arc.dart 12.4 KB
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1 2 3 4 5
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:ui' show lerpDouble;

8 9
import 'package:flutter/animation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/painting.dart';
10 11 12 13 14

// How close the begin and end points must be to an axis to be considered
// vertical or horizontal.
const double _kOnAxisDelta = 2.0;

15 16 17 18 19
/// A [Tween] that interpolates an [Offset] along a circular arc.
/// This class specializes the interpolation of [Tween<Offset>] so that instead
/// of a straight line, the intermediate points follow the arc of a circle in a
/// manner consistent with material design principles.
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
/// The arc's radius is related to the bounding box that contains the [begin]
/// and [end] points. If the bounding box is taller than it is wide, then the
/// center of the circle will be horizontally aligned with the end point.
/// Otherwise the center of the circle will be aligned with the begin point.
/// The arc's sweep is always less than or equal to 90 degrees.
/// See also:
29 30
///  * [Tween], for a discussion on how to use interpolation objects.
///  * [MaterialRectArcTween], which extends this concept to interpolating [Rect]s.
31 32
class MaterialPointArcTween extends Tween<Offset> {
  /// Creates a [Tween] for animating [Offset]s along a circular arc.
34 35 36
  /// The [begin] and [end] properties must be non-null before the tween is
  /// first used, but the arguments can be null if the values are going to be
  /// filled in later.
38 39 40 41 42 43 44
    Offset begin,
    Offset end,
  }) : super(begin: begin, end: end);

  bool _dirty = true;

  void _initialize() {
45 46
    assert(begin != null);
    assert(end != null);

48 49 50 51 52
    // An explanation with a diagram can be found at
    final Offset delta = end - begin;
    final double deltaX = delta.dx.abs();
    final double deltaY = delta.dy.abs();
    final double distanceFromAtoB = delta.distance;
    final Offset c = new Offset(end.dx, begin.dy);
54 55 56 57 58 59

    double sweepAngle() => 2.0 * math.asin(distanceFromAtoB / (2.0 * _radius));

    if (deltaX > _kOnAxisDelta && deltaY > _kOnAxisDelta) {
      if (deltaX < deltaY) {
        _radius = distanceFromAtoB * distanceFromAtoB / (c - begin).distance / 2.0;
60 61 62
        _center = new Offset(end.dx + _radius * (begin.dx - end.dx).sign, end.dy);
        if (begin.dx < end.dx) {
          _beginAngle = sweepAngle() * (begin.dy - end.dy).sign;
63 64
          _endAngle = 0.0;
        } else {
65 66
          _beginAngle = math.pi + sweepAngle() * (end.dy - begin.dy).sign;
          _endAngle = math.pi;
67 68 69
      } else {
        _radius = distanceFromAtoB * distanceFromAtoB / (c - end).distance / 2.0;
70 71
        _center = new Offset(begin.dx, begin.dy + (end.dy - begin.dy).sign * _radius);
        if (begin.dy < end.dy) {
          _beginAngle = -math.pi / 2.0;
          _endAngle = _beginAngle + sweepAngle() * (end.dx - begin.dx).sign;
        } else {
          _beginAngle = math.pi / 2.0;
          _endAngle = _beginAngle + sweepAngle() * (begin.dx - end.dx).sign;
77 78
79 80 81 82 83
      assert(_beginAngle != null);
      assert(_endAngle != null);
    } else {
      _beginAngle = null;
      _endAngle = null;
    _dirty = false;
86 87

88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
  /// The center of the circular arc, null if [begin] and [end] are horizontally or
  /// vertically aligned, or if either is null.
  Offset get center {
    if (begin == null || end == null)
      return null;
    if (_dirty)
    return _center;
  Offset _center;

99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
  /// The radius of the circular arc, null if [begin] and [end] are horizontally or
  /// vertically aligned, or if either is null.
  double get radius {
    if (begin == null || end == null)
      return null;
    if (_dirty)
    return _radius;
  double _radius;

110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122
  /// The beginning of the arc's sweep in radians, measured from the positive x
  /// axis. Positive angles turn clockwise.
  /// This will be null if [begin] and [end] are horizontally or vertically
  /// aligned, or if either is null.
  double get beginAngle {
    if (begin == null || end == null)
      return null;
    if (_dirty)
    return _beginAngle;
  double _beginAngle;

  /// The end of the arc's sweep in radians, measured from the positive x axis.
  /// Positive angles turn clockwise.
126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136
  /// This will be null if [begin] and [end] are horizontally or vertically
  /// aligned, or if either is null.
  double get endAngle {
    if (begin == null || end == null)
      return null;
    if (_dirty)
    return _beginAngle;
  double _endAngle;
137 138

  set begin(Offset value) {
140 141 142 143
    if (value != begin) {
      super.begin = value;
      _dirty = true;
144 145 146

  set end(Offset value) {
148 149 150 151
    if (value != end) {
      super.end = value;
      _dirty = true;
152 153 154

  Offset lerp(double t) {
156 157
    if (_dirty)
158 159 160 161 162
    if (t == 0.0)
      return begin;
    if (t == 1.0)
      return end;
    if (_beginAngle == null || _endAngle == null)
      return Offset.lerp(begin, end, t);
164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171
    final double angle = lerpDouble(_beginAngle, _endAngle, t);
    final double x = math.cos(angle) * _radius;
    final double y = math.sin(angle) * _radius;
    return _center + new Offset(x, y);

  String toString() {
    return '$runtimeType($begin \u2192 $end; center=$center, radius=$radius, beginAngle=$beginAngle, endAngle=$endAngle)';
173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195

enum _CornerId {

class _Diagonal {
  const _Diagonal(this.beginId, this.endId);
  final _CornerId beginId;
  final _CornerId endId;

const List<_Diagonal> _allDiagonals = const <_Diagonal>[
  const _Diagonal(_CornerId.topLeft, _CornerId.bottomRight),
  const _Diagonal(_CornerId.bottomRight, _CornerId.topLeft),
  const _Diagonal(_CornerId.topRight, _CornerId.bottomLeft),
  const _Diagonal(_CornerId.bottomLeft, _CornerId.topRight),

196 197 198
typedef dynamic _KeyFunc<T>(T input);

// Select the element for which the key function returns the maximum value.
199 200
T _maxBy<T>(Iterable<T> input, _KeyFunc<T> keyFunc) {
  T maxValue;
  dynamic maxKey;
  for (T value in input) {
    final dynamic key = keyFunc(value);
204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211
    if (maxKey == null || key > maxKey) {
      maxValue = value;
      maxKey = key;
  return maxValue;

212 213
/// A [Tween] that interpolates a [Rect] by having its opposite corners follow
/// circular arcs.
215 216 217
/// This class specializes the interpolation of [Tween<Rect>] so that instead of
/// growing or shrinking linearly, opposite corners of the rectangle follow arcs
/// in a manner consistent with material design principles.
219 220
/// Specifically, the rectangle corners whose diagonals are closest to the overall
/// direction of the animation follow arcs defined with [MaterialPointArcTween].
222 223
/// See also:
224 225
///  * [MaterialRectCenterArcTween], which interpolates a rect along a circular
///    arc between the begin and end [Rect]'s centers.
///  * [Tween], for a discussion on how to use interpolation objects.
///  * [MaterialPointArcTween], the analogue for [Offset] interpolation.
///  * [RectTween], which does a linear rectangle interpolation.
229 230
///  * [Hero.createRectTween], which can be used to specify the tween that defines
///    a hero's path.
class MaterialRectArcTween extends RectTween {
232 233
  /// Creates a [Tween] for animating [Rect]s along a circular arc.
234 235 236
  /// The [begin] and [end] properties must be non-null before the tween is
  /// first used, but the arguments can be null if the values are going to be
  /// filled in later.
238 239 240 241 242 243 244
    Rect begin,
    Rect end,
  }) : super(begin: begin, end: end);

  bool _dirty = true;

  void _initialize() {
245 246
    assert(begin != null);
    assert(end != null);
    final Offset centersVector = -;
    final _Diagonal diagonal = _maxBy<_Diagonal>(_allDiagonals, (_Diagonal d) => _diagonalSupport(centersVector, d));
    _beginArc = new MaterialPointArcTween(
250 251
      begin: _cornerFor(begin, diagonal.beginId),
      end: _cornerFor(end, diagonal.beginId)
252 253
    _endArc = new MaterialPointArcTween(
254 255
      begin: _cornerFor(begin, diagonal.endId),
      end: _cornerFor(end, diagonal.endId)
    _dirty = false;
258 259

260 261 262 263 264
  double _diagonalSupport(Offset centersVector, _Diagonal diagonal) {
    final Offset delta = _cornerFor(begin, diagonal.endId) - _cornerFor(begin, diagonal.beginId);
    final double length = delta.distance;
    return centersVector.dx * delta.dx / length + centersVector.dy * delta.dy / length;

  Offset _cornerFor(Rect rect, _CornerId id) {
267 268 269 270 271 272
    switch (id) {
      case _CornerId.topLeft: return rect.topLeft;
      case _CornerId.topRight: return rect.topRight;
      case _CornerId.bottomLeft: return rect.bottomLeft;
      case _CornerId.bottomRight: return rect.bottomRight;
274 275 276 277

  /// The path of the corresponding [begin], [end] rectangle corners that lead
  /// the animation.
278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285
  MaterialPointArcTween get beginArc {
    if (begin == null)
      return null;
    if (_dirty)
    return _beginArc;
  MaterialPointArcTween _beginArc;
286 287 288

  /// The path of the corresponding [begin], [end] rectangle corners that trail
  /// the animation.
289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296
  MaterialPointArcTween get endArc {
    if (end == null)
      return null;
    if (_dirty)
    return _endArc;
  MaterialPointArcTween _endArc;
297 298 299

  set begin(Rect value) {
300 301 302 303
    if (value != begin) {
      super.begin = value;
      _dirty = true;
304 305 306 307

  set end(Rect value) {
308 309 310 311
    if (value != end) {
      super.end = value;
      _dirty = true;
312 313 314 315

  Rect lerp(double t) {
316 317
    if (_dirty)
318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326
    if (t == 0.0)
      return begin;
    if (t == 1.0)
      return end;
    return new Rect.fromPoints(_beginArc.lerp(t), _endArc.lerp(t));

  String toString() {
    return '$runtimeType($begin \u2192 $end; beginArc=$beginArc, endArc=$endArc)';
328 329

331 332 333
/// A [Tween] that interpolates a [Rect] by moving it along a circular arc from
/// [begin]'s [] to [end]'s [] while interpolating the
/// rectangle's width and height.
334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342
/// The arc that defines that center of the interpolated rectangle as it morphs
/// from [begin] to [end] is a [MaterialPointArcTween].
/// See also:
///  * [MaterialRectArcTween], A [Tween] that interpolates a [Rect] by having
///    its opposite corners follow circular arcs.
///  * [Tween], for a discussion on how to use interpolation objects.
///  * [MaterialPointArcTween], the analogue for [Offset] interpolation.
344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369
///  * [RectTween], which does a linear rectangle interpolation.
///  * [Hero.createRectTween], which can be used to specify the tween that defines
///    a hero's path.
class MaterialRectCenterArcTween extends RectTween {
  /// Creates a [Tween] for animating [Rect]s along a circular arc.
  /// The [begin] and [end] properties must be non-null before the tween is
  /// first used, but the arguments can be null if the values are going to be
  /// filled in later.
    Rect begin,
    Rect end,
  }) : super(begin: begin, end: end);

  bool _dirty = true;

  void _initialize() {
    assert(begin != null);
    assert(end != null);
    _centerArc = new MaterialPointArcTween(
    _dirty = false;

370 371
  /// If [begin] and [end] are non-null, returns a tween that interpolates along
  /// a circular arc between [begin]'s [] and [end]'s [].
372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415
  MaterialPointArcTween get centerArc {
    if (begin == null || end == null)
      return null;
    if (_dirty)
    return _centerArc;
  MaterialPointArcTween _centerArc;

  set begin(Rect value) {
    if (value != begin) {
      super.begin = value;
      _dirty = true;

  set end(Rect value) {
    if (value != end) {
      super.end = value;
      _dirty = true;

  Rect lerp(double t) {
    if (_dirty)
    if (t == 0.0)
      return begin;
    if (t == 1.0)
      return end;
    final Offset center = _centerArc.lerp(t);
    final double width = lerpDouble(begin.width, end.width, t);
    final double height = lerpDouble(begin.height, end.height, t);
    return new Rect.fromLTWH(center.dx - width / 2.0, center.dy - height / 2.0, width, height);

  String toString() {
    return '$runtimeType($begin \u2192 $end; centerArc=$centerArc)';