velocity_tracker.dart 8.14 KB
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// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

Ian Hickson's avatar
Ian Hickson committed
import 'dart:ui' show Point, Offset;
6 7 8

import 'lsq_solver.dart';

Ian Hickson's avatar
Ian Hickson committed
export 'dart:ui' show Point, Offset;

11 12
/// A velocity in two dimensions.
class Velocity {
13 14 15
  /// Creates a velocity.
  /// The [pixelsPerSecond] argument must not be null.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
  const Velocity({ this.pixelsPerSecond });

  /// A velocity that isn't moving at all.
  static const Velocity zero = const Velocity(pixelsPerSecond:;

  /// The number of pixels per second of velocity in the x and y directions.
  final Offset pixelsPerSecond;

  /// Return the negation of a velocity.
  Velocity operator -() => new Velocity(pixelsPerSecond: -pixelsPerSecond);
26 27

  /// Return the difference of two velocities.
28 29 30 31
  Velocity operator -(Velocity other) {
    return new Velocity(
        pixelsPerSecond: pixelsPerSecond - other.pixelsPerSecond);
32 33

  /// Return the sum of two velocities.
34 35 36 37 38
  Velocity operator +(Velocity other) {
    return new Velocity(
        pixelsPerSecond: pixelsPerSecond + other.pixelsPerSecond);

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
  /// Return a velocity whose magnitude has been clamped to [minValue]
  /// and [maxValue].
  /// If the magnitude of this Velocity is less than minValue then return a new
  /// Velocity with the same direction and with magnitude [minValue]. Similarly,
  /// if the magnitude of this Velocity is greater than maxValue then return a
  /// new Velocity with the same direction and magnitude [maxValue].
  /// If the magnitude of this Velocity is within the specified bounds then
  /// just return this.
  Velocity clampMagnitude(double minValue, double maxValue) {
    assert(minValue != null && minValue >= 0.0);
    assert(maxValue != null && maxValue >= 0.0 && maxValue >= minValue);
    final double valueSquared = pixelsPerSecond.distanceSquared;
    if (valueSquared > maxValue * maxValue)
      return new Velocity(pixelsPerSecond: (pixelsPerSecond / pixelsPerSecond.distance) * maxValue);
    if (valueSquared < minValue * minValue)
      return new Velocity(pixelsPerSecond: (pixelsPerSecond / pixelsPerSecond.distance) * minValue);
    return this;

61 62 63 64 65 66 67
  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
    if (other is! Velocity)
      return false;
    final Velocity typedOther = other;
    return pixelsPerSecond == typedOther.pixelsPerSecond;

69 70
  int get hashCode => pixelsPerSecond.hashCode;

72 73 74
  String toString() => 'Velocity(${pixelsPerSecond.dx.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${pixelsPerSecond.dy.toStringAsFixed(1)})';

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/// A two dimensional velocity estimate.
/// VelocityEstimates are computed by [VelocityTracker.getVelocityEstimate]. An
/// estimate's [confidence] measures how well the the velocity tracker's position
/// data fit a straight line, [duration] is the time that elapsed between the
/// first and last position sample used to compute the velocity, and [offset]
/// is similarly the difference between the first and last positions.
/// See also:
///  * VelocityTracker, which computes [VelocityEstimate]s.
///  * Velocity, which encapsulates (just) a velocity vector and provides some
///    useful velocity operations.
class VelocityEstimate {
  /// Creates a dimensional velocity estimate.
  const VelocityEstimate({

  /// The number of pixels per second of velocity in the x and y directions.
  final Offset pixelsPerSecond;

  /// A value between 0.0 and 1.0 that indicates how well [VelocityTracker]
  /// was able to fit a straight line to its position data.
  /// The value of this property is 1.0 for a perfect fit, 0.0 for a poor fit.
  final double confidence;

  /// The time that elapsed between the first and last position sample used
  /// to compute [pixelsPerSecond].
  final Duration duration;

  /// The difference between the first and last position sample used
  /// to compute [pixelsPerSecond].
  final Offset offset;

  String toString() => 'VelocityEstimate(${pixelsPerSecond.dx.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${pixelsPerSecond.dy.toStringAsFixed(1)})';

class _PointAtTime {
  const _PointAtTime(this.point, this.time);

  final Duration time;
  final Point point;

  String toString() => '_PointAtTime($point at $time)';

/// Computes a pointer's velocity based on data from PointerMove events.
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/// The input data is provided by calling addPosition(). Adding data
/// is cheap.
133 134 135 136
/// To obtain a velocity, call [getVelocity] or [getVelocityEstimate].
/// This will compute the velocity based on the data added so far. Only
/// call this when you need to use the velocity, as it is comparatively
/// expensive.
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/// The quality of the velocity estimation will be better if more data
/// points have been received.
class VelocityTracker {
141 142 143 144
  static const int _kAssumePointerMoveStoppedMilliseconds = 40;
  static const int _kHistorySize = 20;
  static const int _kHorizonMilliseconds = 100;
  static const int _kMinSampleSize = 3;

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  // Circular buffer; current sample at _index.
  final List<_PointAtTime> _samples = new List<_PointAtTime>(_kHistorySize);
  int _index = 0;

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  void addPosition(Duration time, Point position) {
    _index += 1;
    if (_index == _kHistorySize)
      _index = 0;
    _samples[_index] = new _PointAtTime(position, time);
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  VelocityEstimate getVelocityEstimate() {
    final List<double> x = <double>[];
    final List<double> y = <double>[];
    final List<double> w = <double>[];
    final List<double> time = <double>[];
    int sampleCount = 0;
    int index = _index;

    final _PointAtTime newestSample = _samples[index];
    if (newestSample == null)
      return null;

    _PointAtTime previousSample = newestSample;
    _PointAtTime oldestSample = newestSample;

    // Starting with the most recent PointAtTime sample, iterate backwards while
    // the samples represent continuous motion.
    do {
      final _PointAtTime sample = _samples[index];
      if (sample == null)

      final double age = (newestSample.time - sample.time).inMilliseconds.toDouble();
      final double delta = (sample.time - previousSample.time).inMilliseconds.abs().toDouble();
      previousSample = sample;
      if (age > _kHorizonMilliseconds || delta > _kAssumePointerMoveStoppedMilliseconds)

      oldestSample = sample;
      final Point position = sample.point;
      index = (index == 0 ? _kHistorySize : index) - 1;

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      sampleCount += 1;
    } while (sampleCount < _kHistorySize);

    if (sampleCount >= _kMinSampleSize) {
      final LeastSquaresSolver xSolver = new LeastSquaresSolver(time, x, w);
      final PolynomialFit xFit = xSolver.solve(2);
      if (xFit != null) {
        final LeastSquaresSolver ySolver = new LeastSquaresSolver(time, y, w);
        final PolynomialFit yFit = ySolver.solve(2);
        if (yFit != null) {
          return new VelocityEstimate( // convert from pixels/ms to pixels/s
            pixelsPerSecond: new Offset(xFit.coefficients[1] * 1000, yFit.coefficients[1] * 1000),
            confidence: xFit.confidence * yFit.confidence,
            duration: newestSample.time - oldestSample.time,
            offset: newestSample.point - oldestSample.point,

    // We're unable to make a velocity estimate but we did have at least one
    // valid pointer position.
    return new VelocityEstimate(
      confidence: 1.0,
      duration: newestSample.time - oldestSample.time,
      offset: newestSample.point - oldestSample.point,
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  /// Computes the velocity of the pointer at the time of the last
  /// provided data point.
  /// This can be expensive. Only call this when you need the velocity.
  /// getVelocity() will return null if no estimate is available or if
  /// the velocity is zero.
  Velocity getVelocity() {
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    final VelocityEstimate estimate = getVelocityEstimate();
    if (estimate == null || estimate.pixelsPerSecond ==
      return null;
    return new Velocity(pixelsPerSecond: estimate.pixelsPerSecond);
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