsElements` for [PlaceholderSpan]s.
  void describeSemantics(Accumulator offset, List<int> semanticsOffsets, List<dynamic> semanticsElements) {
    semanticsOffsets.add(offset.value + 1);
    semanticsElements.add(null); // null indicates this is a placeholder.

  void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {

    properties.add(EnumProperty<ui.PlaceholderAlignment>('alignment', alignment, defaultValue: null));
    properties.add(EnumProperty<TextBaseline>('baseline', baseline, defaultValue: null));