text_selection.dart 10.4 KB
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// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:math' as math;

import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';

import 'button.dart';
import 'localizations.dart';
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// Padding around the line at the edge of the text selection that has 0 width and
// the height of the text font.
const double _kHandlesPadding = 18.0;
// Minimal padding from all edges of the selection toolbar to all edges of the
// viewport.
const double _kToolbarScreenPadding = 8.0;
const double _kToolbarHeight = 36.0;

21 22
const Color _kToolbarBackgroundColor = Color(0xFF2E2E2E);
const Color _kToolbarDividerColor = Color(0xFFB9B9B9);
23 24 25
// Read off from the output on iOS 12. This color does not vary with the
// application's theme color.
const Color _kHandlesColor = Color(0xFF136FE0);
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// This offset is used to determine the center of the selection during a drag.
// It's slightly below the center of the text so the finger isn't entirely
// covering the text being selected.
30 31
const Size _kSelectionOffset = Size(20.0, 30.0);
const Size _kToolbarTriangleSize = Size(18.0, 9.0);
const EdgeInsets _kToolbarButtonPadding = EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 10.0, horizontal: 18.0);
const BorderRadius _kToolbarBorderRadius = BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(7.5));
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const TextStyle _kToolbarButtonFontStyle = TextStyle(
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36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
  fontSize: 14.0,
  letterSpacing: -0.11,
  fontWeight: FontWeight.w300,

/// Paints a triangle below the toolbar.
class _TextSelectionToolbarNotchPainter extends CustomPainter {
  void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
    final Paint paint = Paint()
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46 47
        ..color = _kToolbarBackgroundColor
        ..style = PaintingStyle.fill;
    final Path triangle = Path()
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49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
        ..lineTo(_kToolbarTriangleSize.width / 2, 0.0)
        ..lineTo(0.0, _kToolbarTriangleSize.height)
        ..lineTo(-(_kToolbarTriangleSize.width / 2), 0.0)
    canvas.drawPath(triangle, paint);

  bool shouldRepaint(_TextSelectionToolbarNotchPainter oldPainter) => false;

/// Manages a copy/paste text selection toolbar.
class _TextSelectionToolbar extends StatelessWidget {
  const _TextSelectionToolbar({
    Key key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  final VoidCallback handleCut;
  final VoidCallback handleCopy;
  final VoidCallback handlePaste;
  final VoidCallback handleSelectAll;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final List<Widget> items = <Widget>[];
    final Widget onePhysicalPixelVerticalDivider =
79 80
    SizedBox(width: 1.0 / MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio);
    final CupertinoLocalizations localizations = CupertinoLocalizations.of(context);
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    if (handleCut != null)
      items.add(_buildToolbarButton(localizations.cutButtonLabel, handleCut));
84 85 86 87

    if (handleCopy != null) {
      if (items.isNotEmpty)
      items.add(_buildToolbarButton(localizations.copyButtonLabel, handleCopy));
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89 90

91 92 93
    if (handlePaste != null) {
      if (items.isNotEmpty)
      items.add(_buildToolbarButton(localizations.pasteButtonLabel, handlePaste));
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97 98 99
    if (handleSelectAll != null) {
      if (items.isNotEmpty)
      items.add(_buildToolbarButton(localizations.selectAllButtonLabel, handleSelectAll));
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    final Widget triangle = SizedBox.fromSize(
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      size: _kToolbarTriangleSize,
105 106
      child: CustomPaint(
        painter: _TextSelectionToolbarNotchPainter(),
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    return Column(
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111 112
      mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
      children: <Widget>[
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          borderRadius: _kToolbarBorderRadius,
          child: DecoratedBox(
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116 117 118
            decoration: const BoxDecoration(
              color: _kToolbarDividerColor,
            child: Row(mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: items),
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122 123 124
        // TODO(xster): Position the triangle based on the layout delegate, and
        // avoid letting the triangle line up with any dividers.
        // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/11274
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        const Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 10.0)),
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  /// Builds a themed [CupertinoButton] for the toolbar.
  CupertinoButton _buildToolbarButton(String text, VoidCallback onPressed) {
133 134
    return CupertinoButton(
      child: Text(text, style: _kToolbarButtonFontStyle),
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      color: _kToolbarBackgroundColor,
      minSize: _kToolbarHeight,
      padding: _kToolbarButtonPadding,
      borderRadius: null,
      pressedOpacity: 0.7,
      onPressed: onPressed,

/// Centers the toolbar around the given position, ensuring that it remains on
/// screen.
class _TextSelectionToolbarLayout extends SingleChildLayoutDelegate {
  _TextSelectionToolbarLayout(this.screenSize, this.globalEditableRegion, this.position);

  /// The size of the screen at the time that the toolbar was last laid out.
  final Size screenSize;

  /// Size and position of the editing region at the time the toolbar was last
  /// laid out, in global coordinates.
  final Rect globalEditableRegion;

  /// Anchor position of the toolbar, relative to the top left of the
  /// [globalEditableRegion].
  final Offset position;

  BoxConstraints getConstraintsForChild(BoxConstraints constraints) {
    return constraints.loosen();

  Offset getPositionForChild(Size size, Size childSize) {
    final Offset globalPosition = globalEditableRegion.topLeft + position;

    double x = globalPosition.dx - childSize.width / 2.0;
    double y = globalPosition.dy - childSize.height;

    if (x < _kToolbarScreenPadding)
      x = _kToolbarScreenPadding;
    else if (x + childSize.width > screenSize.width - _kToolbarScreenPadding)
      x = screenSize.width - childSize.width - _kToolbarScreenPadding;

    if (y < _kToolbarScreenPadding)
      y = _kToolbarScreenPadding;
    else if (y + childSize.height > screenSize.height - _kToolbarScreenPadding)
      y = screenSize.height - childSize.height - _kToolbarScreenPadding;

    return Offset(x, y);
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  bool shouldRelayout(_TextSelectionToolbarLayout oldDelegate) {
    return screenSize != oldDelegate.screenSize
        || globalEditableRegion != oldDelegate.globalEditableRegion
        || position != oldDelegate.position;

/// Draws a single text selection handle with a bar and a ball.
/// Draws from a point of origin somewhere inside the size of the painter
/// such that the ball is below the point of origin and the bar is above the
/// point of origin.
class _TextSelectionHandlePainter extends CustomPainter {

  final Offset origin;

  void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
    final Paint paint = Paint()
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        ..color = _kHandlesColor
        ..strokeWidth = 2.0;
    // Draw circle below the origin that slightly overlaps the bar.
    canvas.drawCircle(origin.translate(0.0, 4.0), 5.5, paint);
    // Draw up from origin leaving 10 pixels of margin on top.
        -(size.height - 2.0 * _kHandlesPadding),

  bool shouldRepaint(_TextSelectionHandlePainter oldPainter) => origin != oldPainter.origin;

class _CupertinoTextSelectionControls extends TextSelectionControls {
  Size handleSize = _kSelectionOffset; // Used for drag selection offset.

  /// Builder for iOS-style copy/paste text selection toolbar.
  Widget buildToolbar(BuildContext context, Rect globalEditableRegion, Offset position, TextSelectionDelegate delegate) {
234 235 236 237
    return ConstrainedBox(
      constraints: BoxConstraints.tight(globalEditableRegion.size),
      child: CustomSingleChildLayout(
        delegate: _TextSelectionToolbarLayout(
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        child: _TextSelectionToolbar(
243 244 245 246
          handleCut: canCut(delegate) ? () => handleCut(delegate) : null,
          handleCopy: canCopy(delegate) ? () => handleCopy(delegate) : null,
          handlePaste: canPaste(delegate) ? () => handlePaste(delegate) : null,
          handleSelectAll: canSelectAll(delegate) ? () => handleSelectAll(delegate) : null,
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  /// Builder for iOS text selection edges.
  Widget buildHandle(BuildContext context, TextSelectionHandleType type, double textLineHeight) {
    // We want a size that's a vertical line the height of the text plus a 18.0
    // padding in every direction that will constitute the selection drag area.
    final Size desiredSize = Size(
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      2.0 * _kHandlesPadding,
      textLineHeight + 2.0 * _kHandlesPadding

    final Widget handle = SizedBox.fromSize(
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      size: desiredSize,
264 265
      child: CustomPaint(
        painter: _TextSelectionHandlePainter(
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          // We give the painter a point of origin that's at the bottom baseline
          // of the selection cursor position.
          // We give it in the form of an offset from the top left of the
          // SizedBox.
          origin: Offset(_kHandlesPadding, textLineHeight + _kHandlesPadding),
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    // [buildHandle]'s widget is positioned at the selection cursor's bottom
    // baseline. We transform the handle such that the SizedBox is superimposed
    // on top of the text selection endpoints.
    switch (type) {
      case TextSelectionHandleType.left: // The left handle is upside down on iOS.
281 282
        return Transform(
          transform: Matrix4.rotationZ(math.pi)
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              ..translate(-_kHandlesPadding, -_kHandlesPadding),
          child: handle
      case TextSelectionHandleType.right:
287 288
        return Transform(
          transform: Matrix4.translationValues(
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            -(textLineHeight + _kHandlesPadding),
          child: handle
      case TextSelectionHandleType.collapsed: // iOS doesn't draw anything for collapsed selections.
        return Container();
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    assert(type != null);
    return null;

/// Text selection controls that follows iOS design conventions.
final TextSelectionControls cupertinoTextSelectionControls = _CupertinoTextSelectionControls();