utils.dart 7.21 KB
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';

import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;

/// The location of the Flutter root directory, based on the known location of
/// this script.
final Directory flutterRoot = Directory(path.dirname(Platform.script.toFilePath())).parent.parent.parent.parent;
final String dataRoot = path.join(flutterRoot.path, 'dev', 'tools', 'gen_keycodes', 'data');

/// Converts `FOO_BAR` to `FooBar`.
String shoutingToUpperCamel(String shouting) {
  final RegExp initialLetter = RegExp(r'(?:_|^)([^_])([^_]*)');
  final String snake = shouting.toLowerCase();
  final String result = snake.replaceAllMapped(initialLetter, (Match match) {
    return match.group(1)!.toUpperCase() + match.group(2)!.toLowerCase();
  return result;

/// Converts 'FooBar' to 'fooBar'.
/// 'TVFoo' should be convert to 'tvFoo'.
/// 'KeyX' should be convert to 'keyX'.
String upperCamelToLowerCamel(String upperCamel) {
  final RegExp initialGroup = RegExp(r'^([A-Z]([A-Z]*|[^A-Z]*))([A-Z]([^A-Z]|$)|$)');
  return upperCamel.replaceFirstMapped(initialGroup, (Match match) {
    return match.group(1)!.toLowerCase() + (match.group(3) ?? '');

/// Converts 'fooBar' to 'FooBar'.
String lowerCamelToUpperCamel(String lowerCamel) {
  return lowerCamel.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + lowerCamel.substring(1);

/// A list of Dart reserved words.
/// Since these are Dart reserved words, we can't use them as-is for enum names.
const List<String> kDartReservedWords = <String>[

/// Converts an integer into a hex string with the given number of digits.
String toHex(int? value, {int digits = 8}) {
  if (value == null) {
    return 'null';
  return '0x${value.toRadixString(16).padLeft(digits, '0')}';

/// Parses an integer from a hex string.
int getHex(String input) {
  return int.parse(input, radix: 16);

/// Given an [input] string, wraps the text at 80 characters and prepends each
/// line with the [prefix] string. Use for generated comments.
String wrapString(String input, {required String prefix}) {
  final int wrapWidth = 80 - prefix.length;
  final StringBuffer result = StringBuffer();
  final List<String> words = input.split(RegExp(r'\s+'));
  String currentLine = words.removeAt(0);
  for (final String word in words) {
    if ((currentLine.length + word.length) < wrapWidth) {
      currentLine += ' $word';
    } else {
      currentLine = word;
  if (currentLine.isNotEmpty) {
  return result.toString();

/// Run `fn` with each corresponding element from list1 and list2.
/// If `list1` has a different length from `list2`, the execution is aborted
/// after printing an error.
/// An null list is considered a list with length 0.
void zipStrict<T1, T2>(Iterable<T1> list1, Iterable<T2> list2, void Function(T1, T2) fn) {
  if (list1 == null && list2 == null)
  assert(list1.length == list2.length);
  final Iterator<T1> it1 = list1.iterator;
  final Iterator<T2> it2 = list2.iterator;
  while (it1.moveNext()) {
    fn(it1.current, it2.current);

/// Read a Map<String, String> out of its string representation in JSON.
Map<String, String> parseMapOfString(String jsonString) {
  return (json.decode(jsonString) as Map<String, dynamic>).cast<String, String>();

/// Read a Map<String, List<String>> out of its string representation in JSON.
Map<String, List<String>> parseMapOfListOfString(String jsonString) {
  final Map<String, List<dynamic>> dynamicMap = (json.decode(jsonString) as Map<String, dynamic>).cast<String, List<dynamic>>();
  return dynamicMap.map<String, List<String>>((String key, List<dynamic> value) {
    return MapEntry<String, List<String>>(key, value.cast<String>());

Map<String, List<String?>> parseMapOfListOfNullableString(String jsonString) {
  final Map<String, List<dynamic>> dynamicMap = (json.decode(jsonString) as Map<String, dynamic>).cast<String, List<dynamic>>();
  return dynamicMap.map<String, List<String?>>((String key, List<dynamic> value) {
    return MapEntry<String, List<String?>>(key, value.cast<String?>());

/// Reverse the map of { fromValue -> list of toValue } to { toValue -> fromValue } and return.
Map<String, String> reverseMapOfListOfString(Map<String, List<String>> inMap, void Function(String fromValue, String newToValue) onDuplicate) {
  final Map<String, String> result = <String, String>{};
  inMap.forEach((String fromValue, List<String> toValues) {
    for (final String toValue in toValues) {
      if (result.containsKey(toValue)) {
        onDuplicate(fromValue, toValue);
      result[toValue] = fromValue;
  return result;

/// Remove entries whose value `isEmpty` or is null, and return the map.
/// Will modify the input map.
Map<String, dynamic> removeEmptyValues(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
  return map..removeWhere((String key, dynamic value) {
    if (value == null)
      return true;
    if (value is Map<String, dynamic>) {
      final Map<String, dynamic> regularizedMap = removeEmptyValues(value);
      return regularizedMap.isEmpty;
    if (value is Iterable<dynamic>) {
      return value.isEmpty;
    return false;

void addNameValue(List<String> names, List<int> values, String name, int value) {
  final int foundIndex = values.indexOf(value);
  if (foundIndex == -1) {
  } else {
    if (!RegExp(r'(^|, )abc1($|, )').hasMatch(name)) {
      names[foundIndex] = '${names[foundIndex]}, $name';

/// A utility class to build join a number of lines in a sorted order.
/// Use [add] to add a line and associate it with an index. Use [sortedJoin] to
/// get the joined string of these lines joined sorting them in the order of the
/// index.
class OutputLines<T extends Comparable<Object>> {

  /// The name for this map.
  /// Used in warning messages.
  final String mapName;

  final Map<T, String> lines = <T, String>{};

  void add(T code, String line) {
    if (lines.containsKey(code)) {
      print('Warn: $mapName is requested to add line $code as:\n    $line\n  but it already exists as:\n    ${lines[code]}');
    lines[code] = line;

  String sortedJoin() {
    return (lines.entries.toList()
      ..sort((MapEntry<T, String> a, MapEntry<T, String> b) => a.key.compareTo(b.key)))
      .map((MapEntry<T, String> entry) => entry.value)