flutter_adapter.dart 15.9 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:dds/dap.dart' hide PidTracker, PackageConfigUtils;
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart' as vm;

import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/io.dart';
import '../base/platform.dart';
import '../cache.dart';
import '../convert.dart';
import 'flutter_adapter_args.dart';
import 'mixins.dart';

/// A DAP Debug Adapter for running and debugging Flutter applications.
class FlutterDebugAdapter extends DartDebugAdapter<FlutterLaunchRequestArguments, FlutterAttachRequestArguments>
    with PidTracker, PackageConfigUtils {
    ByteStreamServerChannel channel, {
    required this.fileSystem,
    required this.platform,
    bool ipv6 = false,
    bool enableDds = true,
    bool enableAuthCodes = true,
    Logger? logger,
  }) : super(
          ipv6: ipv6,
          enableDds: enableDds,
          enableAuthCodes: enableAuthCodes,
          logger: logger,

  FileSystem fileSystem;
  Platform platform;
  Process? _process;

  final FlutterLaunchRequestArguments Function(Map<String, Object?> obj)
      parseLaunchArgs = FlutterLaunchRequestArguments.fromJson;

  final FlutterAttachRequestArguments Function(Map<String, Object?> obj)
      parseAttachArgs = FlutterAttachRequestArguments.fromJson;

  /// A completer that completes when the app.started event has been received.
  final Completer<void> _appStartedCompleter = Completer<void>();

  /// Whether or not the app.started event has been received.
  bool get _receivedAppStarted => _appStartedCompleter.isCompleted;

  /// The VM Service URI received from the app.debugPort event.
  Uri? _vmServiceUri;

  /// The appId of the current running Flutter app.
  String? _appId;

  /// The ID to use for the next request sent to the Flutter run daemon.
  int _flutterRequestId = 1;

  /// Outstanding requests that have been sent to the Flutter run daemon and
  /// their handlers.
  final Map<int, Completer<Object?>> _flutterRequestCompleters = <int, Completer<Object?>>{};

  /// Whether or not this adapter can handle the restartRequest.
  /// For Flutter apps we can handle this with a Hot Restart rather than having
  /// the whole debug session stopped and restarted.
  bool get supportsRestartRequest => true;

  /// Whether the VM Service closing should be used as a signal to terminate the debug session.
  /// Since we always have a process for Flutter (whether run or attach) we'll
  /// always use its termination instead, so this is always false.
  bool get terminateOnVmServiceClose => false;

  /// Called by [attachRequest] to request that we actually connect to the app to be debugged.
  Future<void> attachImpl() async {
    sendOutput('console', '\nAttach is not currently supported');

  /// [customRequest] handles any messages that do not match standard messages in the spec.
  /// This is used to allow a client/DA to have custom methods outside of the
  /// spec. It is up to the client/DA to negotiate which custom messages are
  /// allowed.
  /// [sendResponse] must be called when handling a message, even if it is with
  /// a null response. Otherwise the client will never be informed that the
  /// request has completed.
  /// Any requests not handled must call super which will respond with an error
  /// that the message was not supported.
  /// Unless they start with _ to indicate they are private, custom messages
  /// should not change in breaking ways if client IDEs/editors may be calling
  /// them.
  Future<void> customRequest(
    Request request,
    RawRequestArguments? args,
    void Function(Object?) sendResponse,
  ) async {
    switch (request.command) {
      case 'hotRestart':
      case 'hotReload':
        final bool isFullRestart = request.command == 'hotRestart';
        await _performRestart(isFullRestart, args?.args['reason'] as String?);

        await super.customRequest(request, args, sendResponse);

  Future<void> debuggerConnected(vm.VM vmInfo) async {
    // Capture the PID from the VM Service so that we can terminate it when
    // cleaning up. Terminating the process might not be enough as it could be
    // just a shell script (e.g. flutter.bat on Windows) and may not pass the
    // signal on correctly.
    // See: https://github.com/Dart-Code/Dart-Code/issues/907
    final int? pid = vmInfo.pid;
    if (pid != null) {

  /// Called by [disconnectRequest] to request that we forcefully shut down the app being run (or in the case of an attach, disconnect).
  /// Client IDEs/editors should send a terminateRequest before a
  /// disconnectRequest to allow a graceful shutdown. This method must terminate
  /// quickly and therefore may leave orphaned processes.
  Future<void> disconnectImpl() async {

  /// Called by [launchRequest] to request that we actually start the app to be run/debugged.
  /// For debugging, this should start paused, connect to the VM Service, set
  /// breakpoints, and resume.
  Future<void> launchImpl() async {
    final FlutterLaunchRequestArguments args = this.args as FlutterLaunchRequestArguments;
    final String flutterToolPath = fileSystem.path.join(Cache.flutterRoot!, 'bin', platform.isWindows ? 'flutter.bat' : 'flutter');

    // "debug"/"noDebug" refers to the DAP "debug" mode and not the Flutter
    // debug mode (vs Profile/Release). It is possible for the user to "Run"
    // from VS Code (eg. not want to hit breakpoints/etc.) but still be running
    // a debug build.
    final bool debug = !(args.noDebug ?? false);
    final String? program = args.program;

    final List<String> toolArgs = <String>[
      if (debug) '--start-paused',
168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448
    final List<String> processArgs = <String>[
      if (program != null) ...<String>[

    // Find the package_config file for this script. This is used by the
    // debugger to map package: URIs to file paths to check whether they're in
    // the editors workspace (args.cwd/args.additionalProjectPaths) so they can
    // be correctly classes as "my code", "sdk" or "external packages".
    // TODO(dantup): Remove this once https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/45530
    // is done as it will not be necessary.
    final String? possibleRoot = program == null
        ? args.cwd
        : fileSystem.path.isAbsolute(program)
            ? fileSystem.path.dirname(program)
            : fileSystem.path.dirname(
                fileSystem.path.normalize(fileSystem.path.join(args.cwd ?? '', args.program)));
    if (possibleRoot != null) {
      final File? packageConfig = findPackageConfigFile(possibleRoot);
      if (packageConfig != null) {

    logger?.call('Spawning $flutterToolPath with $processArgs in ${args.cwd}');
    final Process process = await Process.start(
      workingDirectory: args.cwd,
    _process = process;


    // Delay responding until the app is launched and (optionally) the debugger
    // is connected.
    await _appStartedCompleter.future;
    if (debug) {
      await debuggerInitialized;

  /// restart is called by the client when the user invokes a restart (for example with the button on the debug toolbar).
  /// For Flutter, we handle this ourselves be sending a Hot Restart request
  /// to the running app.
  Future<void> restartRequest(
    Request request,
    RestartArguments? args,
    void Function() sendResponse,
  ) async {
    await _performRestart(true);


  /// Sends a request to the Flutter daemon that is running/attaching to the app and waits for a response.
  /// If [failSilently] is `true` (the default) and there is no process, the
  /// message will be silently ignored (this is common during the application
  /// being stopped, where async messages may be processed). Setting it to
  /// `false` will cause a [DebugAdapterException] to be thrown in that case.
  Future<Object?> sendFlutterRequest(
    String method,
    Map<String, Object?>? params, {
    bool failSilently = true,
  }) async {
    final Process? process = _process;

    if (process == null) {
      if (failSilently) {
        return null;
      } else {
        throw DebugAdapterException(
          'Unable to Restart because Flutter process is not available',

    final Completer<Object?> completer = Completer<Object?>();
    final int id = _flutterRequestId++;
    _flutterRequestCompleters[id] = completer;

    // Flutter requests are always wrapped in brackets as an array.
    final String messageString = jsonEncode(
      <String, Object?>{'id': id, 'method': method, 'params': params},
    final String payload = '[$messageString]\n';


    return completer.future;

  /// Called by [terminateRequest] to request that we gracefully shut down the app being run (or in the case of an attach, disconnect).
  Future<void> terminateImpl() async {
    await _process?.exitCode;

  /// Connects to the VM Service if the app.started event has fired, and a VM Service URI is available.
  void _connectDebuggerIfReady() {
    final Uri? serviceUri = _vmServiceUri;
    if (_receivedAppStarted && serviceUri != null) {
      connectDebugger(serviceUri, resumeIfStarting: true);

  /// Handles the app.start event from Flutter.
  void _handleAppStart(Map<String, Object?> params) {
    _appId = params['appId'] as String?;
    assert(_appId != null);

  /// Handles the app.started event from Flutter.
  void _handleAppStarted() {

  /// Handles the app.debugPort event from Flutter, connecting to the VM Service if everything else is ready.
  void _handleDebugPort(Map<String, Object?> params) {
    // When running in noDebug mode, Flutter may still provide us a VM Service
    // URI, but we will not connect it because we don't want to do any debugging.
    final FlutterLaunchRequestArguments args = this.args as FlutterLaunchRequestArguments;
    final bool debug = !(args.noDebug ?? false);
    if (!debug) {

    // Capture the VM Service URL which we'll connect to when we get app.started.
    final String? wsUri = params['wsUri'] as String?;
    if (wsUri != null) {
      _vmServiceUri = Uri.parse(wsUri);

  /// Handles the Flutter process exiting, terminating the debug session if it has not already begun terminating.
  void _handleExitCode(int code) {
    final String codeSuffix = code == 0 ? '' : ' ($code)';
    logger?.call('Process exited ($code)');

  /// Handles incoming JSON events from `flutter run --machine`.
  void _handleJsonEvent(String event, Map<String, Object?>? params) {
    params ??= <String, Object?>{};
    switch (event) {
      case 'app.debugPort':
      case 'app.start':
      case 'app.started':

  /// Handles incoming JSON messages from `flutter run --machine` that are responses to requests that we sent.
  void _handleJsonResponse(int id, Map<String, Object?> response) {
    final Completer<Object?>? handler = _flutterRequestCompleters.remove(id);
    if (handler == null) {
        'Received response from Flutter run daemon with ID $id '
        'but had not matching handler',

    final Object? error = response['error'];
    final Object? result = response['result'];
    if (error != null) {
    } else {

  void _handleStderr(List<int> data) {
    logger?.call('stderr: $data');
    sendOutput('stderr', utf8.decode(data));

  /// Handles stdout from the `flutter run --machine` process, decoding the JSON and calling the appropriate handlers.
  void _handleStdout(String data) {
    // Output intended for us to parse is JSON wrapped in brackets:
    // [{"event":"app.foo","params":{"bar":"baz"}}]
    // However, it's also possible a user printed things that look a little like
    // this so try to detect only things we're interested in:
    // - parses as JSON
    // - is a List of only a single item that is a Map<String, Object?>
    // - the item has an "event" field that is a String
    // - the item has a "params" field that is a Map<String, Object?>?

    logger?.call('stdout: $data');

    // Output is sent as console (eg. output from tooling) until the app has
    // started, then stdout (users output). This is so info like
    // "Launching lib/main.dart on Device foo" is formatted differently to
    // general output printed by the user.
    final String outputCategory = _receivedAppStarted ? 'stdout' : 'console';

      // Output in stdout can include both user output (eg. print) and Flutter
      // daemon output. Since it's not uncommon for users to print JSON while
      // debugging, we must try to detect which messages are likely Flutter
      // messages as reliably as possible, as trying to process users output
      // as a Flutter message may result in an unhandled error that will
      // terminate the debug adater in a way that does not provide feedback
      // because the standard crash violates the DAP protocol.
    Object? jsonData;
    try {
      jsonData = jsonDecode(data);
    } on FormatException {
      // If the output wasn't valid JSON, it was standard stdout that should
      // be passed through to the user.
      sendOutput(outputCategory, data);

    final Map<String, Object?>? payload = jsonData is List &&
            jsonData.length == 1 &&
            jsonData.first is Map<String, Object?>
        ? jsonData.first as Map<String, Object?>
        : null;

    if (payload == null) {
      // JSON didn't match expected format for Flutter responses, so treat as
      // standard user output.
      sendOutput(outputCategory, data);

    final Object? event = payload['event'];
    final Object? params = payload['params'];
    final Object? id = payload['id'];
    if (event is String && params is Map<String, Object?>?) {
      _handleJsonEvent(event, params);
    } else if (id is int && _flutterRequestCompleters.containsKey(id)) {
      _handleJsonResponse(id, payload);
    } else {
      // If it wasn't processed above,
      sendOutput(outputCategory, data);

  /// Performs a restart/reload by sending the `app.restart` message to the `flutter run --machine` process.
  Future<void> _performRestart(
    bool fullRestart, [
    String? reason,
  ]) async {
    final DartCommonLaunchAttachRequestArguments args = this.args;
    final bool debug =
        args is! FlutterLaunchRequestArguments || args.noDebug != true;
    try {
      await sendFlutterRequest('app.restart', <String, Object?>{
        'appId': _appId,
        'fullRestart': fullRestart,
        'pause': debug,
        'reason': reason,
        'debounce': true,
    } on DebugAdapterException catch (error) {
      final String action = fullRestart ? 'Hot Restart' : 'Hot Reload';
      sendOutput('console', 'Failed to $action: $error');