• Hixie's avatar
    Provide a Draggable that starts on drag · 8e279f32
    Hixie authored
    This lets it cooperate with other gestures like tap.
    The way I implemented this was to refactor the entire Draggable gesture
    logic to use a new kind of gesture detector called
    MultiDragGestureRecognizer. It works a bit like
    MultiTapGestureRecognizer but for drags.
    Also some tweaks to the velocity estimator.
gestures.dart 819 Bytes
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

/// The Flutter gesture recognizers.
library gestures;

export 'src/gestures/arena.dart';
export 'src/gestures/binding.dart';
export 'src/gestures/constants.dart';
export 'src/gestures/converter.dart';
export 'src/gestures/drag.dart';
export 'src/gestures/events.dart';
export 'src/gestures/hit_test.dart';
export 'src/gestures/long_press.dart';
export 'src/gestures/lsq_solver.dart';
export 'src/gestures/multidrag.dart';
export 'src/gestures/multitap.dart';
export 'src/gestures/pointer_router.dart';
export 'src/gestures/recognizer.dart';
export 'src/gestures/scale.dart';
export 'src/gestures/tap.dart';
export 'src/gestures/velocity_tracker.dart';