version.dart 21.3 KB
Newer Older
1 2 3 4
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';

import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:quiver/time.dart';

import 'base/common.dart';
import 'base/context.dart';
import 'base/file_system.dart';
import 'base/io.dart';
import 'base/process.dart';
import 'base/process_manager.dart';
import 'cache.dart';
import 'globals.dart';

class FlutterVersion {
21 22
  FlutterVersion(this._clock) {
    _channel = _runGit('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic @{u}');
24 25
    final String branch = _runGit('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD');
    _branch = branch == 'HEAD' ? _channel : branch;

    final int slash = _channel.indexOf('/');
    if (slash != -1) {
      final String remote = _channel.substring(0, slash);
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
      _repositoryUrl = _runGit('git ls-remote --get-url $remote');
      _channel = _channel.substring(slash + 1);
    } else if (_channel.isEmpty) {
      _channel = 'unknown';

    _frameworkRevision = _runGit('git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%H');
    _frameworkAge = _runGit('git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%ar');
    _frameworkVersion = GitTagVersion.determine().frameworkVersionFor(_frameworkRevision);

41 42
  final Clock _clock;

43 44 45
  String _repositoryUrl;
  String get repositoryUrl => _repositoryUrl;

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
  static Set<String> officialChannels = new Set<String>.from(<String>[

  /// This maps old branch names to the names of branches that replaced them.
  /// For example, in early 2018 we changed from having an "alpha" branch to
  /// having a "dev" branch, so anyone using "alpha" now gets transitioned to
  /// "dev".
  static Map<String, String> obsoleteBranches = <String, String>{
    'alpha': 'dev',
    'hackathon': 'dev',
    'codelab': 'dev',

  String _channel;
65 66
  /// The channel is the upstream branch.
  /// `master`, `dev`, `beta`, `release`; or old ones, like `alpha`, `hackathon`, ...
67 68
  String get channel => _channel;

69 70
  /// The name of the local branch.
  /// Use getBranchName() to read this.
71 72
  String _branch;

73 74
  String _frameworkRevision;
  String get frameworkRevision => _frameworkRevision;
  String get frameworkRevisionShort => _shortGitRevision(frameworkRevision);
76 77 78

  String _frameworkAge;
  String get frameworkAge => _frameworkAge;

80 81 82
  String _frameworkVersion;
  String get frameworkVersion => _frameworkVersion;

83 84
  String get frameworkDate => frameworkCommitDate;

  String get dartSdkVersion => Cache.instance.dartSdkVersion.split(' ')[0];

  String get engineRevision => Cache.instance.engineRevision;
  String get engineRevisionShort => _shortGitRevision(engineRevision);

  Future<void> ensureVersionFile() {
91 92
    return fs.file(fs.path.join(Cache.flutterRoot, 'version')).writeAsString(_frameworkVersion);
93 94 95

  String toString() {
96 97
    final String versionText = frameworkVersion == 'unknown' ? '' : ' $frameworkVersion';
    final String flutterText = 'Flutter$versionText • channel $channel${repositoryUrl == null ? 'unknown source' : repositoryUrl}';
98 99 100
    final String frameworkText = 'Framework • revision $frameworkRevisionShort ($frameworkAge) • $frameworkCommitDate';
    final String engineText = 'Engine • revision $engineRevisionShort';
    final String toolsText = 'Tools • Dart $dartSdkVersion';

    // Flutter 1.3.922-pre.2 • channel master •
103 104 105
    // Framework • revision 2259c59be8 • 19 minutes ago • 2016-08-15 22:51:40
    // Engine • revision fe509b0d96
    // Tools • Dart 1.19.0-dev.5.0

    return '$flutterText\n$frameworkText\n$engineText\n$toolsText';
108 109

110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
  Map<String, Object> toJson() => <String, Object>{
        'channel': channel,
        'repositoryUrl': repositoryUrl ?? 'unknown source',
        'frameworkRevision': frameworkRevision,
        'frameworkCommitDate': frameworkCommitDate,
        'engineRevision': engineRevision,
        'dartSdkVersion': dartSdkVersion,

  /// A date String describing the last framework commit.
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137
  String get frameworkCommitDate => _latestGitCommitDate();

  static String _latestGitCommitDate([String branch]) {
    final List<String> args = <String>['git', 'log'];

    if (branch != null)

    args.addAll(<String>['-n', '1', '--pretty=format:%ad', '--date=iso']);
    return _runSync(args, lenient: false);

  /// The name of the temporary git remote used to check for the latest
  /// available Flutter framework version.
  /// In the absence of bugs and crashes a Flutter developer should never see
  /// this remote appear in their `git remote` list, but also if it happens to
  /// persist we do the proper clean-up for extra robustness.
  static const String _versionCheckRemote = '__flutter_version_check__';
139 140 141 142 143

  /// The date of the latest framework commit in the remote repository.
  /// Throws [ToolExit] if a git command fails, for example, when the remote git
  /// repository is not reachable due to a network issue.
  static Future<String> fetchRemoteFrameworkCommitDate(String branch) async {
145 146 147 148 149 150
    await _removeVersionCheckRemoteIfExists();
    try {
      await _run(<String>[
152 153
154 155
      await _run(<String>['git', 'fetch', _versionCheckRemote, branch]);
      return _latestGitCommitDate('$_versionCheckRemote/$branch');
156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
    } finally {
      await _removeVersionCheckRemoteIfExists();

  static Future<Null> _removeVersionCheckRemoteIfExists() async {
    final List<String> remotes = (await _run(<String>['git', 'remote']))
        .map((String name) => name.trim()) // to account for OS-specific line-breaks
166 167
    if (remotes.contains(_versionCheckRemote))
      await _run(<String>['git', 'remote', 'remove', _versionCheckRemote]);
168 169

  static FlutterVersion get instance => context[FlutterVersion];

  /// Return a short string for the version (e.g. `master/0.0.59-pre.92`, `scroll_refactor/a76bc8e22b`).
  String getVersionString({bool redactUnknownBranches = false}) {
174 175 176
    if (frameworkVersion != 'unknown')
      return '${getBranchName(redactUnknownBranches: redactUnknownBranches)}/$frameworkVersion';
    return '${getBranchName(redactUnknownBranches: redactUnknownBranches)}/$frameworkRevisionShort';
177 178 179 180

  /// Return the branch name.
181 182
  /// If [redactUnknownBranches] is true and the branch is unknown,
  /// the branch name will be returned as `'[user-branch]'`.
  String getBranchName({ bool redactUnknownBranches = false }) {
    if (redactUnknownBranches || _branch.isEmpty) {
      // Only return the branch names we know about; arbitrary branch names might contain PII.
186 187
      if (!officialChannels.contains(_branch) && !obsoleteBranches.containsKey(_branch))
        return '[user-branch]';
    return _branch;

192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205
  /// Returns true if `tentativeDescendantRevision` is a direct descendant to
  /// the `tentativeAncestorRevision` revision on the Flutter framework repo
  /// tree.
  bool checkRevisionAncestry({
    String tentativeDescendantRevision,
    String tentativeAncestorRevision,
  }) {
    final ProcessResult result = processManager.runSync(
      <String>['git', 'merge-base', '--is-ancestor', tentativeAncestorRevision, tentativeDescendantRevision],
      workingDirectory: Cache.flutterRoot,
    return result.exitCode == 0;

206 207 208
  /// The amount of time we wait before pinging the server to check for the
  /// availability of a newer version of Flutter.
  static const Duration kCheckAgeConsideredUpToDate = Duration(days: 3);
210 211 212

  /// We warn the user if the age of their Flutter installation is greater than
  /// this duration.
213 214
  /// This is set to 5 weeks because releases are currently around every 4 weeks.
  static const Duration kVersionAgeConsideredUpToDate = Duration(days: 35);

218 219 220
  /// The amount of time we wait between issuing a warning.
  /// This is to avoid annoying users who are unable to upgrade right away.
  static const Duration kMaxTimeSinceLastWarning = Duration(days: 1);
223 224 225 226 227 228

  /// The amount of time we pause for to let the user read the message about
  /// outdated Flutter installation.
  /// This can be customized in tests to speed them up.
  static Duration timeToPauseToLetUserReadTheMessage = const Duration(seconds: 2);
230 231 232 233 234 235 236

  /// Checks if the currently installed version of Flutter is up-to-date, and
  /// warns the user if it isn't.
  /// This function must run while [Cache.lock] is acquired because it reads and
  /// writes shared cache files.
  Future<Null> checkFlutterVersionFreshness() async {
237 238 239 240 241
    // Don't perform update checks if we're not on an official channel.
    if (!officialChannels.contains(_channel)) {

242 243 244 245
    final DateTime localFrameworkCommitDate = DateTime.parse(frameworkCommitDate);
    final Duration frameworkAge =;
    final bool installationSeemsOutdated = frameworkAge > kVersionAgeConsideredUpToDate;

246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257
    // Get whether there's a newer version on the remote. This only goes
    // to the server if we haven't checked recently so won't happen on every
    // command.
    final DateTime latestFlutterCommitDate = await _getLatestAvailableFlutterDate();
    final VersionCheckResult remoteVersionStatus =
        latestFlutterCommitDate == null
            ? VersionCheckResult.unknown
            : latestFlutterCommitDate.isAfter(localFrameworkCommitDate)
                ? VersionCheckResult.newVersionAvailable
                : VersionCheckResult.versionIsCurrent;

    // Do not load the stamp before the above server check as it may modify the stamp file.
258 259 260 261
    final VersionCheckStamp stamp = await VersionCheckStamp.load();
    final DateTime lastTimeWarningWasPrinted = stamp.lastTimeWarningWasPrinted ?? _clock.agoBy(kMaxTimeSinceLastWarning * 2);
    final bool beenAWhileSinceWarningWasPrinted = > kMaxTimeSinceLastWarning;

262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274
    // We show a warning if either we know there is a new remote version, or we couldn't tell but the local
    // version is outdated.
    final bool canShowWarning =
        remoteVersionStatus == VersionCheckResult.newVersionAvailable ||
            (remoteVersionStatus == VersionCheckResult.unknown &&

    if (beenAWhileSinceWarningWasPrinted && canShowWarning) {
      final String updateMessage =
          remoteVersionStatus == VersionCheckResult.newVersionAvailable
              ? newVersionAvailableMessage()
              : versionOutOfDateMessage(frameworkAge);
      printStatus(updateMessage, emphasis: true);
      await Future.wait<Null>(<Future<Null>>[
xster's avatar
xster committed
276 277 278
        new Future<Null>.delayed(timeToPauseToLetUserReadTheMessage),
282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298

  static String versionOutOfDateMessage(Duration frameworkAge) {
    String warning = 'WARNING: your installation of Flutter is ${frameworkAge.inDays} days old.';
    // Append enough spaces to match the message box width.
    warning += ' ' * (74 - warning.length);

    return '''
  ║                                                                            ║
  ║ To update to the latest version, run "flutter upgrade".                    ║

299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309
  static String newVersionAvailableMessage() {
    return '''
  ║ A new version of Flutter is available!                                     ║
  ║                                                                            ║
  ║ To update to the latest version, run "flutter upgrade".                    ║

310 311 312 313 314
  /// Gets the release date of the latest available Flutter version.
  /// This method sends a server request if it's been more than
  /// [kCheckAgeConsideredUpToDate] since the last version check.
  /// Returns null if the cached version is out-of-date or missing, and we are
  /// unable to reach the server to get the latest version.
  Future<DateTime> _getLatestAvailableFlutterDate() async {
    final VersionCheckStamp versionCheckStamp = await VersionCheckStamp.load();

321 322
    if (versionCheckStamp.lastTimeVersionWasChecked != null) {
      final Duration timeSinceLastCheck =;
323 324 325

      // Don't ping the server too often. Return cached value if it's fresh.
      if (timeSinceLastCheck < kCheckAgeConsideredUpToDate)
        return versionCheckStamp.lastKnownRemoteVersion;
327 328 329 330

    // Cache is empty or it's been a while since the last server ping. Ping the server.
    try {
      final DateTime remoteFrameworkCommitDate = DateTime.parse(await FlutterVersion.fetchRemoteFrameworkCommitDate(_channel));
xster's avatar
xster committed
333 334 335
        newKnownRemoteVersion: remoteFrameworkCommitDate,
336 337 338 339 340 341
      return remoteFrameworkCommitDate;
    } on VersionCheckError catch (error) {
      // This happens when any of the git commands fails, which can happen when
      // there's no Internet connectivity. Remote version check is best effort
      // only. We do not prevent the command from running when it fails.
      printTrace('Failed to check Flutter version in the remote repository: $error');
342 343 344 345 346
      // Still update the timestamp to avoid us hitting the server on every single
      // command if for some reason we cannot connect (eg. we may be offline).
347 348 349
      return null;
350 351

352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374
/// Contains data and load/save logic pertaining to Flutter version checks.
class VersionCheckStamp {
  /// The prefix of the stamp file where we cache Flutter version check data.
  static const String kFlutterVersionCheckStampFile = 'flutter_version_check';

  const VersionCheckStamp({

  final DateTime lastTimeVersionWasChecked;
  final DateTime lastKnownRemoteVersion;
  final DateTime lastTimeWarningWasPrinted;

  static Future<VersionCheckStamp> load() async {
    final String versionCheckStamp = Cache.instance.getStampFor(kFlutterVersionCheckStampFile);

    if (versionCheckStamp != null) {
      // Attempt to parse stamp JSON.
      try {
375 376 377
        final dynamic jsonObject = json.decode(versionCheckStamp);
        if (jsonObject is Map) {
          return fromJson(jsonObject);
        } else {
          printTrace('Warning: expected version stamp to be a Map but found: $jsonObject');
380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387
      } catch (error, stackTrace) {
        // Do not crash if JSON is malformed.
        printTrace('${error.runtimeType}: $error\n$stackTrace');

    // Stamp is missing or is malformed.
    return const VersionCheckStamp();
389 390

  static VersionCheckStamp fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> jsonObject) {
    DateTime readDateTime(String property) {
      return jsonObject.containsKey(property)
394 395
          ? DateTime.parse(jsonObject[property])
          : null;
396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420

    return new VersionCheckStamp(
      lastTimeVersionWasChecked: readDateTime('lastTimeVersionWasChecked'),
      lastKnownRemoteVersion: readDateTime('lastKnownRemoteVersion'),
      lastTimeWarningWasPrinted: readDateTime('lastTimeWarningWasPrinted'),

  Future<Null> store({
    DateTime newTimeVersionWasChecked,
    DateTime newKnownRemoteVersion,
    DateTime newTimeWarningWasPrinted,
  }) async {
    final Map<String, String> jsonData = toJson();

    if (newTimeVersionWasChecked != null)
      jsonData['lastTimeVersionWasChecked'] = '$newTimeVersionWasChecked';

    if (newKnownRemoteVersion != null)
      jsonData['lastKnownRemoteVersion'] = '$newKnownRemoteVersion';

    if (newTimeWarningWasPrinted != null)
      jsonData['lastTimeWarningWasPrinted'] = '$newTimeWarningWasPrinted';

    const JsonEncoder kPrettyJsonEncoder = JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ');
422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448
    Cache.instance.setStampFor(kFlutterVersionCheckStampFile, kPrettyJsonEncoder.convert(jsonData));

  Map<String, String> toJson({
    DateTime updateTimeVersionWasChecked,
    DateTime updateKnownRemoteVersion,
    DateTime updateTimeWarningWasPrinted,
  }) {
    updateTimeVersionWasChecked = updateTimeVersionWasChecked ?? lastTimeVersionWasChecked;
    updateKnownRemoteVersion = updateKnownRemoteVersion ?? lastKnownRemoteVersion;
    updateTimeWarningWasPrinted = updateTimeWarningWasPrinted ?? lastTimeWarningWasPrinted;

    final Map<String, String> jsonData = <String, String>{};

    if (updateTimeVersionWasChecked != null)
      jsonData['lastTimeVersionWasChecked'] = '$updateTimeVersionWasChecked';

    if (updateKnownRemoteVersion != null)
      jsonData['lastKnownRemoteVersion'] = '$updateKnownRemoteVersion';

    if (updateTimeWarningWasPrinted != null)
      jsonData['lastTimeWarningWasPrinted'] = '$updateTimeWarningWasPrinted';

    return jsonData;

449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465
/// Thrown when we fail to check Flutter version.
/// This can happen when we attempt to `git fetch` but there is no network, or
/// when the installation is not git-based (e.g. a user clones the repo but
/// then removes .git).
class VersionCheckError implements Exception {


  final String message;

  String toString() => '$VersionCheckError: $message';

/// Runs [command] and returns the standard output as a string.
/// If [lenient] is true and the command fails, returns an empty string.
/// Otherwise, throws a [ToolExit] exception.
String _runSync(List<String> command, {bool lenient = true}) {
469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483
  final ProcessResult results = processManager.runSync(command, workingDirectory: Cache.flutterRoot);

  if (results.exitCode == 0)
    return results.stdout.trim();

  if (!lenient) {
    throw new VersionCheckError(
      'Command exited with code ${results.exitCode}: ${command.join(' ')}\n'
      'Standard error: ${results.stderr}'

  return '';

484 485 486 487
String _runGit(String command) {
  return runSync(command.split(' '), workingDirectory: Cache.flutterRoot);

488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501
/// Runs [command] in the root of the Flutter installation and returns the
/// standard output as a string.
/// If the command fails, throws a [ToolExit] exception.
Future<String> _run(List<String> command) async {
  final ProcessResult results = await, workingDirectory: Cache.flutterRoot);

  if (results.exitCode == 0)
    return results.stdout.trim();

  throw new VersionCheckError(
    'Command exited with code ${results.exitCode}: ${command.join(' ')}\n'
    'Standard error: ${results.stderr}'
503 504

String _shortGitRevision(String revision) {
505 506
  if (revision == null)
    return '';
507 508
  return revision.length > 10 ? revision.substring(0, 10) : revision;
509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529

class GitTagVersion {
  const GitTagVersion(this.x, this.y, this.z, this.commits, this.hash);
  const GitTagVersion.unknown() : x = null, y = null, z = null, commits = 0, hash = '';

  /// The X in vX.Y.Z.
  final int x;

  /// The Y in vX.Y.Z.
  final int y;

  /// The Z in vX.Y.Z.
  final int z;

  /// Number of commits since the vX.Y.Z tag.
  final int commits;

  /// The git hash (or an abbreviation thereof) for this commit.
  final String hash;

  static GitTagVersion determine() {
    final String version = _runGit('git describe --match v*.*.* --first-parent --long --tags');
531 532 533 534 535 536
    final RegExp versionPattern = new RegExp('^v([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-g([a-f0-9]+)\$');
    final List<String> parts = versionPattern.matchAsPrefix(version)?.groups(<int>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
    if (parts == null) {
      printTrace('Could not interpret results of "git describe": $version');
      return const GitTagVersion.unknown();
    final List<int> parsedParts = parts.take(4).map<int>(int.tryParse).toList();
538 539 540 541 542
    return new GitTagVersion(parsedParts[0], parsedParts[1], parsedParts[2], parsedParts[3], parts[4]);

  String frameworkVersionFor(String revision) {
    if (x == null || y == null || z == null || !revision.startsWith(hash))
      return '0.0.0-unknown';
544 545 546 547 548
    if (commits == 0)
      return '$x.$y.$z';
    return '$x.$y.${z + 1}-pre.$commits';
549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558

enum VersionCheckResult {
  /// Unable to check whether a new version is available, possibly due to
  /// a connectivity issue.
  /// The current version is up to date.
  /// A newer version is available.