localizations_utils.dart 20.4 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';

import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/logger.dart';
import '../runner/flutter_command.dart';
import 'gen_l10n_types.dart';
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
import 'language_subtag_registry.dart';

typedef HeaderGenerator = String Function(String regenerateInstructions);
typedef ConstructorGenerator = String Function(LocaleInfo locale);

int sortFilesByPath (File a, File b) {
  return a.path.compareTo(b.path);

/// Simple data class to hold parsed locale. Does not promise validity of any data.
class LocaleInfo implements Comparable<LocaleInfo> {
  const LocaleInfo({
26 27 28 29 30
    required this.languageCode,
    required this.scriptCode,
    required this.countryCode,
    required this.length,
    required this.originalString,
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

  /// Simple parser. Expects the locale string to be in the form of 'language_script_COUNTRY'
  /// where the language is 2 characters, script is 4 characters with the first uppercase,
  /// and country is 2-3 characters and all uppercase.
  /// 'language_COUNTRY' or 'language_script' are also valid. Missing fields will be null.
  /// When `deriveScriptCode` is true, if [scriptCode] was unspecified, it will
  /// be derived from the [languageCode] and [countryCode] if possible.
  factory LocaleInfo.fromString(String locale, { bool deriveScriptCode = false }) {
    final List<String> codes = locale.split('_'); // [language, script, country]
    assert(codes.isNotEmpty && codes.length < 4);
    final String languageCode = codes[0];
45 46
    String? scriptCode;
    String? countryCode;
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
    int length = codes.length;
    String originalString = locale;
    if (codes.length == 2) {
      scriptCode = codes[1].length >= 4 ? codes[1] : null;
      countryCode = codes[1].length < 4 ? codes[1] : null;
    } else if (codes.length == 3) {
      scriptCode = codes[1].length > codes[2].length ? codes[1] : codes[2];
      countryCode = codes[1].length < codes[2].length ? codes[1] : codes[2];
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
    assert(countryCode == null || countryCode.isNotEmpty);
    assert(scriptCode == null || scriptCode.isNotEmpty);

    /// Adds scriptCodes to locales where we are able to assume it to provide
    /// finer granularity when resolving locales.
    /// The basis of the assumptions here are based off of known usage of scripts
    /// across various countries. For example, we know Taiwan uses traditional (Hant)
    /// script, so it is safe to apply (Hant) to Taiwanese languages.
    if (deriveScriptCode && scriptCode == null) {
      switch (languageCode) {
        case 'zh': {
          if (countryCode == null) {
            scriptCode = 'Hans';
          switch (countryCode) {
            case 'CN':
            case 'SG':
              scriptCode = 'Hans';
            case 'TW':
            case 'HK':
            case 'MO':
              scriptCode = 'Hant';
        case 'sr': {
          if (countryCode == null) {
            scriptCode = 'Cyrl';
      // Increment length if we were able to assume a scriptCode.
      if (scriptCode != null) {
        length += 1;
      // Update the base string to reflect assumed scriptCodes.
      originalString = languageCode;
      if (scriptCode != null) {
        originalString += '_$scriptCode';
98 99
      if (countryCode != null) {
        originalString += '_$countryCode';
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113

    return LocaleInfo(
      languageCode: languageCode,
      scriptCode: scriptCode,
      countryCode: countryCode,
      length: length,
      originalString: originalString,

  final String languageCode;
114 115
  final String? scriptCode;
  final String? countryCode;
116 117 118 119 120 121 122
  final int length;             // The number of fields. Ranges from 1-3.
  final String originalString;  // Original un-parsed locale string.

  String camelCase() {
    return originalString
      .map<String>((String part) => part.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + part.substring(1).toLowerCase())
124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132

  bool operator ==(Object other) {
    return other is LocaleInfo
        && other.originalString == originalString;

  int get hashCode => originalString.hashCode;
134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148

  String toString() {
    return originalString;

  int compareTo(LocaleInfo other) {
    return originalString.compareTo(other.originalString);

// See also //master/tools/gen_locale.dart in the engine repo.
Map<String, List<String>> _parseSection(String section) {
  final Map<String, List<String>> result = <String, List<String>>{};
  late List<String> lastHeading;
150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
  for (final String line in section.split('\n')) {
    if (line == '') {
    if (line.startsWith('  ')) {
      lastHeading[lastHeading.length - 1] = '${lastHeading.last}${line.substring(1)}';
    final int colon = line.indexOf(':');
    if (colon <= 0) {
      throw Exception('not sure how to deal with "$line"');
161 162 163 164
    final String name = line.substring(0, colon);
    final String value = line.substring(colon + 2);
    lastHeading = result.putIfAbsent(name, () => <String>[]);
166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183
  return result;

final Map<String, String> _languages = <String, String>{};
final Map<String, String> _regions = <String, String>{};
final Map<String, String> _scripts = <String, String>{};
const String kProvincePrefix = ', Province of ';
const String kParentheticalPrefix = ' (';

/// Prepares the data for the [describeLocale] method below.
/// The data is obtained from the official IANA registry.
void precacheLanguageAndRegionTags() {
  final List<Map<String, List<String>>> sections =
      languageSubtagRegistry.split('%%').skip(1).map<Map<String, List<String>>>(_parseSection).toList();
  for (final Map<String, List<String>> section in sections) {
    assert(section.containsKey('Type'), section.toString());
    final String type = section['Type']!.single;
185 186
    if (type == 'language' || type == 'region' || type == 'script') {
      assert(section.containsKey('Subtag') && section.containsKey('Description'), section.toString());
187 188
      final String subtag = section['Subtag']!.single;
      String description = section['Description']!.join(' ');
189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215
      if (description.startsWith('United ')) {
        description = 'the $description';
      if (description.contains(kParentheticalPrefix)) {
        description = description.substring(0, description.indexOf(kParentheticalPrefix));
      if (description.contains(kProvincePrefix)) {
        description = description.substring(0, description.indexOf(kProvincePrefix));
      if (description.endsWith(' Republic')) {
        description = 'the $description';
      switch (type) {
        case 'language':
          _languages[subtag] = description;
        case 'region':
          _regions[subtag] = description;
        case 'script':
          _scripts[subtag] = description;

String describeLocale(String tag) {
  final List<String> subtags = tag.split('_');
216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224
  final String languageCode = subtags[0];
  if (!_languages.containsKey(languageCode)) {
    throw L10nException(
      '"$languageCode" is not a supported language code.\n'
      'See https://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry/language-subtag-registry '
      'for the supported list.',
  final String language = _languages[languageCode]!;
  String output = language;
226 227
  String? region;
  String? script;
228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245
  if (subtags.length == 2) {
    region = _regions[subtags[1]];
    script = _scripts[subtags[1]];
    assert(region != null || script != null);
  } else if (subtags.length >= 3) {
    region = _regions[subtags[2]];
    script = _scripts[subtags[1]];
    assert(region != null && script != null);
  if (region != null) {
    output += ', as used in $region';
  if (script != null) {
    output += ', using the $script script';
  return output;

/// Return the input string as a Dart-parsable string.
247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256
/// ```
/// foo => 'foo'
/// foo "bar" => 'foo "bar"'
/// foo 'bar' => "foo 'bar'"
/// foo 'bar' "baz" => '''foo 'bar' "baz"'''
/// ```
/// This function is used by tools that take in a JSON-formatted file to
/// generate Dart code. For this reason, characters with special meaning
257 258 259
/// in JSON files are escaped. For example, the backspace character (\b)
/// has to be properly escaped by this function so that the generated
/// Dart code correctly represents this character:
260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279
/// ```
/// foo\bar => 'foo\\bar'
/// foo\nbar => 'foo\\nbar'
/// foo\\nbar => 'foo\\\\nbar'
/// foo\\bar => 'foo\\\\bar'
/// foo\ bar => 'foo\\ bar'
/// foo$bar = 'foo\$bar'
/// ```
String generateString(String value) {
  const String backslash = '__BACKSLASH__';
    'Input string cannot contain the sequence: '
    '"__BACKSLASH__", as it is used as part of '
    'backslash character processing.'

  value = value
    // Replace backslashes with a placeholder for now to properly parse
    // other special characters.
280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288
    .replaceAll(r'\', backslash)
    .replaceAll(r'$', r'\$')
    .replaceAll("'", r"\'")
    .replaceAll('"', r'\"')
    .replaceAll('\n', r'\n')
    .replaceAll('\f', r'\f')
    .replaceAll('\t', r'\t')
    .replaceAll('\r', r'\r')
    .replaceAll('\b', r'\b')
    // Reintroduce escaped backslashes into generated Dart string.
    .replaceAll(backslash, r'\\');

292 293 294
  return value;

295 296 297 298
/// Given a list of normal strings or interpolated variables, concatenate them
/// into a single dart string to be returned. An example of a normal string
/// would be "'Hello world!'" and an example of a interpolated variable would be
/// "'$placeholder'".
300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313
/// Each of the strings in [expressions] should be a raw string, which, if it
/// were to be added to a dart file, would be a properly formatted dart string
/// with escapes and/or interpolation. The purpose of this function is to
/// concatenate these dart strings into a single dart string which can be
/// returned in the generated localization files.
/// The following rules describe the kinds of string expressions that can be
/// handled:
/// 1. If [expressions] is empty, return the empty string "''".
/// 2. If [expressions] has only one [String] which is an interpolated variable,
///    it is converted to the variable itself e.g. ["'$expr'"] -> "expr".
/// 3. If one string in [expressions] is an interpolation and the next begins
///    with an alphanumeric character, then the former interpolation should be
///    wrapped in braces e.g. ["'$expr1'", "'another'"] -> "'${expr1}another'".
314 315
String generateReturnExpr(List<String> expressions, { bool isSingleStringVar = false }) {
  if (expressions.isEmpty) {
    return "''";
317 318 319
  } else if (isSingleStringVar) {
    // If our expression is "$varName" where varName is a String, this is equivalent to just varName.
    return expressions[0].substring(1);
  } else {
321 322
    final String string = expressions.reversed.fold<String>('', (String string, String expression) {
      if (expression[0] != r'$') {
        return expression + string;
324 325
      final RegExp alphanumeric = RegExp(r'^([0-9a-zA-Z]|_)+$');
326 327
      if (alphanumeric.hasMatch(expression.substring(1)) && !(string.isNotEmpty && alphanumeric.hasMatch(string[0]))) {
        return '$expression$string';
      } else {
        return '\${${expression.substring(1)}}$string';
330 331 332 333
    return "'$string'";
335 336 337

/// Typed configuration from the localizations config file.
class LocalizationOptions {
338 339 340 341 342
    required this.arbDir,
    String? templateArbFile,
    String? outputLocalizationFile,
    String? outputClass,
348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356
    bool? useDeferredLoading,
    bool? syntheticPackage,
    bool? requiredResourceAttributes,
    bool? nullableGetter,
    bool? format,
    bool? useEscaping,
    bool? suppressWarnings,
    bool? relaxSyntax,
358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366
  }) : templateArbFile = templateArbFile ?? 'app_en.arb',
       outputLocalizationFile = outputLocalizationFile ?? 'app_localizations.dart',
       outputClass = outputClass ?? 'AppLocalizations',
       useDeferredLoading = useDeferredLoading ?? false,
       syntheticPackage = syntheticPackage ?? true,
       requiredResourceAttributes = requiredResourceAttributes ?? false,
       nullableGetter = nullableGetter ?? true,
       format = format ?? false,
       useEscaping = useEscaping ?? false,
367 368
       suppressWarnings = suppressWarnings ?? false,
       relaxSyntax = relaxSyntax ?? false;
369 370 371 372

  /// The `--arb-dir` argument.
  /// The directory where all input localization files should reside.
373 374 375 376 377 378 379
  final String arbDir;

  /// The `--output-dir` argument.
  /// The directory where all output localization files should be generated.
  final String? outputDir;

380 381 382

  /// The `--template-arb-file` argument.
383 384
  /// This path is relative to [arbDirectory].
  final String templateArbFile;
385 386 387

  /// The `--output-localization-file` argument.
388 389
  /// This path is relative to [arbDir].
  final String outputLocalizationFile;
390 391 392

  /// The `--untranslated-messages-file` argument.
393 394
  /// This path is relative to [arbDir].
  final String? untranslatedMessagesFile;
395 396

  /// The `--output-class` argument.
  final String outputClass;
398 399

  /// The `--preferred-supported-locales` argument.
  final List<String>? preferredSupportedLocales;

402 403 404 405 406
  /// The `--header` argument.
  /// The header to prepend to the generated Dart localizations.
  final String? header;

407 408 409 410
  /// The `--header-file` argument.
  /// A file containing the header to prepend to the generated
  /// Dart localizations.
  final String? headerFile;
412 413 414 415 416

  /// The `--use-deferred-loading` argument.
  /// Whether to generate the Dart localization file with locales imported
  /// as deferred.
417 418 419 420 421 422
  final bool useDeferredLoading;

  /// The `--gen-inputs-and-outputs-list` argument.
  /// This path is relative to [arbDir].
  final String? genInputsAndOutputsList;
423 424 425 426 427

  /// The `--synthetic-package` argument.
  /// Whether to generate the Dart localization files in a synthetic package
  /// or in a custom directory.
428 429 430 431 432 433
  final bool syntheticPackage;

  /// The `--project-dir` argument.
  /// This path is relative to [arbDir].
  final String? projectDir;
434 435 436 437 438

  /// The `required-resource-attributes` argument.
  /// Whether to require all resource ids to contain a corresponding
  /// resource attribute.
  final bool requiredResourceAttributes;
440 441 442 443

  /// The `nullable-getter` argument.
  /// Whether or not the localizations class getter is nullable.
  final bool nullableGetter;
445 446 447 448 449

  /// The `format` argument.
  /// Whether or not to format the generated files.
  final bool format;
450 451 452 453 454

  /// The `use-escaping` argument.
  /// Whether or not the ICU escaping syntax is used.
  final bool useEscaping;
455 456 457 458 459

  /// The `suppress-warnings` argument.
  /// Whether or not to suppress warnings.
  final bool suppressWarnings;
460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469

  /// The `relax-syntax` argument.
  /// Whether or not to relax the syntax. When specified, the syntax will be
  /// relaxed so that the special character "{" is treated as a string if it is
  /// not followed by a valid placeholder and "}" is treated as a string if it
  /// does not close any previous "{" that is treated as a special character.
  /// This was added in for backward compatibility and is not recommended
  /// as it may mask errors.
  final bool relaxSyntax;
470 471 472 473 474 475 476

/// Parse the localizations configuration options from [file].
/// Throws [Exception] if any of the contents are invalid. Returns a
/// [LocalizationOptions] with all fields as `null` if the config file exists
/// but is empty.
LocalizationOptions parseLocalizationsOptionsFromYAML({
478 479
  required File file,
  required Logger logger,
  required String defaultArbDir,
481 482 483
}) {
  final String contents = file.readAsStringSync();
  if (contents.trim().isEmpty) {
    return LocalizationOptions(arbDir: defaultArbDir);
486 487 488 489 490 491
  final YamlNode yamlNode;
  try {
    yamlNode = loadYamlNode(file.readAsStringSync());
  } on YamlException catch (err) {
492 493 494 495 496
  if (yamlNode is! YamlMap) {
    logger.printError('Expected ${file.path} to contain a map, instead was $yamlNode');
    throw Exception();
  return LocalizationOptions(
497 498 499 500 501
    arbDir: _tryReadUri(yamlNode, 'arb-dir', logger)?.path ?? defaultArbDir,
    outputDir: _tryReadUri(yamlNode, 'output-dir', logger)?.path,
    templateArbFile: _tryReadUri(yamlNode, 'template-arb-file', logger)?.path,
    outputLocalizationFile: _tryReadUri(yamlNode, 'output-localization-file', logger)?.path,
    untranslatedMessagesFile: _tryReadUri(yamlNode, 'untranslated-messages-file', logger)?.path,
    outputClass: _tryReadString(yamlNode, 'output-class', logger),
503 504 505
    header: _tryReadString(yamlNode, 'header', logger),
    headerFile: _tryReadUri(yamlNode, 'header-file', logger)?.path,
    useDeferredLoading: _tryReadBool(yamlNode, 'use-deferred-loading', logger),
    preferredSupportedLocales: _tryReadStringList(yamlNode, 'preferred-supported-locales', logger),
507 508 509 510 511 512
    syntheticPackage: _tryReadBool(yamlNode, 'synthetic-package', logger),
    requiredResourceAttributes: _tryReadBool(yamlNode, 'required-resource-attributes', logger),
    nullableGetter: _tryReadBool(yamlNode, 'nullable-getter', logger),
    format: _tryReadBool(yamlNode, 'format', logger),
    useEscaping: _tryReadBool(yamlNode, 'use-escaping', logger),
    suppressWarnings: _tryReadBool(yamlNode, 'suppress-warnings', logger),
    relaxSyntax: _tryReadBool(yamlNode, 'relax-syntax', logger),
514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539

/// Parse the localizations configuration from [FlutterCommand].
LocalizationOptions parseLocalizationsOptionsFromCommand({
  required FlutterCommand command,
  required String defaultArbDir,
}) {
  return LocalizationOptions(
    arbDir: command.stringArg('arb-dir') ?? defaultArbDir,
    outputDir: command.stringArg('output-dir'),
    outputLocalizationFile: command.stringArg('output-localization-file'),
    templateArbFile: command.stringArg('template-arb-file'),
    untranslatedMessagesFile: command.stringArg('untranslated-messages-file'),
    outputClass: command.stringArg('output-class'),
    header: command.stringArg('header'),
    headerFile: command.stringArg('header-file'),
    useDeferredLoading: command.boolArg('use-deferred-loading'),
    genInputsAndOutputsList: command.stringArg('gen-inputs-and-outputs-list'),
    syntheticPackage: command.boolArg('synthetic-package'),
    projectDir: command.stringArg('project-dir'),
    requiredResourceAttributes: command.boolArg('required-resource-attributes'),
    nullableGetter: command.boolArg('nullable-getter'),
    format: command.boolArg('format'),
    useEscaping: command.boolArg('use-escaping'),
    suppressWarnings: command.boolArg('suppress-warnings'),
540 541 542 543

// Try to read a `bool` value or null from `yamlMap`, otherwise throw.
544 545
bool? _tryReadBool(YamlMap yamlMap, String key, Logger logger) {
  final Object? value = yamlMap[key];
546 547 548 549 550 551 552
  if (value == null) {
    return null;
  if (value is! bool) {
    logger.printError('Expected "$key" to have a bool value, instead was "$value"');
    throw Exception();
  return value;
554 555 556

// Try to read a `String` value or null from `yamlMap`, otherwise throw.
557 558
String? _tryReadString(YamlMap yamlMap, String key, Logger logger) {
  final Object? value = yamlMap[key];
559 560 561 562 563 564 565
  if (value == null) {
    return null;
  if (value is! String) {
    logger.printError('Expected "$key" to have a String value, instead was "$value"');
    throw Exception();
  return value;
567 568

569 570
List<String>? _tryReadStringList(YamlMap yamlMap, String key, Logger logger) {
  final Object? value = yamlMap[key];
571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584
  if (value == null) {
    return null;
  if (value is String) {
    return <String>[value];
  if (value is Iterable) {
    return value.map((dynamic e) => e.toString()).toList();
  logger.printError('"$value" must be String or List.');
  throw Exception();

// Try to read a valid `Uri` or null from `yamlMap`, otherwise throw.
585 586
Uri? _tryReadUri(YamlMap yamlMap, String key, Logger logger) {
  final String? value = _tryReadString(yamlMap, key, logger);
587 588 589
  if (value == null) {
    return null;
  final Uri? uri = Uri.tryParse(value);
591 592 593 594 595
  if (uri == null) {
    logger.printError('"$value" must be a relative file URI');
  return uri;