sliver_persistent_header.dart 18.3 KB
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// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:math' as math;

import 'package:flutter/animation.dart';
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import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';
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import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart';

import 'binding.dart';
import 'box.dart';
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import 'object.dart';
import 'sliver.dart';
import 'viewport_offset.dart';
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/// A base class for slivers that have a [RenderBox] child which scrolls
/// normally, except that when it hits the leading edge (typically the top) of
/// the viewport, it shrinks to a minimum size ([minExtent]).
/// This class primarily provides helpers for managing the child, in particular:
///  * [layoutChild], which applies min and max extents and a scroll offset to
///    lay out the child. This is normally called from [performLayout].
///  * [childExtent], to convert the child's box layout dimensions to the sliver
///    geometry model.
///  * hit testing, painting, and other details of the sliver protocol.
/// Subclasses must implement [performLayout], [minExtent], and [maxExtent].
34 35
abstract class RenderSliverPersistentHeader extends RenderSliver with RenderObjectWithChildMixin<RenderBox>, RenderSliverHelpers {
  RenderSliverPersistentHeader({ RenderBox child }) {
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    this.child = child;

39 40 41 42
  /// The biggest that this render object can become, in the main axis direction.
  /// This value should not be based on the child. If it changes, call
  /// [markNeedsLayout].
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  double get maxExtent;

  /// The smallest that this render object can become, in the main axis direction.
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47 48 49 50 51
  /// If this is based on the intrinsic dimensions of the child, the child
  /// should be measured during [updateChild] and the value cached and returned
  /// here. The [updateChild] method will automatically be invoked any time the
  /// child changes its intrinsic dimensions.
  double get minExtent;
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  /// The dimension of the child in the main axis.
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  double get childExtent {
    if (child == null)
      return 0.0;
    assert(constraints.axis != null);
    switch (constraints.axis) {
      case Axis.vertical:
        return child.size.height;
      case Axis.horizontal:
        return child.size.width;
    return null;

69 70 71
  bool _needsUpdateChild = true;
  double _lastShrinkOffset = 0.0;
  bool _lastOverlapsContent = false;
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  /// Update the child render object if necessary.
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  /// Called before the first layout, any time [markNeedsLayout] is called, and
  /// any time the scroll offset changes. The `shrinkOffset` is the difference
  /// between the [maxExtent] and the current size. Zero means the header is
  /// fully expanded, any greater number up to [maxExtent] means that the header
  /// has been scrolled by that much. The `overlapsContent` argument is true if
  /// the sliver's leading edge is beyond its normal place in the viewport
  /// contents, and false otherwise. It may still paint beyond its normal place
  /// if the [minExtent] after this call is greater than the amount of space that
  /// would normally be left.
  /// The render object will size itself to the larger of (a) the [maxExtent]
  /// minus the child's intrinsic height and (b) the [maxExtent] minus the
  /// shrink offset.
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  /// When this method is called by [layoutChild], the [child] can be set,
  /// mutated, or replaced. (It should not be called outside [layoutChild].)
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  /// Any time this method would mutate the child, call [markNeedsLayout].
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  void updateChild(double shrinkOffset, bool overlapsContent) { }

  void markNeedsLayout() {
    // This is automatically called whenever the child's intrinsic dimensions
    // change, at which point we should remeasure them during the next layout.
    _needsUpdateChild = true;
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  void layoutChild(double scrollOffset, double maxExtent, { bool overlapsContent: false }) {
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    assert(maxExtent != null);
    final double shrinkOffset = math.min(scrollOffset, maxExtent);
    if (_needsUpdateChild || _lastShrinkOffset != shrinkOffset || _lastOverlapsContent != overlapsContent) {
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      invokeLayoutCallback<SliverConstraints>((SliverConstraints constraints) {
        assert(constraints == this.constraints);
        updateChild(shrinkOffset, overlapsContent);
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      _lastShrinkOffset = shrinkOffset;
113 114
      _lastOverlapsContent = overlapsContent;
      _needsUpdateChild = false;
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    assert(minExtent != null);
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    assert(() {
      if (minExtent <= maxExtent)
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        return true;
      throw new FlutterError(
        'The maxExtent for this $runtimeType is less than its minExtent.\n'
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        'The specified maxExtent was: ${maxExtent.toStringAsFixed(1)}\n'
        'The specified minExtent was: ${minExtent.toStringAsFixed(1)}\n'
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      constraints.asBoxConstraints(maxExtent: math.max(minExtent, maxExtent - shrinkOffset)),
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      parentUsesSize: true,

  /// Returns the distance from the leading _visible_ edge of the sliver to the
  /// side of the child closest to that edge, in the scroll axis direction.
  /// For example, if the [constraints] describe this sliver as having an axis
  /// direction of [AxisDirection.down], then this is the distance from the top
  /// of the visible portion of the sliver to the top of the child. If the child
  /// is scrolled partially off the top of the viewport, then this will be
  /// negative. On the other hand, if the [constraints] describe this sliver as
  /// having an axis direction of [AxisDirection.up], then this is the distance
  /// from the bottom of the visible portion of the sliver to the bottom of the
  /// child. In both cases, this is the direction of increasing
  /// [SliverConstraints.scrollOffset].
  /// Calling this when the child is not visible is not valid.
  /// The argument must be the value of the [child] property.
  /// This must be implemented by [RenderSliverPersistentHeader] subclasses.
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  /// If there is no child, this should return 0.0.
  double childMainAxisPosition(covariant RenderObject child) => super.childMainAxisPosition(child);
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  bool hitTestChildren(HitTestResult result, { @required double mainAxisPosition, @required double crossAxisPosition }) {
    assert(geometry.hitTestExtent > 0.0);
    if (child != null)
      return hitTestBoxChild(result, child, mainAxisPosition: mainAxisPosition, crossAxisPosition: crossAxisPosition);
    return false;

  void applyPaintTransform(RenderObject child, Matrix4 transform) {
    assert(child != null);
    assert(child == this.child);
    applyPaintTransformForBoxChild(child, transform);

  void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
    if (child != null && geometry.visible) {
      assert(constraints.axisDirection != null);
      switch (applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(constraints.axisDirection, constraints.growthDirection)) {
        case AxisDirection.up:
          offset += new Offset(0.0, geometry.paintExtent - childMainAxisPosition(child) - childExtent);
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        case AxisDirection.down:
          offset += new Offset(0.0, childMainAxisPosition(child));
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        case AxisDirection.left:
          offset += new Offset(geometry.paintExtent - childMainAxisPosition(child) - childExtent, 0.0);
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        case AxisDirection.right:
          offset += new Offset(childMainAxisPosition(child), 0.0);
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      context.paintChild(child, offset);

  void debugFillDescription(List<String> description) {
    try {
      description.add('maxExtent: ${maxExtent.toStringAsFixed(1)}');
    } catch (e) {
      description.add('maxExtent: EXCEPTION (${e.runtimeType})');
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    try {
      description.add('child position: ${childMainAxisPosition(child).toStringAsFixed(1)}');
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    } catch (e) {
      description.add('child position: EXCEPTION (${e.runtimeType})');
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204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212

/// A sliver with a [RenderBox] child which scrolls normally, except that when
/// it hits the leading edge (typically the top) of the viewport, it shrinks to
/// a minimum size before continuing to scroll.
/// This sliver makes no effort to avoid overlapping other content.
213 214
abstract class RenderSliverScrollingPersistentHeader extends RenderSliverPersistentHeader {
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    RenderBox child,
  }) : super(child: child);

  // Distance from our leading edge to the child's leading edge, in the axis
  // direction. Negative if we're scrolled off the top.
  double _childPosition;

  void performLayout() {
    final double maxExtent = this.maxExtent;
    layoutChild(constraints.scrollOffset, maxExtent);
    final double paintExtent = maxExtent - constraints.scrollOffset;
    geometry = new SliverGeometry(
      scrollExtent: maxExtent,
      paintOrigin: math.min(constraints.overlap, 0.0),
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      paintExtent: paintExtent.clamp(0.0, constraints.remainingPaintExtent),
      maxPaintExtent: maxExtent,
      hasVisualOverflow: true, // Conservatively say we do have overflow to avoid complexity.
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    _childPosition = math.min(0.0, paintExtent - childExtent);

  double childMainAxisPosition(RenderBox child) {
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    assert(child == this.child);
    return _childPosition;

/// A sliver with a [RenderBox] child which never scrolls off the viewport in
/// the positive scroll direction, and which first scrolls on at a full size but
/// then shrinks as the viewport continues to scroll.
/// This sliver avoids overlapping other earlier slivers where possible.
249 250
abstract class RenderSliverPinnedPersistentHeader extends RenderSliverPersistentHeader {
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    RenderBox child,
  }) : super(child: child);

  void performLayout() {
    final double maxExtent = this.maxExtent;
    layoutChild(constraints.scrollOffset, maxExtent, overlapsContent: constraints.overlap > 0.0);
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    geometry = new SliverGeometry(
      scrollExtent: maxExtent,
260 261
      paintOrigin: constraints.overlap,
      paintExtent: math.min(childExtent, constraints.remainingPaintExtent),
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      layoutExtent: (maxExtent - constraints.scrollOffset).clamp(0.0, constraints.remainingPaintExtent),
      maxPaintExtent: maxExtent,
      hasVisualOverflow: true, // Conservatively say we do have overflow to avoid complexity.
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  double childMainAxisPosition(RenderBox child) => 0.0;
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272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288
/// Specifies how a floating header is to be "snapped" (animated) into or out
/// of view.
/// See also:
///  * [RenderSliverFloatingPersistentHeader.maybeStartSnapAnimation] and
///    [RenderSliverFloatingPersistentHeader.maybeStopSnapAnimation], which
///    start or stop the floating header's animation.
///  * [SliverAppBar], which creates a header that can be pinned, floating,
///    and snapped into view via the corresponding parameters.
class FloatingHeaderSnapConfiguration {
  /// Creates an object that specifies how a floating header is to be "snapped"
  /// (animated) into or out of view.
    @required this.vsync,
    this.curve: Curves.ease,
    this.duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
289 290 291
  }) : assert(vsync != null),
       assert(curve != null),
       assert(duration != null);
292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303

  /// The [TickerProvider] for the [AnimationController] that causes a
  /// floating header to snap in or out of view.
  final TickerProvider vsync;

  /// The snap animation curve.
  final Curve curve;

  /// The snap animation's duration.
  final Duration duration;

304 305 306
/// A sliver with a [RenderBox] child which shrinks and scrolls like a
/// [RenderSliverScrollingPersistentHeader], but immediately comes back when the
/// user scrolls in the reverse direction.
307 308
abstract class RenderSliverFloatingPersistentHeader extends RenderSliverPersistentHeader {
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    RenderBox child,
310 311
    FloatingHeaderSnapConfiguration snapConfiguration,
  }) : _snapConfiguration = snapConfiguration, super(child: child);
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313 314
  AnimationController _controller;
  Animation<double> _animation;
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  double _lastActualScrollOffset;
  double _effectiveScrollOffset;

  // Distance from our leading edge to the child's leading edge, in the axis
  // direction. Negative if we're scrolled off the top.
  double _childPosition;

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  void detach() {
    _controller = null; // lazily recreated if we're reattached.

  /// Defines the parameters used to snap (animate) the floating header in and
  /// out of view.
  /// If [snapConfiguration] is null then the floating header does not snap.
  /// See also:
  ///  * [RenderSliverFloatingPersistentHeader.maybeStartSnapAnimation] and
  ///    [RenderSliverFloatingPersistentHeader.maybeStopSnapAnimation], which
  ///    start or stop the floating header's animation.
  ///  * [SliverAppBar], which creates a header that can be pinned, floating,
  ///    and snapped into view via the corresponding parameters.
  FloatingHeaderSnapConfiguration get snapConfiguration => _snapConfiguration;
  FloatingHeaderSnapConfiguration _snapConfiguration;
  set snapConfiguration(FloatingHeaderSnapConfiguration value) {
    if (value == _snapConfiguration)
    if (value == null) {
    } else {
      if (_snapConfiguration != null && value.vsync != _snapConfiguration.vsync)
    _snapConfiguration = value;

355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362
  // Update [geometry] and return the new value for [childMainAxisPosition].
  double updateGeometry() {
    final double maxExtent = this.maxExtent;
    final double paintExtent = maxExtent - _effectiveScrollOffset;
    final double layoutExtent = maxExtent - constraints.scrollOffset;
    geometry = new SliverGeometry(
      scrollExtent: maxExtent,
      paintOrigin: math.min(constraints.overlap, 0.0),
364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371
      paintExtent: paintExtent.clamp(0.0, constraints.remainingPaintExtent),
      layoutExtent: layoutExtent.clamp(0.0, constraints.remainingPaintExtent),
      maxPaintExtent: maxExtent,
      hasVisualOverflow: true, // Conservatively say we do have overflow to avoid complexity.
    return math.min(0.0, paintExtent - childExtent);

372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407
  /// If the header isn't already fully exposed, then scroll it into view.
  void maybeStartSnapAnimation(ScrollDirection direction) {
    if (snapConfiguration == null)
    if (direction == ScrollDirection.forward && _effectiveScrollOffset <= 0.0)
    if (direction == ScrollDirection.reverse && _effectiveScrollOffset >= maxExtent)

    final TickerProvider vsync = snapConfiguration.vsync;
    final Duration duration = snapConfiguration.duration;
    _controller ??= new AnimationController(vsync: vsync, duration: duration)
      ..addListener(() {
        if (_effectiveScrollOffset == _animation.value)
        _effectiveScrollOffset = _animation.value;

    // Recreating the animation rather than updating a cached value, only
    // to avoid the extra complexity of managing the animation's lifetime.
    _animation = new Tween<double>(
      begin: _effectiveScrollOffset,
      end: direction == ScrollDirection.forward ? 0.0 : maxExtent,
    ).animate(new CurvedAnimation(
      parent: _controller,
      curve: snapConfiguration.curve,

    _controller.forward(from: 0.0);

  /// If a header snap animation is underway then stop it.
  void maybeStopSnapAnimation(ScrollDirection direction) {

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  void performLayout() {
    final double maxExtent = this.maxExtent;
    if (_lastActualScrollOffset != null && // We've laid out at least once to get an initial position, and either
        ((constraints.scrollOffset < _lastActualScrollOffset) || // we are scrolling back, so should reveal, or
         (_effectiveScrollOffset < maxExtent))) { // some part of it is visible, so should shrink or reveal as appropriate.
      double delta = _lastActualScrollOffset - constraints.scrollOffset;
      final bool allowFloatingExpansion = constraints.userScrollDirection == ScrollDirection.forward;
      if (allowFloatingExpansion) {
        if (_effectiveScrollOffset > maxExtent) // We're scrolled off-screen, but should reveal, so
          _effectiveScrollOffset = maxExtent; // pretend we're just at the limit.
      } else {
        if (delta > 0.0) // If we are trying to expand when allowFloatingExpansion is false,
          delta = 0.0; // disallow the expansion. (But allow shrinking, i.e. delta < 0.0 is fine.)
      _effectiveScrollOffset = (_effectiveScrollOffset - delta).clamp(0.0, constraints.scrollOffset);
    } else {
      _effectiveScrollOffset = constraints.scrollOffset;
    layoutChild(_effectiveScrollOffset, maxExtent, overlapsContent: _effectiveScrollOffset < constraints.scrollOffset);
    _childPosition = updateGeometry();
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    _lastActualScrollOffset = constraints.scrollOffset;

  double childMainAxisPosition(RenderBox child) {
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    assert(child == this.child);
    return _childPosition;

  void debugFillDescription(List<String> description) {
    description.add('effective scroll offset: ${_effectiveScrollOffset?.toStringAsFixed(1)}');
445 446 447 448

abstract class RenderSliverFloatingPinnedPersistentHeader extends RenderSliverFloatingPersistentHeader {
    RenderBox child,
449 450
    FloatingHeaderSnapConfiguration snapConfiguration,
  }) : super(child: child, snapConfiguration: snapConfiguration);
451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467

  double updateGeometry() {
    final double minExtent = this.maxExtent;
    final double maxExtent = this.maxExtent;
    final double paintExtent = (maxExtent - _effectiveScrollOffset);
    final double layoutExtent = (maxExtent - constraints.scrollOffset);
    geometry = new SliverGeometry(
      scrollExtent: maxExtent,
      paintExtent: paintExtent.clamp(minExtent, constraints.remainingPaintExtent),
      layoutExtent: layoutExtent.clamp(0.0, constraints.remainingPaintExtent - minExtent),
      maxPaintExtent: maxExtent,
      hasVisualOverflow: true, // Conservatively say we do have overflow to avoid complexity.
    return 0.0;