binding.dart 31.9 KB
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1 2 3 4
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
6 7
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/http.dart' as http;
12 13 14
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
Adam Barth's avatar
Adam Barth committed
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
16 17
import 'package:quiver/testing/async.dart';
import 'package:quiver/time.dart';
18 19 20 21 22
import 'package:test/test.dart' as test_package;
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart';

import 'test_async_utils.dart';
import 'stack_manipulation.dart';

24 25
/// Phases that can be reached by [WidgetTester.pumpWidget] and
/// [TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.pump].
26 27 28
/// See [WidgetsBinding.beginFrame] for a more detailed description of some of
/// these phases.
// TODO(ianh): Merge with near-identical code in the rendering test code.
enum EnginePhase {
  /// The build phase in the widgets library. See [BuildOwner.buildScope].
32 33 34

  /// The layout phase in the rendering library. See [PipelineOwner.flushLayout].
36 37 38

  /// The compositing bits update phase in the rendering library. See
  /// [PipelineOwner.flushCompositingBits].
40 41

  /// The paint phase in the rendering library. See [PipelineOwner.flushPaint].
43 44 45 46

  /// The compositing phase in the rendering library. See
  /// [RenderView.compositeFrame]. This is the phase in which data is sent to
  /// the GPU. If semantics are not enabled, then this is the last phase.
48 49 50

  /// The semantics building phase in the rendering library. See
  /// [PipelineOwner.flushSemantics].
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

  /// The final phase in the rendering library, wherein semantics information is
  /// sent to the embedder. See [SemanticsNode.sendSemanticsTree].

/// Parts of the system that can generate pointer events that reach the test
/// binding.
/// This is used to identify how to handle events in the
/// [LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding]. See
/// [TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.dispatchEvent].
enum TestBindingEventSource {
  /// The pointer event came from the test framework itself, e.g. from a
  /// [TestGesture] created by [WidgetTester.startGesture].

  /// The pointer event came from the system, presumably as a result of the user
  /// interactive directly with the device while the test was running.
72 73

const Size _kDefaultTestViewportSize = const Size(800.0, 600.0);
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86

/// Base class for bindings used by widgets library tests.
/// The [ensureInitialized] method creates (if necessary) and returns
/// an instance of the appropriate subclass.
/// When using these bindings, certain features are disabled. For
/// example, [timeDilation] is reset to 1.0 on initialization.
abstract class TestWidgetsFlutterBinding extends BindingBase
  with SchedulerBinding,
       // Services binding omitted to avoid dragging in the licenses code.
88 89
       WidgetsBinding {
  /// Creates and initializes the binding. This function is
90 91
  /// idempotent; calling it a second time will just return the
  /// previously-created instance.
92 93 94 95 96 97
  /// This function will use [AutomatedTestWidgetsFlutterBinding] if
  /// the test was run using `flutter test`, and
  /// [LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding] otherwise (e.g. if it was run
  /// using `flutter run`). (This is determined by looking at the
  /// environment variables for a variable called `FLUTTER_TEST`.)
  static WidgetsBinding ensureInitialized() {
99 100
    if (WidgetsBinding.instance == null) {
      if (Platform.environment.containsKey('FLUTTER_TEST')) {
        new AutomatedTestWidgetsFlutterBinding();
      } else {
        new LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding();
104 105
    assert(WidgetsBinding.instance is TestWidgetsFlutterBinding);
    return WidgetsBinding.instance;
108 109

110 111 112
  void initInstances() {
    timeDilation = 1.0; // just in case the developer has artificially changed it for development
    http.Client.clientOverride = () {
      return new http.MockClient((http.BaseRequest request) {
115 116 117 118 119
        return new Future<http.Response>.value(
          new http.Response("Mocked: Unavailable.", 404, request: request)
120 121 122

  /// Whether there is currently a test executing.
  bool get inTest;

126 127 128
  /// The number of outstanding microtasks in the queue.
  int get microtaskCount;

129 130
  /// The default test timeout for tests when using this binding.
  test_package.Timeout get defaultTestTimeout;
131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139

  /// Triggers a frame sequence (build/layout/paint/etc),
  /// then flushes microtasks.
  /// If duration is set, then advances the clock by that much first.
  /// Doing this flushes microtasks.
  /// The supplied EnginePhase is the final phase reached during the pump pass;
  /// if not supplied, the whole pass is executed.
  Future<Null> pump([ Duration duration, EnginePhase newPhase = EnginePhase.sendSemanticsTree ]);
141 142 143

  /// Artificially calls dispatchLocaleChanged on the Widget binding,
  /// then flushes microtasks.
144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162
  Future<Null> setLocale(String languageCode, String countryCode) {
    return TestAsyncUtils.guard(() async {
      Locale locale = new Locale(languageCode, countryCode);
      return null;

  /// Acts as if the application went idle.
  /// Runs all remaining microtasks, including those scheduled as a result of
  /// running them, until there are no more microtasks scheduled.
  /// Does not run timers. May result in an infinite loop or run out of memory
  /// if microtasks continue to recursively schedule new microtasks.
  Future<Null> idle() {
    return new Future<Null>.value();
163 164

165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174
  /// Convert the given point from the global coodinate system (as used by
  /// pointer events from the device) to the coordinate system used by the
  /// tests (an 800 by 600 window).
  Point globalToLocal(Point point) => point;

  /// Convert the given point from the coordinate system used by the tests (an
  /// 800 by 600 window) to the global coodinate system (as used by pointer
  /// events from the device).
  Point localToGlobal(Point point) => point;

175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182
  void dispatchEvent(PointerEvent event, HitTestResult result, {
    TestBindingEventSource source: TestBindingEventSource.device
  }) {
    assert(source == TestBindingEventSource.test);
    super.dispatchEvent(event, result);

183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197
  /// Returns the exception most recently caught by the Flutter framework.
  /// Call this if you expect an exception during a test. If an exception is
  /// thrown and this is not called, then the exception is rethrown when
  /// the [testWidgets] call completes.
  /// If two exceptions are thrown in a row without the first one being
  /// acknowledged with a call to this method, then when the second exception is
  /// thrown, they are both dumped to the console and then the second is
  /// rethrown from the exception handler. This will likely result in the
  /// framework entering a highly unstable state and everything collapsing.
  /// It's safe to call this when there's no pending exception; it will return
  /// null in that case.
  dynamic takeException() {
199 200
    dynamic result = _pendingExceptionDetails?.exception;
    _pendingExceptionDetails = null;
201 202
    return result;
203 204
  FlutterExceptionHandler _oldExceptionHandler;
  FlutterErrorDetails _pendingExceptionDetails;

206 207 208 209 210
  static const TextStyle _kMessageStyle = const TextStyle(
    color: const Color(0xFF917FFF),
    fontSize: 40.0

211 212 213
  static final Widget _kPreTestMessage = new Center(
    child: new Text(
      'Test starting...',
      style: _kMessageStyle
215 216 217 218 219 220

  static final Widget _kPostTestMessage = new Center(
    child: new Text(
      'Test finished.',
      style: _kMessageStyle
222 223 224 225 226 227 228

  /// Whether to include the output of debugDumpApp() when reporting
  /// test failures.
  bool showAppDumpInErrors = false;

  /// Call the testBody inside a [FakeAsync] scope on which [pump] can
230 231 232 233 234 235
  /// advance time.
  /// Returns a future which completes when the test has run.
  /// Called by the [testWidgets] and [benchmarkWidgets] functions to
  /// run a test.
236 237 238 239
  /// The `invariantTester` argument is called after the `testBody`'s [Future]
  /// completes. If it throws, then the test is marked as failed.
  Future<Null> runTest(Future<Null> testBody(), VoidCallback invariantTester);
240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271

  /// This is called during test execution before and after the body has been
  /// executed.
  /// It's used by [AutomatedTestWidgetsFlutterBinding] to drain the microtasks
  /// before the final [pump] that happens during test cleanup.
  void asyncBarrier() {

  Zone _parentZone;
  Completer<Null> _currentTestCompleter;

  void _testCompletionHandler() {
    // This can get called twice, in the case of a Future without listeners failing, and then
    // our main future completing.
    assert(Zone.current == _parentZone);
    assert(_currentTestCompleter != null);
    if (_pendingExceptionDetails != null) {
      FlutterError.dumpErrorToConsole(_pendingExceptionDetails, forceReport: true);
      // test_package.registerException actually just calls the current zone's error handler (that
      // is to say, _parentZone's handleUncaughtError function). FakeAsync doesn't add one of those,
      // but the test package does, that's how the test package tracks errors. So really we could
      // get the same effect here by calling that error handler directly or indeed just throwing.
      // However, we call registerException because that's the semantically correct thing...
      test_package.registerException('Test failed. See exception logs above.', _EmptyStack.instance);
      _pendingExceptionDetails = null;
    if (!_currentTestCompleter.isCompleted)

  Future<Null> _runTest(Future<Null> testBody(), VoidCallback invariantTester) {
273 274 275
    _oldExceptionHandler = FlutterError.onError;
    int _exceptionCount = 0; // number of un-taken exceptions
    FlutterError.onError = (FlutterErrorDetails details) {
      if (_pendingExceptionDetails != null) {
278 279
        if (_exceptionCount == 0) {
          _exceptionCount = 2;
          FlutterError.dumpErrorToConsole(_pendingExceptionDetails, forceReport: true);
281 282
        } else {
          _exceptionCount += 1;
        FlutterError.dumpErrorToConsole(details, forceReport: true);
        _pendingExceptionDetails = new FlutterErrorDetails(
286 287 288 289
          exception: 'Multiple exceptions ($_exceptionCount) were detected during the running of the current test, and at least one was unexpected.',
          library: 'Flutter test framework'
      } else {
        _pendingExceptionDetails = details;
293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335
    _currentTestCompleter = new Completer<Null>();
    ZoneSpecification errorHandlingZoneSpecification = new ZoneSpecification(
      handleUncaughtError: (Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, dynamic exception, StackTrace stack) {
        if (_currentTestCompleter.isCompleted) {
          // Well this is not a good sign.
          // Ideally, once the test has failed we would stop getting errors from the test.
          // However, if someone tries hard enough they could get in a state where this happens.
          // If we silently dropped these errors on the ground, nobody would ever know. So instead
          // we report them to the console. They don't cause test failures, but hopefully someone
          // will see them in the logs at some point.
          FlutterError.dumpErrorToConsole(new FlutterErrorDetails(
            exception: exception,
            stack: stack,
            context: 'running a test (but after the test had completed)',
            library: 'Flutter test framework'
          ), forceReport: true);
        // This is where test failures, e.g. those in expect(), will end up.
        // Specifically, runUnaryGuarded() will call this synchronously and
        // return our return value if _runTestBody fails synchronously (which it
        // won't, so this never happens), and Future will call this when the
        // Future completes with an error and it would otherwise call listeners
        // if the listener is in a different zone (which it would be for the
        // `whenComplete` handler below), or if the Future completes with an
        // error and the future has no listeners at all.
        // This handler further calls the onError handler above, which sets
        // _pendingExceptionDetails. Nothing gets printed as a result of that
        // call unless we already had an exception pending, because in general
        // we want people to be able to cause the framework to report exceptions
        // and then use takeException to verify that they were really caught.
        // Now, if we actually get here, this isn't going to be one of those
        // cases. We only get here if the test has actually failed. So, once
        // we've carefully reported it, we then immediately end the test by
        // calling the _testCompletionHandler in the _parentZone.
        // We have to manually call _testCompletionHandler because if the Future
        // library calls us, it is maybe _instead_ of calling a registered
        // listener from a different zone. In our case, that would be instead of
        // calling the whenComplete() listener below.
        // We have to call it in the parent zone because if we called it in
        // _this_ zone, the test framework would find this zone was the current
        // zone and helpfully throw the error in this zone, causing us to be
        // directly called again.
336 337 338 339 340 341
        String treeDump;
        try {
          treeDump = renderViewElement?.toStringDeep() ?? '<no tree>';
        } catch (exception) {
          treeDump = '<additional error caught while dumping tree: $exception>';
342 343 344 345 346 347 348
        final StringBuffer expectLine = new StringBuffer();
        final int stackLinesToOmit = reportExpectCall(stack, expectLine);
        FlutterError.reportError(new FlutterErrorDetails(
          exception: exception,
          stack: stack,
          context: 'running a test',
          library: 'Flutter test framework',
          stackFilter: (Iterable<String> frames) {
350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362
            return FlutterError.defaultStackFilter(frames.skip(stackLinesToOmit));
          informationCollector: (StringBuffer information) {
            if (stackLinesToOmit > 0)
            if (showAppDumpInErrors) {
              information.writeln('At the time of the failure, the widget tree looked as follows:');
              information.writeln('# ${treeDump.split("\n").takeWhile((String s) => s != "").join("\n# ")}');
        assert(_parentZone != null);
        assert(_pendingExceptionDetails != null);
364 365 366 367
    _parentZone = Zone.current;
    Zone testZone = _parentZone.fork(specification: errorHandlingZoneSpecification);
    testZone.runBinaryGuarded(_runTestBody, testBody, invariantTester)
369 370 371
    asyncBarrier(); // When using AutomatedTestWidgetsFlutterBinding, this flushes the microtasks.
    return _currentTestCompleter.future;
372 373

  Future<Null> _runTestBody(Future<Null> testBody(), VoidCallback invariantTester) async {
375 376 377 378 379 380

    runApp(new Container(key: new UniqueKey(), child: _kPreTestMessage)); // Reset the tree to a known state.
    await pump();

    // run the test
    await testBody();
382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389
    asyncBarrier(); // drains the microtasks in `flutter test` mode (when using AutomatedTestWidgetsFlutterBinding)

    if (_pendingExceptionDetails == null) {
      // We only try to clean up and verify invariants if we didn't already
      // fail. If we got an exception already, then we instead leave everything
      // alone so that we don't cause more spurious errors.
      runApp(new Container(key: new UniqueKey(), child: _kPostTestMessage)); // Unmount any remaining widgets.
      await pump();
391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401

    return null;

  void _verifyInvariants() {
      'An animation is still running even after the widget tree was disposed.'
402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410
      'The value of a rendering debug variable was changed by the test.'
      'The value of a widget debug variable was changed by the test.'
      'The value of a scheduler debug variable was changed by the test.'
411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427

  /// Called by the [testWidgets] function after a test is executed.
  void postTest() {
    FlutterError.onError = _oldExceptionHandler;
    _pendingExceptionDetails = null;
    _currentTestCompleter = null;
    _parentZone = null;

/// A variant of [TestWidgetsFlutterBinding] for executing tests in
/// the `flutter test` environment.
/// This binding controls time, allowing tests to verify long
/// animation sequences without having to execute them in real time.
428 429 430
/// This class assumes it is always run in checked mode (since tests are always
/// run in checked mode).
431 432 433
class AutomatedTestWidgetsFlutterBinding extends TestWidgetsFlutterBinding {
  void initInstances() {
    debugPrint = debugPrintSynchronously;
435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447
    ui.window.onBeginFrame = null;

  FakeAsync _fakeAsync;
  Clock _clock;

  test_package.Timeout get defaultTestTimeout => const test_package.Timeout(const Duration(seconds: 5));

  bool get inTest => _fakeAsync != null;

448 449 450
  int get microtaskCount => _fakeAsync.microtaskCount;

451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480
  Future<Null> pump([ Duration duration, EnginePhase newPhase = EnginePhase.sendSemanticsTree ]) {
    return TestAsyncUtils.guard(() {
      assert(_clock != null);
      if (duration != null)
      _phase = newPhase;
      if (hasScheduledFrame) {
        handleBeginFrame(new Duration(
      return new Future<Null>.value();

  Future<Null> idle() {
    Future<Null> result = super.idle();
    return result;

  EnginePhase _phase = EnginePhase.sendSemanticsTree;

  // Cloned from RendererBinding.beginFrame() but with early-exit semantics.
  void beginFrame() {
482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506
    try {
      debugBuildingDirtyElements = true;
      if (_phase ==
      assert(renderView != null);
      if (_phase == EnginePhase.layout)
      if (_phase == EnginePhase.compositingBits)
      if (_phase == EnginePhase.paint)
      renderView.compositeFrame(); // this sends the bits to the GPU
      if (_phase == EnginePhase.composite)
      if (_phase == EnginePhase.flushSemantics)
    } finally {
      debugBuildingDirtyElements = false;
507 508 509

  Future<Null> runTest(Future<Null> testBody(), VoidCallback invariantTester) {
511 512 513 514 515
    assert(_fakeAsync == null);
    assert(_clock == null);
    _fakeAsync = new FakeAsync();
    _clock = _fakeAsync.getClock(new DateTime.utc(2015, 1, 1));
    Future<Null> testBodyResult;
517 518 fakeAsync) {
      assert(fakeAsync == _fakeAsync);
      testBodyResult = _runTest(testBody, invariantTester);
520 521
    // testBodyResult is a Future that was created in the Zone of the fakeAsync.
523 524 525 526
    // This means that if we call .then() on it (as the test framework is about to),
    // it will register a microtask to handle the future _in the fake async zone_.
    // To avoid this, we wrap it in a Future that we've created _outside_ the fake
    // async zone.
    return new Future<Null>.value(testBodyResult);
528 529

530 531 532 533 534 535
  void asyncBarrier() {
    assert(_fakeAsync != null);

537 538 539
  void _verifyInvariants() {
    assert(() {
      'A periodic Timer is still running even after the widget tree was disposed.';
      return _fakeAsync.periodicTimerCount == 0;
543 544
    assert(() {
      'A Timer is still pending even after the widget tree was disposed.';
      return _fakeAsync.nonPeriodicTimerCount == 0;
    assert(_fakeAsync.microtaskCount == 0); // Shouldn't be possible.
549 550

  void postTest() {
554 555 556 557 558 559
    assert(_fakeAsync != null);
    assert(_clock != null);
    _clock = null;
    _fakeAsync = null;

561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586

/// A variant of [TestWidgetsFlutterBinding] for executing tests in
/// the `flutter run` environment, on a device. This is intended to
/// allow interactive test development.
/// This is not the way to run a remote-control test. To run a test on
/// a device from a development computer, see the [flutter_driver]
/// package and the `flutter drive` command.
/// This binding overrides the default [SchedulerBinding] behavior to
/// ensure that tests work in the same way in this environment as they
/// would under the [AutomatedTestWidgetsFlutterBinding]. To override
/// this (and see intermediate frames that the test does not
/// explicitly trigger), set [allowAllFrames] to true. (This is likely
/// to make tests fail, though, especially if e.g. they test how many
/// times a particular widget was built.)
/// This binding does not support the [EnginePhase] argument to
/// [pump]. (There would be no point setting it to a value that
/// doesn't trigger a paint, since then you could not see anything
/// anyway.)
class LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding extends TestWidgetsFlutterBinding {
  bool get inTest => _inTest;
  bool _inTest = false;

587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594
  int get microtaskCount {
    // Unsupported until we have a wrapper around the real async API
    return -1;

595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641
  test_package.Timeout get defaultTestTimeout => test_package.Timeout.none;

  Completer<Null> _pendingFrame;
  bool _expectingFrame = false;

  /// Whether to have [pump] with a duration only pump a single frame
  /// (as would happen in a normal test environment using
  /// [AutomatedTestWidgetsFlutterBinding]), or whether to instead
  /// pump every frame that the system requests during any
  /// asynchronous pause in the test (as would normally happen when
  /// running an application with [WidgetsFlutterBinding]).
  /// `false` is the default behavior, which is to only pump once.
  /// `true` allows all frame requests from the engine to be serviced.
  /// Setting this to `true` means pumping extra frames, which might
  /// involve calling builders more, or calling paint callbacks more,
  /// etc, which might interfere with the test. If you know your test
  /// file wouldn't be affected by this, you can set it to true
  /// persistently in that particular test file. To set this to `true`
  /// while still allowing the test file to work as a normal test, add
  /// the following code to your test file at the top of your `void
  /// main() { }` function, before calls to `testWidgets`:
  /// ```dart
  /// TestWidgetsFlutterBinding binding = TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
  /// if (binding is LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding)
  ///   binding.allowAllFrames = true;
  /// ```
  bool allowAllFrames = false;

  void handleBeginFrame(Duration rawTimeStamp) {
    if (_expectingFrame || allowAllFrames)
    if (_expectingFrame) {
      assert(_pendingFrame != null);
      _pendingFrame.complete(); // unlocks the test API
      _pendingFrame = null;
      _expectingFrame = false;
    } else {

642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651
  void initRenderView() {
    assert(renderView == null);
    renderView = new _LiveTestRenderView(configuration: createViewConfiguration());

  _LiveTestRenderView get renderView => super.renderView;

652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660
  /// An object to which real device events should be routed.
  /// Normally, device events are silently dropped. However, if this property is
  /// set to a non-null value, then the events will be routed to its
  /// [HitTestDispatcher.dispatchEvent] method instead.
  /// Events dispatched by [TestGesture] are not affected by this.
  HitTestDispatcher deviceEventDispatcher;

661 662 663 664
  void dispatchEvent(PointerEvent event, HitTestResult result, {
    TestBindingEventSource source: TestBindingEventSource.device
  }) {
665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681
    switch (source) {
      case TestBindingEventSource.test:
        if (!renderView._pointers.containsKey(event.pointer)) {
          renderView._pointers[event.pointer] = new _LiveTestPointerRecord(event.pointer, event.position);
        } else {
          renderView._pointers[event.pointer].position = event.position;
          if (!event.down)
            renderView._pointers[event.pointer].decay = _kPointerDecay;
        super.dispatchEvent(event, result, source: source);
      case TestBindingEventSource.device:
        if (deviceEventDispatcher != null)
          deviceEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(event, result);
682 683 684

685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706
  Future<Null> pump([ Duration duration, EnginePhase newPhase = EnginePhase.sendSemanticsTree ]) {
    assert(newPhase == EnginePhase.sendSemanticsTree);
    assert(_pendingFrame == null);
    return TestAsyncUtils.guard(() {
      if (duration != null) {
        new Timer(duration, () {
          _expectingFrame = true;
      } else {
        _expectingFrame = true;
      _pendingFrame = new Completer<Null>();
      return _pendingFrame.future;

  Future<Null> runTest(Future<Null> testBody(), VoidCallback invariantTester) async {
708 709
    _inTest = true;
    return _runTest(testBody, invariantTester);
711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722

  void postTest() {
    assert(_pendingFrame == null);
    _inTest = false;

  ViewConfiguration createViewConfiguration() {
    return new TestViewConfiguration();
724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739

  Point globalToLocal(Point point) {
    Matrix4 transform = renderView.configuration.toHitTestMatrix();
    double det = transform.invert();
    assert(det != 0.0);
    Point result = MatrixUtils.transformPoint(transform, point);
    return result;

  Point localToGlobal(Point point) {
    Matrix4 transform = renderView.configuration.toHitTestMatrix();
    return MatrixUtils.transformPoint(transform, point);

742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752
/// A [ViewConfiguration] that pretends the display is of a particular size. The
/// size is in logical pixels. The resulting ViewConfiguration maps the given
/// size onto the actual display using the [ImageFit.contain] algorithm.
class TestViewConfiguration extends ViewConfiguration {
  /// Creates a [TestViewConfiguration] with the given size. Defaults to 800x600.
  TestViewConfiguration({ Size size: _kDefaultTestViewportSize })
    : _paintMatrix = _getMatrix(size, ui.window.devicePixelRatio),
      _hitTestMatrix = _getMatrix(size, 1.0),
      super(size: size);

  static Matrix4 _getMatrix(Size size, double devicePixelRatio) {
753 754
    final double actualWidth = ui.window.physicalSize.width;
    final double actualHeight = ui.window.physicalSize.height;
755 756
    final double desiredWidth = size.width;
    final double desiredHeight = size.height;
757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769
    double scale, shiftX, shiftY;
    if ((actualWidth / actualHeight) > (desiredWidth / desiredHeight)) {
      scale = actualHeight / desiredHeight;
      shiftX = (actualWidth - desiredWidth * scale) / 2.0;
      shiftY = 0.0;
    } else {
      scale = actualWidth / desiredWidth;
      shiftX = 0.0;
      shiftY = (actualHeight - desiredHeight * scale) / 2.0;
    final Matrix4 matrix = new Matrix4.compose(
      new Vector3(shiftX, shiftY, 0.0), // translation
      new Quaternion.identity(), // rotation
      new Vector3(scale, scale, 1.0) // scale
    return matrix;
773 774

775 776
  final Matrix4 _paintMatrix;
  final Matrix4 _hitTestMatrix;
777 778

  Matrix4 toMatrix() => _paintMatrix.clone();

781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791
  /// Provides the transformation matrix that converts coordinates in the test
  /// coordinate space to coordinates in logical pixels on the real display.
  /// This is essenitally the same as [toMatrix] but ignoring the device pixel
  /// ratio.
  /// This is useful because pointers are described in logical pixels, as
  /// opposed to graphics which are expressed in physical pixels.
  // TODO(ianh): We should make graphics and pointers use the same coordinate space.
  //             See:
  Matrix4 toHitTestMatrix() => _hitTestMatrix.clone();
792 793 794 795 796

  String toString() => 'TestViewConfiguration';

797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816
const int _kPointerDecay = -2;

class _LiveTestPointerRecord {
    int pointer,
  ) : pointer = pointer,
      color = new HSVColor.fromAHSV(0.8, (35.0 * pointer) % 360.0, 1.0, 1.0).toColor(),
      decay = 1;
  final int pointer;
  final Color color;
  Point position;
  int decay; // >0 means down, <0 means up, increases by one each time, removed at 0

class _LiveTestRenderView extends RenderView {
    ViewConfiguration configuration
  }) : super(configuration: configuration);

818 819
  TestViewConfiguration get configuration => super.configuration;
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Adam Barth committed
  set configuration(@checked TestViewConfiguration value) { super.configuration = value; }

822 823
  final Map<int, _LiveTestPointerRecord> _pointers = <int, _LiveTestPointerRecord>{};

824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832
  bool hitTest(HitTestResult result, { Point position }) {
    Matrix4 transform = configuration.toHitTestMatrix();
    double det = transform.invert();
    assert(det != 0.0);
    position = MatrixUtils.transformPoint(transform, position);
    return super.hitTest(result, position: position);

833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868
  void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
    assert(offset ==;
    super.paint(context, offset);
    if (_pointers.isNotEmpty) {
      final double radius = configuration.size.shortestSide * 0.05;
      final Path path = new Path()
        ..addOval(new Rect.fromCircle(center: Point.origin, radius: radius))
        ..moveTo(0.0, -radius * 2.0)
        ..lineTo(0.0, radius * 2.0)
        ..moveTo(-radius * 2.0, 0.0)
        ..lineTo(radius * 2.0, 0.0);
      final Canvas canvas = context.canvas;
      final Paint paint = new Paint()
        ..strokeWidth = radius / 10.0 = PaintingStyle.stroke;
      bool dirty = false;
      for (int pointer in _pointers.keys) {
        _LiveTestPointerRecord record = _pointers[pointer];
        paint.color = record.color.withOpacity(record.decay < 0 ? (record.decay / (_kPointerDecay - 1)) : 1.0);
        canvas.drawPath(path.shift(record.position.toOffset()), paint);
        if (record.decay < 0)
          dirty = true;
        record.decay += 1;
        .where((int pointer) => _pointers[pointer].decay == 0)
        .forEach((int pointer) { _pointers.remove(pointer); });
      if (dirty)

869 870 871 872 873
class _EmptyStack implements StackTrace {
  const _EmptyStack._();
  static const _EmptyStack instance = const _EmptyStack._();
  String toString() => '';