browser.dart 23.1 KB
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1 2 3 4
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show JsonEncoder, LineSplitter, json, utf8;
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'dart:math' as math;

import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:webkit_inspection_protocol/webkit_inspection_protocol.dart';

13 14 15 16 17
/// The number of samples used to extract metrics, such as noise, means,
/// max/min values.
/// Keep this constant in sync with the same constant defined in `dev/benchmarks/macrobenchmarks/lib/src/web/recorder.dart`.
const int _kMeasuredSampleCount = 10;
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

/// Options passed to Chrome when launching it.
class ChromeOptions {
    this.windowWidth = 1024,
    this.windowHeight = 1024,

  /// If not null passed as `--user-data-dir`.
  final String? userDataDirectory;
32 33

  /// If not null launches a Chrome tab at this URL.
  final String? url;
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

  /// The width of the Chrome window.
  /// This is important for screenshots and benchmarks.
  final int windowWidth;

  /// The height of the Chrome window.
  /// This is important for screenshots and benchmarks.
  final int windowHeight;

  /// Launches code in "headless" mode, which allows running Chrome in
  /// environments without a display, such as LUCI and Cirrus.
  final bool? headless;
49 50 51 52 53 54

  /// The port Chrome will use for its debugging protocol.
  /// If null, Chrome is launched without debugging. When running in headless
  /// mode without a debug port, Chrome quits immediately. For most tests it is
  /// typical to set [headless] to true and set a non-null debug port.
  final int? debugPort;
56 57 58 59 60 61 62

/// A function called when the Chrome process encounters an error.
typedef ChromeErrorCallback = void Function(String);

/// Manages a single Chrome process.
class Chrome {
  Chrome._(this._chromeProcess, this._onError, this._debugConnection) {
64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
    // If the Chrome process quits before it was asked to quit, notify the
    // error listener.
    _chromeProcess.exitCode.then((int exitCode) {
      if (!_isStopped) {
        _onError('Chrome process exited prematurely with exit code $exitCode');

  /// Launches Chrome with the give [options].
  /// The [onError] callback is called with an error message when the Chrome
  /// process encounters an error. In particular, [onError] is called when the
  /// Chrome process exits prematurely, i.e. before [stop] is called.
  static Future<Chrome> launch(ChromeOptions options, { String? workingDirectory, required ChromeErrorCallback onError }) async {
79 80 81 82 83 84
    if (!io.Platform.isWindows) {
      final io.ProcessResult versionResult = io.Process.runSync(_findSystemChromeExecutable(), const <String>['--version']);
      print('Launching ${versionResult.stdout}');
    } else {
      print('Launching Chrome...');

    final bool withDebugging = options.debugPort != null;
87 88 89 90
    final List<String> args = <String>[
      if (options.userDataDirectory != null)
      if (options.url != null)
92 93
      if (io.Platform.environment['CHROME_NO_SANDBOX'] == 'true')
      if (options.headless ?? false)
      if (withDebugging)
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
      // Indicates that the browser is in "browse without sign-in" (Guest session) mode.
108 109

    final io.Process chromeProcess = await _spawnChromiumProcess(
110 111 112 113
      workingDirectory: workingDirectory,

    WipConnection? debugConnection;
    if (withDebugging) {
      debugConnection = await _connectToChromeDebugPort(chromeProcess, options.debugPort!);
118 119 120

    return Chrome._(chromeProcess, onError, debugConnection);
121 122 123 124

  final io.Process _chromeProcess;
  final ChromeErrorCallback _onError;
  final WipConnection? _debugConnection;
126 127
  bool _isStopped = false;

128 129 130
  Completer<void> ?_tracingCompleter;
  StreamSubscription<WipEvent>? _tracingSubscription;
  List<Map<String, dynamic>>? _tracingData;
131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149

  /// Starts recording a performance trace.
  /// If there is already a tracing session in progress, throws an error. Call
  /// [endRecordingPerformance] before starting a new tracing session.
  /// The [label] is for debugging convenience.
  Future<void> beginRecordingPerformance(String label) async {
    if (_tracingCompleter != null) {
      throw StateError(
        'Cannot start a new performance trace. A tracing session labeled '
        '"$label" is already in progress.'
    _tracingCompleter = Completer<void>();
    _tracingData = <Map<String, dynamic>>[];

    // Subscribe to tracing events prior to calling "Tracing.start". Otherwise,
    // we'll miss tracing data.
    _tracingSubscription = _debugConnection?.onNotification.listen((WipEvent event) {
151 152 153 154
      // We receive data as a sequence of "Tracing.dataCollected" followed by
      // "Tracing.tracingComplete" at the end. Until "Tracing.tracingComplete"
      // is received, the data may be incomplete.
      if (event.method == 'Tracing.tracingComplete') {
155 156
157 158
        _tracingSubscription = null;
      } else if (event.method == 'Tracing.dataCollected') {
        final dynamic value = event.params?['value'];
160 161 162 163
        if (value is! List) {
          throw FormatException('"Tracing.dataCollected" returned malformed data. '
              'Expected a List but got: ${value.runtimeType}');
        _tracingData?.addAll((event.params?['value'] as List<dynamic>).cast<Map<String, dynamic>>());
165 166
    await _debugConnection?.sendCommand('Tracing.start', <String, dynamic>{
168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178
      // The choice of categories is as follows:
      // blink:
      //   provides everything on the UI thread, including scripting,
      //   style recalculations, layout, painting, and some compositor
      //   work.
      // blink.user_timing:
      //   provides marks recorded using window.performance. We use marks
      //   to find frames that the benchmark cares to measure.
      // gpu:
      //   provides tracing data from the GPU data
      //   disabled due to
      // TODO(yjbanov): extract useful GPU data
      'categories': 'blink,blink.user_timing',
182 183 184 185 186 187 188
      'transferMode': 'SendAsStream',

  /// Stops a performance tracing session started by [beginRecordingPerformance].
  /// Returns all the collected tracing data unfiltered.
189 190 191 192
  Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>?> endRecordingPerformance() async {
    await _debugConnection!.sendCommand('Tracing.end');
    await _tracingCompleter!.future;
    final List<Map<String, dynamic>>? data = _tracingData;
193 194 195 196 197
    _tracingCompleter = null;
    _tracingData = null;
    return data;

  Future<void> reloadPage({bool ignoreCache = false}) async {
    await _debugConnection?.page.reload(ignoreCache: ignoreCache);
200 201

202 203 204
  /// Stops the Chrome process.
  void stop() {
    _isStopped = true;
206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213

String _findSystemChromeExecutable() {
  // On some environments, such as the Dart HHH tester, Chrome resides in a
  // non-standard location and is provided via the following environment
  // variable.
  final String? envExecutable = io.Platform.environment['CHROME_EXECUTABLE'];
215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229
  if (envExecutable != null) {
    return envExecutable;

  if (io.Platform.isLinux) {
    final io.ProcessResult which =
        io.Process.runSync('which', <String>['google-chrome']);

    if (which.exitCode != 0) {
      throw Exception('Failed to locate system Chrome installation.');

    return (which.stdout as String).trim();
  } else if (io.Platform.isMacOS) {
    return '/Applications/Google Chrome';
230 231
  } else if (io.Platform.isWindows) {
    const String kWindowsExecutable = r'Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe';
    final List<String> kWindowsPrefixes = <String?>[
233 234 235
237 238 239 240 241
    final String windowsPrefix = kWindowsPrefixes.firstWhere((String prefix) {
      final String expectedPath = path.join(prefix, kWindowsExecutable);
      return io.File(expectedPath).existsSync();
    }, orElse: () => '.');
    return path.join(windowsPrefix, kWindowsExecutable);
  } else {
    throw Exception('Web benchmarks cannot run on ${io.Platform.operatingSystem}.');
244 245
246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265

/// Waits for Chrome to print DevTools URI and connects to it.
Future<WipConnection> _connectToChromeDebugPort(io.Process chromeProcess, int port) async {
  final Uri devtoolsUri = await _getRemoteDebuggerUrl(Uri.parse('http://localhost:$port'));
  print('Connecting to DevTools: $devtoolsUri');
  final ChromeConnection chromeConnection = ChromeConnection('localhost', port);
  final Iterable<ChromeTab> tabs = (await chromeConnection.getTabs()).where((ChromeTab tab) {
    return tab.url.startsWith('http://localhost');
  final ChromeTab tab = tabs.single;
  final WipConnection debugConnection = await tab.connect();
  print('Connected to Chrome tab: ${tab.title} (${tab.url})');
  return debugConnection;

/// Gets the Chrome debugger URL for the web page being benchmarked.
Future<Uri> _getRemoteDebuggerUrl(Uri base) async {
  final io.HttpClient client = io.HttpClient();
  final io.HttpClientRequest request = await client.getUrl(base.resolve('/json/list'));
  final io.HttpClientResponse response = await request.close();
  final List<dynamic>? jsonObject = await json.fuse(utf8).decoder.bind(response).single as List<dynamic>?;
267 268 269
  if (jsonObject == null || jsonObject.isEmpty) {
    return base;
  return base.resolve((jsonObject.first as Map<String, dynamic>)['webSocketDebuggerUrl'] as String);
271 272 273 274 275

/// Summarizes a Blink trace down to a few interesting values.
class BlinkTraceSummary {
276 277
    required this.averageBeginFrameTime,
    required this.averageUpdateLifecyclePhasesTime,
278 279
  }) : averageTotalUIFrameTime = averageBeginFrameTime + averageUpdateLifecyclePhasesTime;

  static BlinkTraceSummary? fromJson(List<Map<String, dynamic>> traceJson) {
281 282 283 284 285
    try {
      // Convert raw JSON data to BlinkTraceEvent objects sorted by timestamp.
      List<BlinkTraceEvent> events = traceJson
        ..sort((BlinkTraceEvent a, BlinkTraceEvent b) => a.ts! - b.ts!);

288 289 290
      Exception noMeasuredFramesFound() => Exception(
        'No measured frames found in benchmark tracing data. This likely '
        'indicates a bug in the benchmark. For example, the benchmark failed '
        "to pump enough frames. It may also indicate a change in Chrome's "
292 293 294 295
        'tracing data format. Check if Chrome version changed recently and '
        'adjust the parsing code accordingly.',

296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303
      // Use the pid from the first "measured_frame" event since the event is
      // emitted by the script running on the process we're interested in.
      // We previously tried using the "CrRendererMain" event. However, for
      // reasons unknown, Chrome in the devicelab refuses to emit this event
      // sometimes, causing to flakes.
      final BlinkTraceEvent firstMeasuredFrameEvent = events.firstWhere(
        (BlinkTraceEvent event) => event.isBeginMeasuredFrame,
        orElse: () => throw noMeasuredFramesFound(),
305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312

      if (firstMeasuredFrameEvent == null) {
        // This happens in benchmarks that do not measure frames, such as some
        // of the text layout benchmarks.
        return null;

      final int tabPid =!;

315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343
      // Filter out data from unrelated processes
      events = events.where((BlinkTraceEvent element) => == tabPid).toList();

      // Extract frame data.
      final List<BlinkFrame> frames = <BlinkFrame>[];
      int skipCount = 0;
      BlinkFrame frame = BlinkFrame();
      for (final BlinkTraceEvent event in events) {
        if (event.isBeginFrame) {
          frame.beginFrame = event;
        } else if (event.isUpdateAllLifecyclePhases) {
          frame.updateAllLifecyclePhases = event;
          if (frame.endMeasuredFrame != null) {
          } else {
            skipCount += 1;
          frame = BlinkFrame();
        } else if (event.isBeginMeasuredFrame) {
          frame.beginMeasuredFrame = event;
        } else if (event.isEndMeasuredFrame) {
          frame.endMeasuredFrame = event;

      print('Extracted ${frames.length} measured frames.');
      print('Skipped $skipCount non-measured frames.');

      if (frames.isEmpty) {
        throw noMeasuredFramesFound();
345 346 347 348

      // Compute averages and summarize.
      return BlinkTraceSummary._(
349 350
        averageBeginFrameTime: _computeAverageDuration( frame) => frame.beginFrame).whereType<BlinkTraceEvent>().toList()),
        averageUpdateLifecyclePhasesTime: _computeAverageDuration( frame) => frame.updateAllLifecyclePhases).whereType<BlinkTraceEvent>().toList()),
    } catch (_) {
353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388
      final io.File traceFile = io.File('./chrome-trace.json');
      io.stderr.writeln('Failed to interpret the Chrome trace contents. The trace was saved in ${traceFile.path}');
      traceFile.writeAsStringSync(const JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ').convert(traceJson));

  /// The average duration of "WebViewImpl::beginFrame" events.
  /// This event contains all of scripting time of an animation frame, plus an
  /// unknown small amount of work browser does before and after scripting.
  final Duration averageBeginFrameTime;

  /// The average duration of "WebViewImpl::updateAllLifecyclePhases" events.
  /// This event contains style, layout, painting, and compositor computations,
  /// which are not included in the scripting time. This event does not
  /// include GPU time, which happens on a separate thread.
  final Duration averageUpdateLifecyclePhasesTime;

  /// The average sum of [averageBeginFrameTime] and
  /// [averageUpdateLifecyclePhasesTime].
  /// This value contains the vast majority of work the UI thread performs in
  /// any given animation frame.
  final Duration averageTotalUIFrameTime;

  String toString() => '$BlinkTraceSummary('
    'averageBeginFrameTime: ${averageBeginFrameTime.inMicroseconds / 1000}ms, '
    'averageUpdateLifecyclePhasesTime: ${averageUpdateLifecyclePhasesTime.inMicroseconds / 1000}ms)';

/// Contains events pertaining to a single frame in the Blink trace data.
class BlinkFrame {
  /// Corresponds to 'WebViewImpl::beginFrame' event.
  BlinkTraceEvent? beginFrame;
390 391

  /// Corresponds to 'WebViewImpl::updateAllLifecyclePhases' event.
  BlinkTraceEvent? updateAllLifecyclePhases;
393 394

  /// Corresponds to 'measured_frame' begin event.
  BlinkTraceEvent? beginMeasuredFrame;
396 397

  /// Corresponds to 'measured_frame' end event.
  BlinkTraceEvent? endMeasuredFrame;
399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410

/// Takes a list of events that have non-null [BlinkTraceEvent.tdur] computes
/// their average as a [Duration] value.
Duration _computeAverageDuration(List<BlinkTraceEvent> events) {
  // Compute the sum of "tdur" fields of the last _kMeasuredSampleCount events.
  final double sum = events
    .skip(math.max(events.length - _kMeasuredSampleCount, 0))
    .fold(0.0, (double previousValue, BlinkTraceEvent event) {
      if (event.tdur == null) {
        throw FormatException('Trace event lacks "tdur" field: $event');
      return previousValue + event.tdur!;
412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422
  final int sampleCount = math.min(events.length, _kMeasuredSampleCount);
  return Duration(microseconds: sum ~/ sampleCount);

/// An event collected by the Blink tracer (in Chrome accessible using chrome://tracing).
/// See also:
///  *
class BlinkTraceEvent {
423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431
    required this.args,
432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484

  /// Parses an event from its JSON representation.
  /// Sample event encoded as JSON (the data is bogus, this just shows the format):
  /// ```
  /// {
  ///   "name": "myName",
  ///   "cat": "category,list",
  ///   "ph": "B",
  ///   "ts": 12345,
  ///   "pid": 123,
  ///   "tid": 456,
  ///   "args": {
  ///     "someArg": 1,
  ///     "anotherArg": {
  ///       "value": "my value"
  ///     }
  ///   }
  /// }
  /// ```
  /// For detailed documentation of the format see:
  static BlinkTraceEvent fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    return BlinkTraceEvent._(
      args: json['args'] as Map<String, dynamic>,
      cat: json['cat'] as String,
      name: json['name'] as String,
      ph: json['ph'] as String,
      pid: _readInt(json, 'pid'),
      tid: _readInt(json, 'tid'),
      ts: _readInt(json, 'ts'),
      tts: _readInt(json, 'tts'),
      tdur: _readInt(json, 'tdur'),

  /// Event-specific data.
  final Map<String, dynamic> args;

  /// Event category.
  final String cat;

  /// Event name.
  final String name;

  /// Event "phase".
  final String ph;

  /// Process ID of the process that emitted the event.
  final int? pid;
486 487

  /// Thread ID of the thread that emitted the event.
  final int? tid;
489 490

  /// Timestamp in microseconds using tracer clock.
  final int? ts;
492 493

  /// Timestamp in microseconds using thread clock.
  final int? tts;
495 496

  /// Event duration in microseconds.
  final int? tdur;
498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505

  /// A "begin frame" event contains all of the scripting time of an animation
  /// frame (JavaScript, WebAssembly), plus a negligible amount of internal
  /// browser overhead.
  /// This event does not include non-UI thread scripting, such as web workers,
  /// service workers, and CSS Paint paintlets.
506 507 508
  /// WebViewImpl::beginFrame was used in earlier versions of Chrome, kept
  /// for compatibility.
  /// This event is a duration event that has its `tdur` populated.
510 511 512 513 514 515 516
  bool get isBeginFrame {
    return ph == 'X' && (
      name == 'WebViewImpl::beginFrame' ||
      name == 'WebFrameWidgetBase::BeginMainFrame' ||
      name == 'WebFrameWidgetImpl::BeginMainFrame'
517 518 519 520 521 522 523

  /// An "update all lifecycle phases" event contains UI thread computations
  /// related to an animation frame that's outside the scripting phase.
  /// This event includes style recalculation, layer tree update, layout,
  /// painting, and parts of compositing work.
524 525 526
  /// WebViewImpl::updateAllLifecyclePhases was used in earlier versions of
  /// Chrome, kept for compatibility.
  /// This event is a duration event that has its `tdur` populated.
528 529 530 531 532 533
  bool get isUpdateAllLifecyclePhases {
    return ph == 'X' && (
      name == 'WebViewImpl::updateAllLifecyclePhases' ||
      name == 'WebFrameWidgetImpl::UpdateLifecycle'
534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569

  /// Whether this is the beginning of a "measured_frame" event.
  /// This event is a custom event emitted by our benchmark test harness.
  /// See also:
  ///  * `recorder.dart`, which emits this event.
  bool get isBeginMeasuredFrame => ph == 'b' && name == 'measured_frame';

  /// Whether this is the end of a "measured_frame" event.
  /// This event is a custom event emitted by our benchmark test harness.
  /// See also:
  ///  * `recorder.dart`, which emits this event.
  bool get isEndMeasuredFrame => ph == 'e' && name == 'measured_frame';

  String toString() => '$BlinkTraceEvent('
    'args: ${json.encode(args)}, '
    'cat: $cat, '
    'name: $name, '
    'ph: $ph, '
    'pid: $pid, '
    'tid: $tid, '
    'ts: $ts, '
    'tts: $tts, '
    'tdur: $tdur)';

/// Read an integer out of [json] stored under [key].
/// Since JSON does not distinguish between `int` and `double`, extra
/// validation and conversion is needed.
/// Returns null if the value is null.
570 571
int? _readInt(Map<String, dynamic> json, String key) {
  final num? jsonValue = json[key] as num?;
572 573 574 575 576 577 578

  if (jsonValue == null) {
    return null;

  return jsonValue.toInt();
579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591

/// Used by [Chrome.launch] to detect a glibc bug and retry launching the
/// browser.
/// Once every few thousands of launches we hit this glibc bug:
/// When this happens Chrome spits out something like the following then exits with code 127:
///     Inconsistency detected by ../elf/dl-tls.c: 493: _dl_allocate_tls_init: Assertion `listp->slotinfo[cnt].gen <= GL(dl_tls_generation)' failed!
const String _kGlibcError = 'Inconsistency detected by';

Future<io.Process> _spawnChromiumProcess(String executable, List<String> args, { String? workingDirectory }) async {
593 594
  // Keep attempting to launch the browser until one of:
  // - Chrome launched successfully, in which case we just return from the loop.
  // - The tool detected an unretryable Chrome error, in which case we throw ToolExit.
596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624
  while (true) {
    final io.Process process = await io.Process.start(executable, args, workingDirectory: workingDirectory);

      .transform(const LineSplitter())
      .listen((String line) {
        print('[CHROME STDOUT]: $line');

    // Wait until the DevTools are listening before trying to connect. This is
    // only required for flutter_test --platform=chrome and not flutter run.
    bool hitGlibcBug = false;
    await process.stderr
      .transform(const LineSplitter())
      .map((String line) {
        print('[CHROME STDERR]:$line');
        if (line.contains(_kGlibcError)) {
          hitGlibcBug = true;
        return line;
      .firstWhere((String line) => line.startsWith('DevTools listening'), orElse: () {
        if (hitGlibcBug) {
            'Encountered glibc bug '
            'Will try launching browser again.',
          return '';
626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641
        print('Failed to launch browser. Command used to launch it: ${args.join(' ')}');
        throw Exception(
          'Failed to launch browser. Make sure you are using an up-to-date '
          'Chrome or Edge. Otherwise, consider using -d web-server instead '
          'and filing an issue at',

    if (!hitGlibcBug) {
      return process;

    // A precaution that avoids accumulating browser processes, in case the
    // glibc bug doesn't cause the browser to quit and we keep looping and
    // launching more processes.
    unawaited(process.exitCode.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 1), onTimeout: () {
      return 0;
646 647