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  • Greg Spencer's avatar
    Remove snippets snapshotting hack from dartdoc generation. (#24812) · 9d878ca4
    Greg Spencer authored
    Now that dartdoc automatically generates snapshots for external dart tools, I can remove my path hack from the dartdoc_options.yaml file.
    This will allow other packages to again build dartdocs (e.g. plugins) that link to Flutter's dartdocs, and allow me to re-enable dartdoc's cross-linking test that was disabled because of this hack.
dartdoc_options.yaml 607 Bytes
# This file is used by dartdoc when generating API documentation for Flutter.
  # Before you can run dartdoc, the snippets tool needs to have a snapshot built.
  # The dev/tools/dartdoc.dart script does this automatically.
      command: ["dev/snippets/lib/main.dart", "--type=application"]
      description: "Creates application sample code documentation output from embedded documentation samples."
      command: ["dev/snippets/lib/main.dart", "--type=sample"]
      description: "Creates sample code documentation output from embedded documentation samples."