@ECHO offREM Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.REM Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can beREM found in the LICENSE file.REM This should match the ci.sh file in this directory.REM This is called from the LUCI recipes:REM https://flutter.googlesource.com/recipes/+/refs/heads/master/recipe_modules/adhoc_validation/resources/customer_testing.batpub getCD ..\toolspub getCD ..\customer_testingCMD /S /C "IF EXIST "..\..\bin\cache\pkg\tests\" RMDIR /S /Q ..\..\bin\cache\pkg\tests"git clone https://github.com/flutter/tests.git ..\..\bin\cache\pkg\testsFOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%a IN (`dart --enable-asserts ..\tools\bin\find_commit.dart ..\..\bin\cache\pkg\tests`) DO git -C ..\..\bin\cache\pkg\tests checkout %%adart --enable-asserts run_tests.dart --skip-on-fetch-failure --skip-template ..\..\bin\cache\pkg\tests\registry\*.test