fuchsia_reload.dart 18.1 KB
Newer Older
1 2 3 4 5
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
7 8 9 10 11

import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/io.dart';
import '../base/platform.dart';
import '../base/process_manager.dart';
import '../base/utils.dart';
import '../cache.dart';
15 16 17 18
import '../device.dart';
import '../flx.dart' as flx;
import '../fuchsia/fuchsia_device.dart';
import '../globals.dart';
import '../resident_runner.dart';
20 21
import '../run_hot.dart';
import '../runner/flutter_command.dart';
import '../vmservice.dart';
23 24 25 26 27 28 29

// Usage:
// With e.g. flutter_gallery already running, a HotRunner can be attached to it
// with:
// $ flutter fuchsia_reload -f ~/fuchsia -a \
//       -g //lib/flutter/examples/flutter_gallery:flutter_gallery

30 31
final String ipv4Loopback = InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4.address;

32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
class FuchsiaReloadCommand extends FlutterCommand {
  FuchsiaReloadCommand() {
    addBuildModeFlags(defaultToRelease: false);
      abbr: 'a',
      help: 'Fuchsia device network name or address.');
      abbr: 'b',
      defaultsTo: 'release-x86-64',
      help: 'Fuchsia build type, e.g. release-x86-64.');
      abbr: 'f',
      defaultsTo: platform.environment['FUCHSIA_ROOT'],
      help: 'Path to Fuchsia source tree.');
      abbr: 'g',
48 49 50 51 52 53
      help: 'GN target of the application, e.g //path/to/app:app.');
      abbr: 'l',
      defaultsTo: false,
      help: 'Lists the running modules. '
            'Requires the flags --address(-a) and --fuchsia-root(-f).');
54 55
      abbr: 'n',
      help: 'On-device name of the application binary.');
57 58 59 60
      abbr: 'i',
      help: 'To reload only one instance, speficy the isolate number, e.g. '
            'the number in foo\$main-###### given by --list.');
61 62 63 64
      abbr: 't',
      defaultsTo: flx.defaultMainPath,
      help: 'Target app path / main entry-point file. '
            'Relative to --gn-target path, e.g. lib/main.dart.');
66 67

68 69 70 71 72 73 74
  final String name = 'fuchsia_reload';

  final String description = 'Hot reload on Fuchsia.';

  String _fuchsiaRoot;
  String _buildType;
76 77 78
  String _projectRoot;
  String _projectName;
  String _binaryName;
  String _isolateNumber;
80 81 82 83 84
  String _fuchsiaProjectPath;
  String _target;
  String _address;
  String _dotPackagesPath;

85 86
  bool _list;

87 88
  Future<Null> runCommand() async {
89 90

91 92 93

    // Find the network ports used on the device by VM service instances.
94 95
    final List<int> deviceServicePorts = await _getServicePorts();
    if (deviceServicePorts.isEmpty)
      throwToolExit('Couldn\'t find any running Observatory instances.');
    for (int port in deviceServicePorts)
      printTrace('Fuchsia service port: $port');

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117
    // Set up ssh tunnels to forward the device ports to local ports.
    final List<_PortForwarder> forwardedPorts = await _forwardPorts(
    // Wrap everything in try/finally to make sure we kill the ssh processes
    // doing the port forwarding.
    try {
      final List<int> servicePorts = forwardedPorts.map(
          (_PortForwarder pf) => pf.port).toList();

      if (_list) {
        await _listVMs(servicePorts);
        // Port forwarding stops when the command ends. Keep the program running
        // until directed by the user so that Observatory URLs that we print
        // continue to work.
        printStatus('Press Enter to exit.');
        await stdin.first;

119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136
      // Check that there are running VM services on the returned
      // ports, and find the Isolates that are running the target app.
      final String isolateName = '$_binaryName\$main$_isolateNumber';
      final List<int> targetPorts = await _filterPorts(
          servicePorts, isolateName);
      if (targetPorts.isEmpty)
        throwToolExit('No VMs found running $_binaryName.');
      for (int port in targetPorts)
        printTrace('Found $_binaryName at $port');

      // Set up a device and hot runner and attach the hot runner to the first
      // vm service we found.
      final List<String> fullAddresses = targetPorts.map(
        (int p) => '$ipv4Loopback:$p'
      final List<Uri> observatoryUris = fullAddresses.map(
        (String a) => Uri.parse('http://$a')
137 138
      final FuchsiaDevice device = new FuchsiaDevice(
          fullAddresses[0], name: _address);
139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152
      final FlutterDevice flutterDevice = new FlutterDevice(device);
      flutterDevice.observatoryUris = observatoryUris;
      final HotRunner hotRunner = new HotRunner(
        debuggingOptions: new DebuggingOptions.enabled(getBuildInfo()),
        target: _target,
        projectRootPath: _fuchsiaProjectPath,
        packagesFilePath: _dotPackagesPath
      printStatus('Connecting to $_binaryName');
      await hotRunner.attach(viewFilter: isolateName);
    } finally {
      await Future.wait(forwardedPorts.map((_PortForwarder pf) => pf.stop()));
153 154

  // A cache of VMService connections.
  final HashMap<int, VMService> _vmServiceCache = new HashMap<int, VMService>();
157 158 159

  VMService _getVMService(int port) {
    if (!_vmServiceCache.containsKey(port)) {
      final String addr = 'http://$ipv4Loopback:$port';
161 162
      final Uri uri = Uri.parse(addr);
      final VMService vmService = VMService.connect(uri);
163 164 165 166 167
      _vmServiceCache[port] = vmService;
    return _vmServiceCache[port];

168 169 170 171
  Future<bool> _checkPort(int port) async {
    bool connected = true;
    Socket s;
    try {
      s = await Socket.connect(ipv4Loopback, port);
173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
    } catch (_) {
      connected = false;
    if (s != null)
      await s.close();
    return connected;

181 182 183
  Future<List<FlutterView>> _getViews(List<int> ports) async {
    final List<FlutterView> views = <FlutterView>[];
    for (int port in ports) {
184 185
      if (!await _checkPort(port))
      final VMService vmService = _getVMService(port);
187 188
      await vmService.getVM();
      await vmService.waitForViews();
189 190 191 192 193 194
    return views;

  // Find ports where there is a view isolate with the given name
  Future<List<int>> _filterPorts(List<int> ports, String viewFilter) async {
    printTrace('Looing for view $viewFilter');
197 198 199 200
    final List<int> result = <int>[];
    for (FlutterView v in await _getViews(ports)) {
      final Uri addr = v.owner.vmService.httpAddress;
      printTrace('At $addr, found view: ${v.uiIsolate.name}');
      if (v.uiIsolate.name.contains(viewFilter))
203 204
    return result;
205 206

207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289
  static const String _bold = '\u001B[0;1m';
  static const String _reset = '\u001B[0m';

  String _vmServiceToString(VMService vmService, {int tabDepth: 0}) {
    final Uri addr = vmService.httpAddress;
    final int numIsolates = vmService.vm.isolates.length;
    final String maxRSS = getSizeAsMB(vmService.vm.maxRSS);
    final String heapSize = getSizeAsMB(vmService.vm.heapAllocatedMemoryUsage);
    int totalNewUsed = 0;
    int totalNewCap = 0;
    int totalOldUsed = 0;
    int totalOldCap = 0;
    int totalExternal = 0;
    for (Isolate i in vmService.vm.isolates) {
      totalNewUsed += i.newSpace.used;
      totalNewCap += i.newSpace.capacity;
      totalOldUsed += i.oldSpace.used;
      totalOldCap += i.oldSpace.capacity;
      totalExternal += i.newSpace.external;
      totalExternal += i.oldSpace.external;
    final String newUsed = getSizeAsMB(totalNewUsed);
    final String newCap = getSizeAsMB(totalNewCap);
    final String oldUsed = getSizeAsMB(totalOldUsed);
    final String oldCap = getSizeAsMB(totalOldCap);
    final String external = getSizeAsMB(totalExternal);
    final String tabs = '\t' * tabDepth;
    final String extraTabs = '\t' * (tabDepth + 1);
    final StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(
      '$tabs${_bold}VM at $addr$_reset\n'
      '${extraTabs}RSS: $maxRSS\n'
      '${extraTabs}Native allocations: $heapSize\n'
      '${extraTabs}New Spaces: $newUsed of $newCap\n'
      '${extraTabs}Old Spaces: $oldUsed of $oldCap\n'
      '${extraTabs}External: $external\n'
      '${extraTabs}Isolates: $numIsolates\n'
    for (Isolate isolate in vmService.vm.isolates) {
      stringBuffer.write(_isolateToString(isolate, tabDepth: tabDepth + 1));
    return stringBuffer.toString();

  String _isolateToString(Isolate isolate, {int tabDepth: 0}) {
    final Uri vmServiceAddr = isolate.owner.vmService.httpAddress;
    final String name = isolate.name;
    final String shortName = name.substring(0, name.indexOf('\$'));
    final String main = '\$main-';
    final String number = name.substring(name.indexOf(main) + main.length);

    // The Observatory requires somewhat non-standard URIs that the Uri class
    // can't build for us, so instead we build them by hand.
    final String isolateIdQuery = "?isolateId=isolates%2F$number";
    final String isolateAddr = "$vmServiceAddr/#/inspect$isolateIdQuery";
    final String debuggerAddr = "$vmServiceAddr/#/debugger$isolateIdQuery";

    final String newUsed = getSizeAsMB(isolate.newSpace.used);
    final String newCap = getSizeAsMB(isolate.newSpace.capacity);
    final String newFreq = '${isolate.newSpace.avgCollectionTime.inMilliseconds}ms';
    final String newPer = '${isolate.newSpace.avgCollectionPeriod.inSeconds}s';
    final String oldUsed = getSizeAsMB(isolate.oldSpace.used);
    final String oldCap = getSizeAsMB(isolate.oldSpace.capacity);
    final String oldFreq = '${isolate.oldSpace.avgCollectionTime.inMilliseconds}ms';
    final String oldPer = '${isolate.oldSpace.avgCollectionPeriod.inSeconds}s';
    final String external = getSizeAsMB(isolate.newSpace.external + isolate.oldSpace.external);
    final String tabs = '\t' * tabDepth;
    final String extraTabs = '\t' * (tabDepth + 1);
      '${extraTabs}Isolate number: $number\n'
      '${extraTabs}Observatory: $isolateAddr\n'
      '${extraTabs}Debugger: $debuggerAddr\n'
      '${extraTabs}New gen: $newUsed used of $newCap, GC: $newFreq every $newPer\n'
      '${extraTabs}Old gen: $oldUsed used of $oldCap, GC: $oldFreq every $oldPer\n'
      '${extraTabs}External: $external\n';

  Future<Null> _listVMs(List<int> ports) async {
    for (int port in ports) {
      final VMService vmService = _getVMService(port);
      await vmService.getVM();
      await vmService.waitForViews();
290 291 292

293 294
  void _validateArguments() {
    _fuchsiaRoot = argResults['fuchsia-root'];
295 296 297 298
    if (_fuchsiaRoot == null)
      throwToolExit('Please give the location of the Fuchsia tree with --fuchsia-root.');
    if (!_directoryExists(_fuchsiaRoot))
      throwToolExit('Specified --fuchsia-root "$_fuchsiaRoot" does not exist.');
299 300

    _address = argResults['address'];
301 302
    if (_address == null)
      throwToolExit('Give the address of the device running Fuchsia with --address.');

304 305 306 307
    _buildType = argResults['build-type'];
    if (_buildType == null)
      throwToolExit('Give the build type with --build-type.');

308 309 310 311 312 313
    _list = argResults['list'];
    if (_list) {
      // For --list, we only need the device address and the Fuchsia tree root.

314 315 316 317 318 319
    final String gnTarget = argResults['gn-target'];
    if (gnTarget == null)
      throwToolExit('Give the GN target with --gn-target(-g).');
    final List<String> targetInfo = _extractPathAndName(gnTarget);
    _projectRoot = targetInfo[0];
    _projectName = targetInfo[1];
320 321 322
    _fuchsiaProjectPath = '$_fuchsiaRoot/$_projectRoot';
    if (!_directoryExists(_fuchsiaProjectPath))
      throwToolExit('Target does not exist in the Fuchsia tree: $_fuchsiaProjectPath.');
323 324

    final String relativeTarget = argResults['target'];
325 326 327 328 329
    if (relativeTarget == null)
      throwToolExit('Give the application entry point with --target.');
    _target = '$_fuchsiaProjectPath/$relativeTarget';
    if (!_fileExists(_target))
      throwToolExit('Couldn\'t find application entry point at $_target.');

    final String packagesFileName = '${_projectName}_dart_package.packages';
    _dotPackagesPath = '$_fuchsiaRoot/out/$_buildType/gen/$_projectRoot/$packagesFileName';
333 334
    if (!_fileExists(_dotPackagesPath))
      throwToolExit('Couldn\'t find .packages file at $_dotPackagesPath.');
335 336 337 338 339 340 341

    final String nameOverride = argResults['name-override'];
    if (nameOverride == null) {
      _binaryName = _projectName;
    } else {
      _binaryName = nameOverride;
342 343 344 345 346 347 348

    final String isolateNumber = argResults['isolate-number'];
    if (isolateNumber == null) {
      _isolateNumber = '';
    } else {
      _isolateNumber = '-$isolateNumber';
349 350 351 352

  List<String> _extractPathAndName(String gnTarget) {
    final String errorMessage =
353 354
      'fuchsia_reload --target "$gnTarget" should have the form: '
355 356
    // Separate strings like //path/to/target:app into [path/to/target, app]
    final int lastColon = gnTarget.lastIndexOf(':');
    if (lastColon < 0)
358 359 360
    final String name = gnTarget.substring(lastColon + 1);
    // Skip '//' and chop off after :
    if ((gnTarget.length < 3) || (gnTarget[0] != '/') || (gnTarget[1] != '/'))
362 363 364 365 366
    final String path = gnTarget.substring(2, lastColon);
    return <String>[path, name];

367 368 369 370 371 372 373
  Future<List<_PortForwarder>> _forwardPorts(List<int> remotePorts) {
    final String config = '$_fuchsiaRoot/out/$_buildType/ssh-keys/ssh_config';
    return Future.wait(remotePorts.map((int remotePort) {
      return _PortForwarder.start(config, _address, remotePort);

  Future<List<int>> _getServicePorts() async {
375 376
    final FuchsiaDeviceCommandRunner runner =
        new FuchsiaDeviceCommandRunner(_address, _fuchsiaRoot, _buildType);
    final List<String> lsOutput = await runner.run('ls /tmp/dart.services');
    final List<int> ports = <int>[];
379 380 381 382 383 384
    for (String s in lsOutput) {
      final String trimmed = s.trim();
      final int lastSpace = trimmed.lastIndexOf(' ');
      final String lastWord = trimmed.substring(lastSpace + 1);
      if ((lastWord != '.') && (lastWord != '..')) {
        final int value = int.parse(lastWord, onError: (_) => null);
        if (value != null)
386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402
    return ports;

  bool _directoryExists(String path) {
    final Directory d = fs.directory(path);
    return d.existsSync();

  bool _fileExists(String path) {
    final File f = fs.file(path);
    return f.existsSync();

403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473
// Instances of this class represent a running ssh tunnel from the host to a
// VM service running on a Fuchsia device. [process] is the ssh process running
// the tunnel and [port] is the local port.
class _PortForwarder {
  final String _remoteAddress;
  final int _remotePort;
  final int _localPort;
  final Process _process;
  final String _sshConfig;


  int get port => _localPort;

  static Future<_PortForwarder> start(String sshConfig,
                                      String address,
                                      int remotePort) async {
    final int localPort = await _potentiallyAvailablePort();
    if (localPort == 0) {
          '_PortForwarder failed to find a local port for $address:$remotePort');
      return new _PortForwarder._(null, 0, 0, null, null);
    final List<String> command = <String>[
        'ssh', '-F', sshConfig, '-nNT',
        '-L', '$localPort:$ipv4Loopback:$remotePort', address];
    printTrace("_PortForwarder running '${command.join(' ')}'");
    final Process process = await processManager.start(command);
    process.exitCode.then((int c) {
      printTrace("'${command.join(' ')}' exited with exit code $c");
    printTrace('Set up forwarding from $localPort to $address:$remotePort');
    return new _PortForwarder._(address, remotePort, localPort, process, sshConfig);

  Future<Null> stop() async {
    // Kill the original ssh process if it is still around.
    if (_process != null) {
      printTrace('_PortForwarder killing ${_process.pid} for port $_localPort');
    // Cancel the forwarding request.
    final List<String> command = <String>[
        'ssh', '-F', _sshConfig, '-O', 'cancel',
        '-L', '$_localPort:$ipv4Loopback:$_remotePort', _remoteAddress];
    final ProcessResult result = await processManager.run(command);
    printTrace(command.join(' '));
    if (result.exitCode != 0) {
      printTrace("Command failed:\nstdout: ${result.stdout}\nstderr: ${result.stderr}");

  static Future<int> _potentiallyAvailablePort() async {
    int port = 0;
    ServerSocket s;
    try {
      s = await ServerSocket.bind(ipv4Loopback, 0);
      port = s.port;
    } catch (e) {
      // Failures are signaled by a return value of 0 from this function.
      printTrace('_potentiallyAvailablePort failed: $e');
    if (s != null)
      await s.close();
    return port;
474 475

class FuchsiaDeviceCommandRunner {
476 477 478 479
  // TODO(zra): Get rid of _address and instead use
  // $_fuchsiaRoot/out/build-magenta/tools/netaddr --fuchsia
  final String _address;
  final String _buildType;
480 481
  final String _fuchsiaRoot;

  FuchsiaDeviceCommandRunner(this._address, this._fuchsiaRoot, this._buildType);
483 484

  Future<List<String>> run(String command) async {
    final String config = '$_fuchsiaRoot/out/$_buildType/ssh-keys/ssh_config';
486 487 488
    final List<String> args = <String>['ssh', '-F', config, _address, command];
    printTrace(args.join(' '));
    final ProcessResult result = await processManager.run(args);
489 490
    if (result.exitCode != 0) {
      printStatus("Command failed: $command\nstdout: ${result.stdout}\nstderr: ${result.stderr}");
491 492
      return null;
493 494
    return result.stdout.split('\n');
495 496