• Ian Hickson's avatar
    Clean up usage of temporary directories (#20682) · 3dec6a69
    Ian Hickson authored
    All temporary directory start with `flutter_` and have their random component separated from the name by a period, as in `flutter_test_bundle.YFYQMY`.
    I've tried to find some of the places where we didn't cleanly delete temporary directories, too. This greatly reduces, though it does not entirely eliminate, the directories we leave behind when running tests, especially `flutter_tools` tests.
    While I was at it I standardized on `tempDir` as the variable name for temporary directories, since it was the most common, removing occurrences of `temp` and `tmp`, among others.
    Also I factored out some common code that used to catch exceptions that happen on Windows, and made more places use that pattern.
common.dart 5.01 KB
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart' hide TypeMatcher, isInstanceOf;
import 'package:test/test.dart' as test_package show TypeMatcher;

import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/common.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/platform.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/process.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/commands/create.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/runner/flutter_command.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/runner/flutter_command_runner.dart';

export 'package:test/test.dart' hide TypeMatcher, isInstanceOf; // Defines a 'package:test' shim.

/// A matcher that compares the type of the actual value to the type argument T.
// TODO(ianh): Remove this once https://github.com/dart-lang/matcher/issues/98 is fixed
Matcher isInstanceOf<T>() => new test_package.TypeMatcher<T>(); // ignore: prefer_const_constructors, https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/32544

void tryToDelete(Directory directory) {
  // This should not be necessary, but it turns out that
  // on Windows it's common for deletions to fail due to
  // bogus (we think) "access denied" errors.
  try {
    directory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
  } on FileSystemException catch (error) {
    print('Failed to delete ${directory.path}: $error');

/// Gets the path to the root of the Flutter repository.
/// This will first look for a `FLUTTER_ROOT` environment variable. If the
/// environment variable is set, it will be returned. Otherwise, this will
/// deduce the path from `platform.script`.
String getFlutterRoot() {
  if (platform.environment.containsKey('FLUTTER_ROOT'))
    return platform.environment['FLUTTER_ROOT'];

  Error invalidScript() => new StateError('Invalid script: ${platform.script}');

  Uri scriptUri;
  switch (platform.script.scheme) {
    case 'file':
      scriptUri = platform.script;
    case 'data':
      final RegExp flutterTools = new RegExp(r'(file://[^"]*[/\\]flutter_tools[/\\][^"]+\.dart)', multiLine: true);
      final Match match = flutterTools.firstMatch(Uri.decodeFull(platform.script.path));
      if (match == null)
        throw invalidScript();
      scriptUri = Uri.parse(match.group(1));
      throw invalidScript();

  final List<String> parts = fs.path.split(fs.path.fromUri(scriptUri));
  final int toolsIndex = parts.indexOf('flutter_tools');
  if (toolsIndex == -1)
    throw invalidScript();
  final String toolsPath = fs.path.joinAll(parts.sublist(0, toolsIndex + 1));
  return fs.path.normalize(fs.path.join(toolsPath, '..', '..'));

CommandRunner<Null> createTestCommandRunner([FlutterCommand command]) {
  final FlutterCommandRunner runner = new FlutterCommandRunner();
  if (command != null)
  return runner;

/// Updates [path] to have a modification time [seconds] from now.
void updateFileModificationTime(String path,
                                DateTime baseTime,
                                int seconds) {
  final DateTime modificationTime = baseTime.add(new Duration(seconds: seconds));

/// Matcher for functions that throw [ToolExit].
Matcher throwsToolExit({int exitCode, String message}) {
  Matcher matcher = isToolExit;
  if (exitCode != null)
    matcher = allOf(matcher, (ToolExit e) => e.exitCode == exitCode);
  if (message != null)
    matcher = allOf(matcher, (ToolExit e) => e.message.contains(message));
  return throwsA(matcher);

/// Matcher for [ToolExit]s.
final Matcher isToolExit = isInstanceOf<ToolExit>();

/// Matcher for functions that throw [ProcessExit].
Matcher throwsProcessExit([dynamic exitCode]) {
  return exitCode == null
      ? throwsA(isProcessExit)
      : throwsA(allOf(isProcessExit, (ProcessExit e) => e.exitCode == exitCode));

/// Matcher for [ProcessExit]s.
final Matcher isProcessExit = isInstanceOf<ProcessExit>();

/// Creates a flutter project in the [temp] directory using the
/// [arguments] list if specified, or `--no-pub` if not.
/// Returns the path to the flutter project.
Future<String> createProject(Directory temp, {List<String> arguments}) async {
  arguments ??= <String>['--no-pub'];
  final String projectPath = fs.path.join(temp.path, 'flutter_project');
  final CreateCommand command = new CreateCommand();
  final CommandRunner<Null> runner = createTestCommandRunner(command);
  await runner.run(<String>['create']..addAll(arguments)..add(projectPath));
  return projectPath;

/// Test case timeout for tests involving remote calls to `pub get` or similar.
const Timeout allowForRemotePubInvocation = Timeout.factor(10.0);

/// Test case timeout for tests involving creating a Flutter project with
/// `--no-pub`. Use [allowForRemotePubInvocation] when creation involves `pub`.
const Timeout allowForCreateFlutterProject = Timeout.factor(3.0);