• Tong Mu's avatar
    New scheme for keyboard logical key ID (#85121) · c8d0b1d9
    Tong Mu authored
    This PR updates the ID used by logical keyboard keys.
    The logical key ID is still composed of 2 parts: 32 bits of value, and 8 bits of plane. But the assignment of planes has been drastically changed. HID plane is removed, and unprintable plane and Flutter plane are added. This is to reflect the new generation method for logical key IDs. Now keys that are defined by Flutter but not by dom_key_data are placed into the Flutter plane, including numpad keys, sided modifier keys, and gamepad keys. The values for platform planes have also been adjusted.
    The generation script and README have been updated accordingly as well.
    A new file, test_utils/key_codes.h is now generated to assist engine unit testing.
    All lists generated by the script are now sorted by the key.
web_code_gen.dart 3.02 KB
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;

import 'base_code_gen.dart';
import 'constants.dart';
import 'logical_key_data.dart';
import 'physical_key_data.dart';
import 'utils.dart';

/// Generates the key mapping for Web, based on the information in the key
/// data structure given to it.
class WebCodeGenerator extends PlatformCodeGenerator {
    PhysicalKeyData keyData,
    LogicalKeyData logicalData,
    String logicalLocationMap,
  ) : _logicalLocationMap = parseMapOfListOfNullableString(logicalLocationMap),
      super(keyData, logicalData);

  /// This generates the map of Web KeyboardEvent codes to logical key ids.
  String get _webLogicalKeyCodeMap {
    final OutputLines<String> lines = OutputLines<String>('Web logical map');
    for (final LogicalKeyEntry entry in logicalData.entries) {
      final int plane = getPlane(entry.value);
      if (plane == kUnprintablePlane.value) {
        for (final String name in entry.webNames) {
          lines.add(name, "  '$name': ${toHex(entry.value, digits: 11)},");
    return lines.sortedJoin().trimRight();

  /// This generates the map of Web KeyboardEvent codes to physical key USB HID codes.
  String get _webPhysicalKeyCodeMap {
    final OutputLines<String> lines = OutputLines<String>('Web physical map');
    for (final PhysicalKeyEntry entry in keyData.entries) {
      if (entry.name != null) {
            "  '${entry.name}': ${toHex(entry.usbHidCode)}, // ${entry.constantName}");
    return lines.sortedJoin().trimRight();

  /// This generates the map of Web number pad codes to logical key ids.
  String get _webLogicalLocationMap {
    final OutputLines<String> lines = OutputLines<String>('Web logical location map');
    _logicalLocationMap.forEach((String webKey, List<String?> locations) {
      final String valuesString = locations.map((String? value) {
        return value == null ? 'null' : toHex(logicalData.entryByName(value).value, digits: 11);
      }).join(', ');
      final String namesString = locations.map((String? value) {
        return value == null ? 'null' : logicalData.entryByName(value).constantName;
      }).join(', ');
      lines.add(webKey, "  '$webKey': <int?>[$valuesString], // $namesString");
    return lines.sortedJoin().trimRight();
  final Map<String, List<String?>> _logicalLocationMap;

  String get templatePath => path.join(dataRoot, 'web_key_map_dart.tmpl');

  String outputPath(String platform) => path.join(PlatformCodeGenerator.engineRoot,
      'lib', 'web_ui', 'lib', 'src', 'engine', 'key_map.dart');

  Map<String, String> mappings() {
    return <String, String>{
      'WEB_LOGICAL_KEY_CODE_MAP': _webLogicalKeyCodeMap,
      'WEB_PHYSICAL_KEY_CODE_MAP': _webPhysicalKeyCodeMap,
      'WEB_LOGICAL_LOCATION_MAP': _webLogicalLocationMap,