aar_init_script.gradle 5.7 KB
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// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This script is used to initialize the build in a module or plugin project.
// During this phase, the script applies the Maven plugin and configures the
// destination of the local repository.
// The local repository will contain the AAR and POM files.

import java.nio.file.Paths
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import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven.MavenDeployer
import org.gradle.api.plugins.MavenPlugin
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Upload

void configureProject(Project project, File outputDir) {
    if (!project.hasProperty("android")) {
        throw new GradleException("Android property not found.")
    if (!project.android.hasProperty("libraryVariants")) {
        throw new GradleException("Can't generate AAR on a non Android library project.");

    project.apply plugin: "maven"

    project.android.libraryVariants.all { variant ->
        addAarTask(project, variant)
    // Snapshot versions include the timestamp in the artifact name.
    // Therefore, remove the snapshot part, so new runs of `flutter build aar` overrides existing artifacts.
    // This version isn't relevant in Flutter since the pub version is used
    // to resolve dependencies.
    project.version = project.version.replace("-SNAPSHOT", "")

    project.uploadArchives {
        repositories {
            mavenDeployer {
                repository(url: "file://${outputDir}/outputs/repo")
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    if (!project.property("is-plugin").toBoolean()) {
    if (project.hasProperty('localEngineOut')) {
        // TODO(egarciad): Support local engine.
        // This most likely requires refactoring `flutter.gradle`, so the logic can be reused.
        throw new GradleException(
            "Local engine isn't supported when building the plugins as AAR. " +
            "See: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/40866")

    // This is a Flutter plugin project. Plugin projects don't apply the Flutter Gradle plugin,
    // as a result, add the dependency on the embedding.
    project.repositories {
        maven {
            url "http://download.flutter.io"
    String engineVersion = Paths.get(getFlutterRoot(project), "bin", "internal", "engine.version")
    project.dependencies {
        // Add the embedding dependency.
        compileOnly ("io.flutter:flutter_embedding_release:1.0.0-$engineVersion") {
            // We only need to expose io.flutter.plugin.*
            // No need for the embedding transitive dependencies.
            transitive = false
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String getFlutterRoot(Project project) {
    if (!project.hasProperty("flutter-root")) {
        throw new GradleException("The `-Pflutter-root` flag must be specified.")
    return project.property("flutter-root")

void addAarTask(Project project, variant) {
    String variantName = variant.name.capitalize()
    String taskName = "assembleAar${variantName}"
    project.tasks.create(name: taskName) {
        // This check is required to be able to configure the archives before `uploadArchives` runs.
        if (!project.gradle.startParameter.taskNames.contains(taskName)) {
        // NOTE(blasten): `android.defaultPublishConfig` must equal the variant name to build.
        // Where variant name is `<product-flavor><Build-Type>`. However, it's too late to configure
        // `defaultPublishConfig` at this point. Therefore, the code below ensures that the
        // default build config uses the artifacts produced for the specific build variant.
        Task bundle = project.tasks.findByName("bundle${variantName}Aar") // gradle:3.2.0
        if (bundle == null) {
            bundle = project.tasks.findByName("bundle${variantName}") // gradle:3.1.0
        if (bundle == null) {
            throw new GradleException("Can't generate AAR for variant ${variantName}.");
        project.uploadArchives.repositories.mavenDeployer {
            pom {
                artifactId = "${project.name}_${variant.name.toLowerCase()}"
        // Clear the current archives since the current one is assigned based on
        // `android.defaultPublishConfig` which defaults to `release`.
        // Add the artifact that will be published.
        project.artifacts.add("archives", bundle)
        // Generate the Maven artifacts.
        finalizedBy "uploadArchives"

projectsEvaluated {
    if (rootProject.property("is-plugin").toBoolean()) {
        if (rootProject.hasProperty("output-dir")) {
            rootProject.buildDir = rootProject.property("output-dir")
        } else {
            rootProject.buildDir = "../build";
        // In plugin projects, the Android library is the root project.
        configureProject(rootProject, rootProject.buildDir)
    // In module projects, the Android library project is the `:flutter` subproject.
    Project androidLibrarySubproject = rootProject.subprojects.find { it.name == "flutter" }
    // In module projects, the `buildDir` is defined in the `:app` subproject.
    Project appSubproject = rootProject.subprojects.find { it.name == "app" }

    assert appSubproject != null
    assert androidLibrarySubproject != null

    if (appSubproject.hasProperty("output-dir")) {
        appSubproject.buildDir = appSubproject.property("output-dir")
    } else {
        appSubproject.buildDir = "../build/host"
    configureProject(androidLibrarySubproject, appSubproject.buildDir)