amber_ctl.dart 4.64 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
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// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import '../base/process.dart';

import 'fuchsia_device.dart';
import 'fuchsia_pm.dart';

// usage: amber_ctl <command> [opts]
// Commands
//     get_up        - get an update for a package
//       Options
//         -n:      name of the package
//         -v:      version of the package to retrieve, if none is supplied any
//                  package instance could match
//         -m:      merkle root of the package to retrieve, if none is supplied
//                  any package instance could match
//     get_blob      - get the specified content blob
//         -i: content ID of the blob
//     add_src       - add a source to the list we can use
//         -n: name of the update source (optional, with URL)
//         -f: file path or url to a source config file
//         -h: SHA256 hash of source config file (optional, with URL)
//         -x: do not disable other active sources (if the provided source is
//             enabled)
30 31 32 33 34 35
//     add_repo_cfg  - add a repository config to the set of known repositories,
//                     using a source config
//         -n: name of the update source (optional, with URL)
//         -f: file path or url to a source config file
//         -h: SHA256 hash of source config file (optional, with URL)
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
//     rm_src        - remove a source, if it exists
//         -n: name of the update source
//     list_srcs     - list the set of sources we can use
//     enable_src
//         -n: name of the update source
//         -x: do not disable other active sources
//     disable_src
//         -n: name of the update source
//     system_update - check for, download, and apply any available system
//                     update
//     gc - trigger a garbage collection
//     print_state - print go routine state of amber process

/// Simple wrapper for interacting with the 'amber_ctl' tool running on the
/// Fuchsia device.
class FuchsiaAmberCtl {
  /// Teaches the amber instance running on [device] about the Fuchsia package
  /// server accessible via [configUrl].
  Future<bool> addSrc(FuchsiaDevice device, FuchsiaPackageServer server) async {
61 62 63 64 65
    final String localIp = await device.hostAddress;
    final String configUrl = 'http://[$localIp]:${server.port}/config.json';
    final RunResult result = await
      'amber_ctl add_src -x -f $configUrl',
66 67 68 69 70 71
    return result.exitCode == 0;

  /// Instructs the amber instance running on [device] to forget about the
  /// Fuchsia package server that it was accessing via [serverUrl].
  Future<bool> rmSrc(FuchsiaDevice device, FuchsiaPackageServer server) async {
72 73 74 75
    final String localIp = await device.hostAddress;
    final RunResult result = await
      'amber_ctl rm_src -n http://[$localIp]:${server.port}/',
76 77 78 79 80 81
    return result.exitCode == 0;

  /// Instructs the amber instance running on [device] to prefetch the package
  /// [packageName].
  Future<bool> getUp(FuchsiaDevice device, String packageName) async {
82 83 84
    final RunResult result = await
      'amber_ctl get_up -n $packageName',
85 86
    return result.exitCode == 0;
87 88 89 90 91

  /// Converts the amber source config created when [server] was set up to a
  /// pkg_resolver repo config, and teaches the pkg_resolver instance running
  /// on [device] about the [FuchsiaPackageServer].
  Future<bool> addRepoCfg(FuchsiaDevice device, FuchsiaPackageServer server) async {
92 93 94 95 96
    final String localIp = await device.hostAddress;
    final String configUrl = 'http://[$localIp]:${server.port}/config.json';
    final RunResult result = await
      'amber_ctl add_repo_cfg -n ${} -f $configUrl',
97 98 99 100 101
    return result.exitCode == 0;

  /// Instructs the pkg_resolver instance running on [device] to prefetch the
  /// package [packageName].
102 103 104 105 106
  Future<bool> pkgCtlResolve(
    FuchsiaDevice device,
    FuchsiaPackageServer server,
    String packageName,
  ) async {
107 108 109 110 111 112 113
    final String packageUrl = 'fuchsia-pkg://${}/$packageName';
    final RunResult result = await'pkgctl resolve $packageUrl');
    return result.exitCode == 0;

  /// Instructs the pkg_resolver instance running on [device] to forget about
  /// the Fuchsia package server that it was accessing via [serverUrl].
114 115 116 117
  Future<bool> pkgCtlRepoRemove(
    FuchsiaDevice device,
    FuchsiaPackageServer server,
  ) async {
    final String repoUrl = 'fuchsia-pkg://${}';
    final RunResult result = await'pkgctl repo rm $repoUrl');
120 121
    return result.exitCode == 0;