generate_localizations.dart 12.8 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

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import 'package:process/process.dart';

import '../artifacts.dart';
8 9
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/io.dart';
import '../base/logger.dart';
import '../globals.dart' as globals;
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
import '../localizations/gen_l10n.dart';
import '../localizations/gen_l10n_types.dart';
import '../localizations/localizations_utils.dart';
import '../runner/flutter_command.dart';

/// A command to generate localizations source files for a Flutter project.
/// It generates Dart localization source files from arb files.
/// For a more comprehensive tutorial on the tool, please see the
/// [internationalization user guide](
class GenerateLocalizationsCommand extends FlutterCommand {
26 27
    required FileSystem fileSystem,
    required Logger logger,
28 29
    required Artifacts artifacts,
    required ProcessManager processManager,
  }) :
    _fileSystem = fileSystem,
32 33 34
    _logger = logger,
    _artifacts = artifacts,
    _processManager = processManager {
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
      defaultsTo: globals.fs.path.join('lib', 'l10n'),
      help: 'The directory where the template and translated arb files are located.',
      help: 'The directory where the generated localization classes will be written '
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
            'if the synthetic-package flag is set to false.\n'
            'If output-dir is specified and the synthetic-package flag is enabled, '
            'this option will be ignored by the tool.\n'
            'The app must import the file specified in the "--output-localization-file" '
            'option from this directory. If unspecified, this defaults to the same '
            'directory as the input directory specified in "--arb-dir".',
51 52 53 54 55
      defaultsTo: 'app_en.arb',
      help: 'The template arb file that will be used as the basis for '
            'generating the Dart localization and messages files.',
57 58 59 60 61
      defaultsTo: 'app_localizations.dart',
      help: 'The filename for the output localization and localizations '
            'delegate classes.',
63 64 65
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
      help: 'The location of a file that describes the localization '
            'messages have not been translated yet. Using this option will create '
            'a JSON file at the target location, in the following format:\n'
            '    "locale": ["message_1", "message_2" ... "message_n"]\n'
            'If this option is not specified, a summary of the messages that '
            'have not been translated will be printed on the command line.',
74 75 76 77 78
      defaultsTo: 'AppLocalizations',
      help: 'The Dart class name to use for the output localization and '
            'localizations delegate classes.',
      valueHelp: 'locale',
      help: 'The list of preferred supported locales for the application. '
85 86 87 88 89 90
            'By default, the tool will generate the supported locales list in '
            'alphabetical order. Use this flag if you would like to default to '
            'a different locale. '
            'For example, pass in "en_US" if you would like your app to '
            'default to American English on devices that support it. '
            'Pass this option multiple times to define multiple items.',
91 92 93 94
      help: 'The header to prepend to the generated Dart localizations '
95 96 97 98 99 100 101
            'files. This option takes in a string.\n'
            'For example, pass in "/// All localized files." if you would '
            'like this string prepended to the generated Dart file.\n'
            'Alternatively, see the "--header-file" option to pass in a text '
            'file for longer headers.'
102 103 104 105
      help: 'The header to prepend to the generated Dart localizations '
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113
            'files. The value of this option is the name of the file that '
            'contains the header text which will be inserted at the top '
            'of each generated Dart file.\n'
            'Alternatively, see the "--header" option to pass in a string '
            'for a simpler header.\n'
            'This file should be placed in the directory specified in "--arb-dir".'
114 115 116
117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
      help: 'Whether to generate the Dart localization file with locales imported '
            'as deferred, allowing for lazy loading of each locale in Flutter web.\n'
            'This can reduce a web app’s initial startup time by decreasing the '
            'size of the JavaScript bundle. When this flag is set to true, the '
            'messages for a particular locale are only downloaded and loaded by the '
            'Flutter app as they are needed. For projects with a lot of different '
            'locales and many localization strings, it can be an performance '
            'improvement to have deferred loading. For projects with a small number '
            'of locales, the difference is negligible, and might slow down the start '
            'up compared to bundling the localizations with the rest of the '
            'This flag does not affect other platforms such as mobile or desktop.',
131 132 133 134 135
      valueHelp: 'path-to-output-directory',
      help: 'When specified, the tool generates a JSON file containing the '
            "tool's inputs and outputs named gen_l10n_inputs_and_outputs.json.\n"
137 138 139
            'This can be useful for keeping track of which files of the Flutter '
            'project were used when generating the latest set of localizations. '
            "For example, the Flutter tool's build system uses this file to "
141 142 143 144 145 146
            'keep track of when to call gen_l10n during hot reload.\n'
            'The value of this option is the directory where the JSON file will be '
            'When null, the JSON file will not be generated.'
147 148 149 150 151
      defaultsTo: true,
      help: 'Determines whether or not the generated output files will be '
152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
            'generated as a synthetic package or at a specified directory in '
            'the Flutter project.\n'
            'This flag is set to true by default.\n'
            'When synthetic-package is set to false, it will generate the '
            'localizations files in the directory specified by arb-dir by default.\n'
            'If output-dir is specified, files will be generated there.',
161 162 163 164 165
      valueHelp: 'absolute/path/to/flutter/project',
      help: 'When specified, the tool uses the path passed into this option '
166 167 168
            'as the directory of the root Flutter project.\n'
            'When null, the relative path to the present working directory will be used.'
170 171
172 173 174 175 176 177 178
      help: 'Requires all resource ids to contain a corresponding resource attribute.\n'
            'By default, simple messages will not require metadata, but it is highly '
            'recommended as this provides context for the meaning of a message to '
            'Resource attributes are still required for plural messages.'
180 181 182 183 184 185
      help: 'Whether or not the localizations class getter is nullable.\n'
            'By default, this value is set to true so that '
            'Localizations.of(context) returns a nullable value '
            'for backwards compatibility. If this value is set to false, then '
187 188 189 190
            'a null check is performed on the returned value of '
            'Localizations.of(context), removing the need for null checking in '
            'user code.'
191 192 193 194
      help: 'When specified, the "dart format" command is run after generating the localization files.'
195 196 197

  final FileSystem _fileSystem;
  final Logger _logger;
199 200
  final Artifacts _artifacts;
  final ProcessManager _processManager;
201 202

  String get description => 'Generate localizations for the current project.';
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  String get name => 'gen-l10n';

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  String get category => FlutterCommandCategory.project;

211 212
  Future<FlutterCommandResult> runCommand() async {
213 214 215 216
    List<String> outputFileList;

    bool format = boolArg('format') ?? false;

217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227
    if (_fileSystem.file('l10n.yaml').existsSync()) {
      final LocalizationOptions options = parseLocalizationsOptions(
        file: _fileSystem.file('l10n.yaml'),
        logger: _logger,
        'Because l10n.yaml exists, the options defined there will be used '
        'To use the command line arguments, delete the l10n.yaml file in the '
        'Flutter project.\n\n'
      outputFileList = generateLocalizations(
229 230 231
        logger: _logger,
        options: options,
        projectDir: _fileSystem.currentDirectory,
        fileSystem: _fileSystem,
233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250
      format = format || options.format;
    } else {
      final String inputPathString = stringArgDeprecated('arb-dir')!; // Has default value, cannot be null.
      final String? outputPathString = stringArgDeprecated('output-dir');
      final String outputFileString = stringArgDeprecated('output-localization-file')!; // Has default value, cannot be null.
      final String templateArbFileName = stringArgDeprecated('template-arb-file')!; // Has default value, cannot be null.
      final String? untranslatedMessagesFile = stringArgDeprecated('untranslated-messages-file');
      final String classNameString = stringArgDeprecated('output-class')!; // Has default value, cannot be null.
      final List<String> preferredSupportedLocales = stringsArg('preferred-supported-locales');
      final String? headerString = stringArgDeprecated('header');
      final String? headerFile = stringArgDeprecated('header-file');
      final bool useDeferredLoading = boolArgDeprecated('use-deferred-loading');
      final String? inputsAndOutputsListPath = stringArgDeprecated('gen-inputs-and-outputs-list');
      final bool useSyntheticPackage = boolArgDeprecated('synthetic-package');
      final String? projectPathString = stringArgDeprecated('project-dir');
      final bool areResourceAttributesRequired = boolArgDeprecated('required-resource-attributes');
      final bool usesNullableGetter = boolArgDeprecated('nullable-getter');


254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280
      try {
        outputFileList = (LocalizationsGenerator(
          fileSystem: _fileSystem,
          inputPathString: inputPathString,
          outputPathString: outputPathString,
          templateArbFileName: templateArbFileName,
          outputFileString: outputFileString,
          classNameString: classNameString,
          preferredSupportedLocales: preferredSupportedLocales,
          headerString: headerString,
          headerFile: headerFile,
          useDeferredLoading: useDeferredLoading,
          inputsAndOutputsListPath: inputsAndOutputsListPath,
          useSyntheticPackage: useSyntheticPackage,
          projectPathString: projectPathString,
          areResourceAttributesRequired: areResourceAttributesRequired,
          untranslatedMessagesFile: untranslatedMessagesFile,
          usesNullableGetter: usesNullableGetter,
          logger: _logger,
      } on L10nException catch (e) {

282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292
    // All other post processing.
    if (format) {
      if (outputFileList.isEmpty) {
        return FlutterCommandResult.success();
      final String dartBinary = _artifacts.getHostArtifact(HostArtifact.engineDartBinary).path;
      final List<String> command = <String>[dartBinary, 'format', ...outputFileList];
      final ProcessResult result = await;
      if (result.exitCode != 0) {
        throwToolExit('Formatting failed: $result', exitCode: result.exitCode);
293 294 295 296 297

    return FlutterCommandResult.success();