run_command_test.dart 3.13 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:io' as io;

import '../run_command.dart';
import '../utils.dart';

import 'common.dart';

void main() {
  // These tests only run on Linux. They test platform-agnostic code that is
  // triggered by platform-sensitive code. To avoid having to complicate our
  // test harness by using a mockable process manager, the tests rely on one
  // platform's conventions (Linux having `sh`). The logic being tested is not
  // so critical that it matters that we're only testing it on one platform.

  test('short output on runCommand failure', () async {
    final List<Object?> log = <String>[];
    final PrintCallback oldPrint = print;
    print = log.add;
    try {
      await runCommand('/usr/bin/sh', <String>['-c', 'echo test; false']);
      expect(log, <Object>[
        'workingDirectory: null, executable: /usr/bin/sh, arguments: [-c, echo test; false]',
        '╔═╡ERROR #1╞════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════',
        startsWith('║ Command: '),
        '║ Command exited with exit code 1 but expected zero exit code.',
        startsWith('║ Working directory: '),
        '║ stdout and stderr output:',
        '║ test',
        '║ ',
    } finally {
      print = oldPrint;
  }, skip: !io.Platform.isLinux); // [intended] See comments above.

  test('long output on runCommand failure', () async {
    final List<Object?> log = <String>[];
    final PrintCallback oldPrint = print;
    print = log.add;
    try {
      await runCommand('/usr/bin/sh', <String>['-c', 'echo ${"meow" * 1024}; false']);
      expect(log, <Object>[
        'workingDirectory: null, executable: /usr/bin/sh, arguments: [-c, echo ${"meow" * 1024}; false]',
        'meow' * 1024,
        '╔═╡ERROR #1╞════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════',
        startsWith('║ Command: '),
        '║ Command exited with exit code 1 but expected zero exit code.',
        startsWith('║ Working directory: '),
    } finally {
      print = oldPrint;
  }, skip: !io.Platform.isLinux); // [intended] See comments above.