unpublish_package.dart 19.4 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

/// This script removes published archives from the cloud storage and the
/// corresponding JSON metadata file that the website uses to determine what
/// releases are available.
/// If asked to remove a release that is currently the release on that channel,
/// it will replace that release with the next most recent release on that
/// channel.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' hide Platform;
import 'dart:typed_data';

import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:platform/platform.dart' show Platform, LocalPlatform;
import 'package:process/process.dart';

const String gsBase = 'gs://flutter_infra_release';
25 26
const String releaseFolder = '/releases';
const String gsReleaseFolder = '$gsBase$releaseFolder';
const String baseUrl = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_infra_release';
28 29 30 31 32 33 34

/// Exception class for when a process fails to run, so we can catch
/// it and provide something more readable than a stack trace.
class UnpublishException implements Exception {
  UnpublishException(this.message, [this.result]);

  final String message;
  final ProcessResult? result;
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
  int get exitCode => result?.exitCode ?? -1;

  String toString() {
    String output = runtimeType.toString();
    if (message != null) {
      output += ': $message';
    final String stderr = result?.stderr as String? ?? '';
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
    if (stderr.isNotEmpty) {
      output += ':\n$stderr';
    return output;

enum Channel { dev, beta, stable }

String getChannelName(Channel channel) {
  switch (channel) {
    case Channel.beta:
      return 'beta';
    case Channel.dev:
      return 'dev';
    case Channel.stable:
      return 'stable';

Channel fromChannelName(String? name) {
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
  switch (name) {
    case 'beta':
      return Channel.beta;
    case 'dev':
      return Channel.dev;
    case 'stable':
      return Channel.stable;
      throw ArgumentError('Invalid channel name.');

enum PublishedPlatform { linux, macos, windows }

String getPublishedPlatform(PublishedPlatform platform) {
  switch (platform) {
    case PublishedPlatform.linux:
      return 'linux';
    case PublishedPlatform.macos:
      return 'macos';
    case PublishedPlatform.windows:
      return 'windows';

PublishedPlatform fromPublishedPlatform(String name) {
  switch (name) {
    case 'linux':
      return PublishedPlatform.linux;
    case 'macos':
      return PublishedPlatform.macos;
    case 'windows':
      return PublishedPlatform.windows;
      throw ArgumentError('Invalid published platform name.');

/// A helper class for classes that want to run a process, optionally have the
/// stderr and stdout reported as the process runs, and capture the stdout
/// properly without dropping any.
class ProcessRunner {
  /// Creates a [ProcessRunner].
  /// The [processManager], [subprocessOutput], and [platform] arguments must
  /// not be null.
    this.processManager = const LocalProcessManager(),
    this.subprocessOutput = true,
    this.platform = const LocalPlatform(),
  }) : assert(subprocessOutput != null),
       assert(processManager != null),
       assert(platform != null) {
    environment = Map<String, String>.from(platform.environment);

  /// The platform to use for a starting environment.
  final Platform platform;

  /// Set [subprocessOutput] to show output as processes run. Stdout from the
  /// process will be printed to stdout, and stderr printed to stderr.
  final bool subprocessOutput;

  /// Set the [processManager] in order to inject a test instance to perform
  /// testing.
  final ProcessManager processManager;

  /// Sets the default directory used when `workingDirectory` is not specified
  /// to [runProcess].
  final Directory? defaultWorkingDirectory;
137 138

  /// The environment to run processes with.
  late Map<String, String> environment;
140 141 142 143 144 145

  /// Run the command and arguments in `commandLine` as a sub-process from
  /// `workingDirectory` if set, or the [defaultWorkingDirectory] if not. Uses
  /// [Directory.current] if [defaultWorkingDirectory] is not set.
  /// Set `failOk` if [runProcess] should not throw an exception when the
  /// command completes with a non-zero exit code.
147 148
  Future<String> runProcess(
    List<String> commandLine, {
    Directory? workingDirectory,
150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158
    bool failOk = false,
  }) async {
    workingDirectory ??= defaultWorkingDirectory ?? Directory.current;
    if (subprocessOutput) {
      stderr.write('Running "${commandLine.join(' ')}" in ${workingDirectory.path}.\n');
    final List<int> output = <int>[];
    final Completer<void> stdoutComplete = Completer<void>();
    final Completer<void> stderrComplete = Completer<void>();
    late Process process;
160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192
    Future<int> allComplete() async {
      await stderrComplete.future;
      await stdoutComplete.future;
      return process.exitCode;

    try {
      process = await processManager.start(
        workingDirectory: workingDirectory.absolute.path,
        environment: environment,
        (List<int> event) {
          if (subprocessOutput) {
        onDone: () async => stdoutComplete.complete(),
      if (subprocessOutput) {
          (List<int> event) {
          onDone: () async => stderrComplete.complete(),
      } else {
    } on ProcessException catch (e) {
      final String message = 'Running "${commandLine.join(' ')}" in ${workingDirectory.path} '
          'failed with:\n$e';
194 195 196
      throw UnpublishException(message);
    } on ArgumentError catch (e) {
      final String message = 'Running "${commandLine.join(' ')}" in ${workingDirectory.path} '
          'failed with:\n$e';
198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221
      throw UnpublishException(message);

    final int exitCode = await allComplete();
    if (exitCode != 0 && !failOk) {
      final String message = 'Running "${commandLine.join(' ')}" in ${workingDirectory.path} failed';
      throw UnpublishException(
        ProcessResult(0, exitCode, null, 'returned $exitCode'),
    return utf8.decoder.convert(output).trim();

typedef HttpReader = Future<Uint8List> Function(Uri url, {Map<String, String> headers});

class ArchiveUnpublisher {
    this.platform, {
    this.confirmed = false,
    ProcessManager? processManager,
223 224 225 226
    bool subprocessOutput = true,
  })  : assert(revisionsBeingRemoved.length == 40),
        metadataGsPath = '$gsReleaseFolder/${getMetadataFilename(platform)}',
        _processRunner = ProcessRunner(
          processManager: processManager ?? const LocalProcessManager(),
228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242
          subprocessOutput: subprocessOutput,

  final PublishedPlatform platform;
  final String metadataGsPath;
  final Set<Channel> channels;
  final Set<String> revisionsBeingRemoved;
  final bool confirmed;
  final Directory tempDir;
  final ProcessRunner _processRunner;
  static String getMetadataFilename(PublishedPlatform platform) => 'releases_${getPublishedPlatform(platform)}.json';

  /// Remove the archive from Google Storage.
  Future<void> unpublishArchive() async {
    final Map<String, dynamic> jsonData = await _loadMetadata();
243 244
    final List<Map<String, String>> releases = (jsonData['releases'] as List<dynamic>).map<Map<String, String>>((dynamic entry) {
      final Map<String, dynamic> mapEntry = entry as Map<String, dynamic>;
245 246 247 248 249
      return mapEntry.cast<String, String>();
    final Map<Channel, Map<String, String>> paths = await _getArchivePaths(releases);
    releases.removeWhere((Map<String, String> value) => revisionsBeingRemoved.contains(value['hash']) && channels.contains(fromChannelName(value['channel'])));
    releases.sort((Map<String, String> a, Map<String, String> b) {
250 251
      final DateTime aDate = DateTime.parse(a['release_date']!);
      final DateTime bDate = DateTime.parse(b['release_date']!);
252 253 254
      return bDate.compareTo(aDate);
    jsonData['releases'] = releases;
    for (final Channel channel in channels) {
      if (!revisionsBeingRemoved.contains((jsonData['current_release'] as Map<String, dynamic>)[getChannelName(channel)])) {
257 258 259 260 261 262 263
        // Don't replace the current release if it's not one of the revisions we're removing.
      final Map<String, String> replacementRelease = releases.firstWhere((Map<String, String> value) => value['channel'] == getChannelName(channel));
      if (replacementRelease == null) {
        throw UnpublishException('Unable to find previous release for channel ${getChannelName(channel)}.');
      (jsonData['current_release'] as Map<String, dynamic>)[getChannelName(channel)] = replacementRelease['hash'];
265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276
        '${confirmed ? 'Reverting' : 'Would revert'} current ${getChannelName(channel)} '
        '${getPublishedPlatform(platform)} release to ${replacementRelease['hash']} (version ${replacementRelease['version']}).'
    await _cloudRemoveArchive(paths);
    await _updateMetadata(jsonData);

  Future<Map<Channel, Map<String, String>>> _getArchivePaths(List<Map<String, String>> releases) async {
    final Set<String> hashes = <String>{};
    final Map<Channel, Map<String, String>> paths = <Channel, Map<String, String>>{};
    for (final Map<String, String> revision in releases) {
      final String hash = revision['hash']!;
279 280 281 282
      final Channel channel = fromChannelName(revision['channel']);
      if (revisionsBeingRemoved.contains(hash) && channels.contains(channel)) {
        paths[channel] ??= <String, String>{};
        paths[channel]![hash] = revision['archive']!;
284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306
    final Set<String> missingRevisions = revisionsBeingRemoved.difference(hashes.intersection(revisionsBeingRemoved));
    if (missingRevisions.isNotEmpty) {
      final bool plural = missingRevisions.length > 1;
      throw UnpublishException('Revision${plural ? 's' : ''} $missingRevisions ${plural ? 'are' : 'is'} not present in the server metadata.');
    return paths;

  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _loadMetadata() async {
    final File metadataFile = File(
      path.join(tempDir.absolute.path, getMetadataFilename(platform)),
    // Always run this, even in dry runs.
    await _runGsUtil(<String>['cp', metadataGsPath, metadataFile.absolute.path], confirm: true);
    final String currentMetadata = metadataFile.readAsStringSync();
    if (currentMetadata.isEmpty) {
      throw UnpublishException('Empty metadata received from server');

    Map<String, dynamic> jsonData;
    try {
      jsonData = json.decode(currentMetadata) as Map<String, dynamic>;
308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330
    } on FormatException catch (e) {
      throw UnpublishException('Unable to parse JSON metadata received from cloud: $e');

    return jsonData;

  Future<void> _updateMetadata(Map<String, dynamic> jsonData) async {
    // We can't just cat the metadata from the server with 'gsutil cat', because
    // Windows wants to echo the commands that execute in gsutil.bat to the
    // stdout when we do that. So, we copy the file locally and then read it
    // back in.
    final File metadataFile = File(
      path.join(tempDir.absolute.path, getMetadataFilename(platform)),
    const JsonEncoder encoder = JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ');
    print('${confirmed ? 'Overwriting' : 'Would overwrite'} $metadataGsPath with contents of ${metadataFile.absolute.path}');
    await _cloudReplaceDest(metadataFile.absolute.path, metadataGsPath);

  Future<String> _runGsUtil(
    List<String> args, {
    Directory? workingDirectory,
332 333 334
    bool failOk = false,
    bool confirm = false,
  }) async {
    final List<String> command = <String>['gsutil', '--', ...args];
336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350
    if (confirm) {
      return _processRunner.runProcess(
        workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
        failOk: failOk,
    } else {
      print('Would run: ${command.join(' ')}');
      return '';

  Future<void> _cloudRemoveArchive(Map<Channel, Map<String, String>> paths) async {
    final List<String> files = <String>[];
    print('${confirmed ? 'Removing' : 'Would remove'} the following release archives:');
    for (final Channel channel in paths.keys) {
      final Map<String, String> hashes = paths[channel]!;
      for (final String hash in hashes.keys) {
354 355 356 357 358
        final String file = '$gsReleaseFolder/${hashes[hash]}';
        print('  $file');
    await _runGsUtil(<String>['rm', ...files], failOk: true, confirm: confirmed);
360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367

  Future<String> _cloudReplaceDest(String src, String dest) async {
    assert(dest.startsWith('gs:'), '_cloudReplaceDest must have a destination in cloud storage.');
    assert(!src.startsWith('gs:'), '_cloudReplaceDest must have a local source file.');
    // We often don't have permission to overwrite, but
    // we have permission to remove, so that's what we do first.
    await _runGsUtil(<String>['rm', dest], failOk: true, confirm: confirmed);
    String? mimeType;
369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377
    if (dest.endsWith('.tar.xz')) {
      mimeType = 'application/x-gtar';
    if (dest.endsWith('.zip')) {
      mimeType = 'application/zip';
    if (dest.endsWith('.json')) {
      mimeType = 'application/json';
378 379 380 381 382 383
    final List<String> args = <String>[
      // Use our preferred MIME type for the files we care about
      // and let gsutil figure it out for anything else.
      if (mimeType != null) ...<String>['-h', 'Content-Type:$mimeType'],
      ...<String>['cp', src, dest],
    return _runGsUtil(args, confirm: confirmed);
385 386 387 388 389 390 391

void _printBanner(String message) {
  final String banner = '*** $message ***';
  print('*' * banner.length);
393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446
  print('*' * banner.length);

/// Prepares a flutter git repo to be removed from the published cloud storage.
Future<void> main(List<String> rawArguments) async {
  final List<String> allowedChannelValues = Channel.values.map<String>((Channel channel) => getChannelName(channel)).toList();
  final List<String> allowedPlatformNames = PublishedPlatform.values.map<String>((PublishedPlatform platform) => getPublishedPlatform(platform)).toList();
  final ArgParser argParser = ArgParser();
    help: 'A location where temporary files may be written. Defaults to a '
        'directory in the system temp folder. If a temp_dir is not '
        'specified, then by default a generated temporary directory will be '
        'created, used, and removed automatically when the script exits.',
      help: 'The Flutter git repo revisions to remove from the published site. '
          'Must be full 40-character hashes. More than one may be specified, '
          'either by giving the option more than once, or by giving a comma '
          'separated list. Required.');
    allowed: allowedChannelValues,
    help: 'The Flutter channels to remove the archives corresponding to the '
        'revisions given with --revision. More than one may be specified, '
        'either by giving the option more than once, or by giving a '
        'comma separated list. If not specified, then the archives from all '
        'channels that a revision appears in will be removed.',
    allowed: allowedPlatformNames,
    help: 'The Flutter platforms to remove the archive from. May specify more '
        'than one, either by giving the option more than once, or by giving a '
        'comma separated list. If not specified, then the archives from all '
        'platforms that a revision appears in will be removed.',
    help: 'If set, will actually remove the archive from Google Cloud Storage '
        'upon successful execution of this script. Published archives will be '
        'removed from this directory: $baseUrl$releaseFolder.  This option '
        'must be set to perform any action on the server, otherwise only a dry '
        'run is performed.',
    negatable: false,
    help: 'Print help for this command.',

  final ArgResults parsedArguments = argParser.parse(rawArguments);

  if (parsedArguments['help'] as bool) {
448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457

  void errorExit(String message, {int exitCode = -1}) {
    stderr.write('Error: $message\n\n');

  final List<String> revisions = parsedArguments['revision'] as List<String>;
459 460 461
  if (revisions.isEmpty) {
    errorExit('Invalid argument: at least one --revision must be specified.');
  for (final String revision in revisions) {
463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470
    if (revision.length != 40) {
      errorExit('Invalid argument: --revision "$revision" must be the entire hash, not just a prefix.');
    if (revision.contains(RegExp(r'[^a-fA-F0-9]'))) {
      errorExit('Invalid argument: --revision "$revision" contains non-hex characters.');

  final String tempDirArg = parsedArguments['temp_dir'] as String;
472 473
  Directory tempDir;
  bool removeTempDir = false;
  if (tempDirArg == null || tempDirArg.isEmpty) {
475 476 477
    tempDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('flutter_package.');
    removeTempDir = true;
  } else {
    tempDir = Directory(tempDirArg);
    if (!tempDir.existsSync()) {
      errorExit("Temporary directory $tempDirArg doesn't exist.");
481 482 483

  if (!(parsedArguments['confirm'] as bool)) {
485 486 487
    _printBanner('This will be just a dry run.  To actually perform the changes below, re-run with --confirm argument.');

488 489
  final List<String> channelArg = parsedArguments['channel'] as List<String>;
  final List<String> channelOptions = channelArg.isNotEmpty ? channelArg : allowedChannelValues;
  final Set<Channel> channels = channelOptions.map<Channel>((String value) => fromChannelName(value)).toSet();
491 492
  final List<String> platformArg = parsedArguments['platform'] as List<String>;
  final List<String> platformOptions = platformArg.isNotEmpty ? platformArg : allowedPlatformNames;
493 494
  final List<PublishedPlatform> platforms = platformOptions.map<PublishedPlatform>((String value) => fromPublishedPlatform(value)).toList();
  int exitCode = 0;
495 496
  late String message;
  late String stack;
  try {
    for (final PublishedPlatform platform in platforms) {
499 500 501 502 503
      final ArchiveUnpublisher publisher = ArchiveUnpublisher(
        confirmed: parsedArguments['confirm'] as bool,
505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522
      await publisher.unpublishArchive();
  } on UnpublishException catch (e, s) {
    exitCode = e.exitCode;
    message = e.message;
    stack = s.toString();
  } catch (e, s) {
    exitCode = -1;
    message = e.toString();
    stack = s.toString();
  } finally {
    if (removeTempDir) {
      tempDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
    if (exitCode != 0) {
      errorExit('$message\n$stack', exitCode: exitCode);
    if (!(parsedArguments['confirm'] as bool)) {
524 525 526 527 528
      _printBanner('This was just a dry run.  To actually perform the above changes, re-run with --confirm argument.');