material_gl.arb 3.1 KB
Newer Older
1 2 3
  "scriptCategory": "English-like",
  "timeOfDayFormat": "H:mm",
  "openAppDrawerTooltip": "Abrir menú de navegación",
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
  "backButtonTooltip": "Atrás",
  "closeButtonTooltip": "Pechar",
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  "previousMonthTooltip": "Mes anterior",
  "nextPageTooltip": "Páxina seguinte",
  "previousPageTooltip": "Páxina anterior",
12 13
  "showMenuTooltip": "Mostrar menú",
  "aboutListTileTitle": "Acerca de: $applicationName",
  "licensesPageTitle": "Licenzas",
15 16 17
  "pageRowsInfoTitle": "$firstRow-$lastRow de $rowCount",
  "pageRowsInfoTitleApproximate": "$firstRow-$lastRow de aproximadamente $rowCount",
  "rowsPerPageTitle": "Filas por páxina:",
18 19
  "tabLabel": "Pestana $tabIndex de $tabCount",
  "selectedRowCountTitleZero": "Non se seleccionaron elementos",
20 21
  "selectedRowCountTitleOne": "Seleccionouse 1 elemento",
  "selectedRowCountTitleOther": "Seleccionáronse $selectedRowCount elementos",
22 23 24 25 26
  "cancelButtonLabel": "CANCELAR",
  "closeButtonLabel": "PECHAR",
  "continueButtonLabel": "CONTINUAR",
  "copyButtonLabel": "COPIAR",
  "cutButtonLabel": "CORTAR",
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28 29 30
  "pasteButtonLabel": "PEGAR",
  "selectAllButtonLabel": "SELECCIONAR TODO",
  "viewLicensesButtonLabel": "VER LICENZAS",
31 32
  "anteMeridiemAbbreviation": "a.m.",
  "postMeridiemAbbreviation": "p.m.",
33 34 35 36
  "timePickerHourModeAnnouncement": "Seleccionar horas",
  "timePickerMinuteModeAnnouncement": "Seleccionar minutos",
  "signedInLabel": "Sesión iniciada",
  "hideAccountsLabel": "Ocultar contas",
37 38
  "showAccountsLabel": "Mostrar contas",
  "modalBarrierDismissLabel": "Ignorar",
39 40 41 42
  "drawerLabel": "Menú de navegación",
  "popupMenuLabel": "Menú emerxente",
  "dialogLabel": "Cadro de diálogo",
  "alertDialogLabel": "Alerta",
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
  "searchFieldLabel": "Buscar",
  "reorderItemToStart": "Mover ao inicio",
  "reorderItemToEnd": "Mover ao final",
  "reorderItemUp": "Mover cara arriba",
  "reorderItemDown": "Mover cara abaixo",
  "reorderItemLeft": "Mover cara á esquerda",
  "reorderItemRight": "Mover cara á dereita",
  "expandedIconTapHint": "Contraer",
  "collapsedIconTapHint": "Despregar",
  "remainingTextFieldCharacterCountZero": "TBD",
53 54
  "remainingTextFieldCharacterCountOne": "1 carácter restante",
  "remainingTextFieldCharacterCountOther": "$remainingCount caracteres restantes",
  "refreshIndicatorSemanticLabel": "Actualizar",
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
  "moreButtonTooltip": "Máis",
  "dateSeparator": "/",
  "dateHelpText": "mm/dd/yyyy",
  "selectYearSemanticsLabel": "Select year",
  "unspecifiedDate": "Date",
  "unspecifiedDateRange": "Date Range",
  "dateInputLabel": "Enter Date",
  "dateRangeStartLabel": "Start Date",
  "dateRangeEndLabel": "End Date",
  "dateRangeStartDateSemanticLabel": "Start date $fullDate",
  "dateRangeEndDateSemanticLabel": "End date $fullDate",
  "invalidDateFormatLabel": "Invalid format.",
  "invalidDateRangeLabel": "Invalid range.",
  "dateOutOfRangeLabel": "Out of range.",
  "saveButtonLabel": "SAVE",
  "datePickerHelpText": "SELECT DATE",
  "dateRangePickerHelpText": "SELECT RANGE",
  "calendarModeButtonLabel": "Switch to calendar",
  "inputDateModeButtonLabel": "Switch to input"