• Janice Collins's avatar
    Update dartdoc to 1.0.0 (#85549) · 0825f49e
    Janice Collins authored
    This includes some major internal changes that should improve performance (the AOT template compiler) and the new lookup code. The big changes noticeable for Flutter will be resolution of field formal parameters, extension method support, and more consistent disambiguation in comment reference lookups.
    While a vast net improvement, this PR will change a few links to point to the wrong place. #85484 will address that after this lands, as there was no good way to specify what the user wanted unambiguously before dartdoc 1.0.0 in a few cases. That PR includes more details on the introduced regressions and link changes.
docs.sh 6.04 KB
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

set -e

function script_location() {
  local script_location="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"
  # Resolve symlinks
  while [[ -h "$script_location" ]]; do
    DIR="$(cd -P "$( dirname "$script_location")" >/dev/null && pwd)"
    script_location="$(readlink "$script_location")"
    [[ "$script_location" != /* ]] && script_location="$DIR/$script_location"
  echo "$(cd -P "$(dirname "$script_location")" >/dev/null && pwd)"

function generate_docs() {
    # Install and activate dartdoc.
    # NOTE: When updating to a new dartdoc version, please also update
    # `dartdoc_options.yaml` to include newly introduced error and warning types.
    "$PUB" global activate dartdoc 1.0.0

    # This script generates a unified doc set, and creates
    # a custom index.html, placing everything into dev/docs/doc.
    (cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/tools" && "$FLUTTER" pub get)
    (cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/tools" && "$PUB" get)
    (cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT" && "$DART" --disable-dart-dev --enable-asserts "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/tools/dartdoc.dart")
    (cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT" && "$DART" --disable-dart-dev --enable-asserts "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/tools/java_and_objc_doc.dart")

# Zip up the docs so people can download them for offline usage.
function create_offline_zip() {
  # Must be run from "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs"
  echo "$(date): Zipping Flutter offline docs archive."
  rm -rf flutter.docs.zip doc/offline
  (cd ./doc; zip -r -9 -q ../flutter.docs.zip .)

# Generate the docset for Flutter docs for use with Dash, Zeal, and Velocity.
function create_docset() {
  # Must be run from "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs"
  # Must have dashing installed: go get -u github.com/technosophos/dashing
  # Dashing produces a LOT of log output (~30MB), so we redirect it, and just
  # show the end of it if there was a problem.
  echo "$(date): Building Flutter docset."
  rm -rf flutter.docset
  # If dashing gets stuck, Cirrus will time out the build after an hour, and we
  # never get to see the logs. Thus, we run it in the background and tail the logs
  # while we wait for it to complete.
  dashing build --source ./doc --config ./dashing.json > $dashing_log 2>&1 &
  wait $dashing_pid && \
  cp ./doc/flutter/static-assets/favicon.png ./flutter.docset/icon.png && \
  "$DART" --disable-dart-dev --enable-asserts ./dashing_postprocess.dart && \
  tar cf flutter.docset.tar.gz --use-compress-program="gzip --best" flutter.docset
  if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
      >&2 echo "Dashing docset generation failed"
      tail -200 $dashing_log
      exit 1

function deploy_docs() {
    # Ensure google webmaster tools can verify our site.
    cp "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs/google2ed1af765c529f57.html" "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs/doc"

    case "$LUCI_BRANCH" in
            echo "$(date): Updating $LUCI_BRANCH docs: https://master-api.flutter.dev/"
            # Disable search indexing on the master staging site so searches get only
            # the stable site.
            echo -e "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /" > "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs/doc/robots.txt"
            echo "$(date): Updating $LUCI_BRANCH docs: https://api.flutter.dev/"
            # Enable search indexing on the master staging site so searches get only
            # the stable site.
            echo -e "# All robots welcome!" > "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs/doc/robots.txt"
            >&2 echo "Docs deployment cannot be run on the $LUCI_BRANCH branch."
            exit 0

# Move the offline archives into place, after all the processing of the doc
# directory is done. This avoids the tools recursively processing the archives
# as part of their process.
function move_offline_into_place() {
  # Must be run from "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs"
  echo "$(date): Moving offline data into place."
  mkdir -p doc/offline
  mv flutter.docs.zip doc/offline/flutter.docs.zip
  du -sh doc/offline/flutter.docs.zip
  if [[ "$LUCI_BRANCH" == "stable" ]]; then
    echo -e "<entry>\n  <version>${FLUTTER_VERSION}</version>\n  <url>https://api.flutter.dev/offline/flutter.docset.tar.gz</url>\n</entry>" > doc/offline/flutter.xml
    echo -e "<entry>\n  <version>${FLUTTER_VERSION}</version>\n  <url>https://master-api.flutter.dev/offline/flutter.docset.tar.gz</url>\n</entry>" > doc/offline/flutter.xml
  mv flutter.docset.tar.gz doc/offline/flutter.docset.tar.gz
  du -sh doc/offline/flutter.docset.tar.gz

# So that users can run this script from anywhere and it will work as expected.
# Sets the Flutter root to be "$(script_location)/../..": This script assumes
# that it resides two directory levels down from the root, so if that changes,
# then this line will need to as well.
FLUTTER_ROOT="$(dirname "$(dirname "$SCRIPT_LOCATION")")"

echo "$(date): Running docs.sh"

if [[ ! -d "$FLUTTER_ROOT" || ! -f "$FLUTTER_ROOT/bin/flutter" ]]; then
  >&2 echo "Unable to locate the Flutter installation (using FLUTTER_ROOT: $FLUTTER_ROOT)"
  exit 1


# Make sure dart is installed by invoking flutter to download it.
"$FLUTTER" --version

# If the pub cache directory exists in the root, then use that.
if [[ -d "$FLUTTER_PUB_CACHE" ]]; then
  # This has to be exported, because pub interprets setting it to the empty
  # string in the same way as setting it to ".".

# Skip publishing docs for PRs and release candidate branches
if [[ -n "$LUCI_CI" && -z "$LUCI_PR" ]]; then
  (cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs"; create_offline_zip)
  (cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs"; create_docset)
  (cd "$FLUTTER_ROOT/dev/docs"; move_offline_into_place)