sliver_list.dart 12.5 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
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// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
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6 7 8 9 10

import 'box.dart';
import 'sliver.dart';
import 'sliver_multi_box_adaptor.dart';

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/// A sliver that places multiple box children in a linear array along the main
/// axis.
/// Each child is forced to have the [SliverConstraints.crossAxisExtent] in the
/// cross axis but determines its own main axis extent.
/// [RenderSliverList] determines its scroll offset by "dead reckoning" because
/// children outside the visible part of the sliver are not materialized, which
/// means [RenderSliverList] cannot learn their main axis extent. Instead, newly
/// materialized children are placed adjacent to existing children. If this dead
/// reckoning results in a logical inconsistency (e.g., attempting to place the
/// zeroth child at a scroll offset other than zero), the [RenderSliverList]
/// generates a [SliverGeometry.scrollOffsetCorrection] to restore consistency.
/// If the children have a fixed extent in the main axis, consider using
/// [RenderSliverFixedExtentList] rather than [RenderSliverList] because
27 28 29
/// [RenderSliverFixedExtentList] does not need to perform layout on its
/// children to obtain their extent in the main axis and is therefore more
/// efficient.
30 31 32 33 34 35
/// See also:
///  * [RenderSliverFixedExtentList], which is more efficient for children with
///    the same extent in the main axis.
///  * [RenderSliverGrid], which places its children in arbitrary positions.
class RenderSliverList extends RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor {
37 38 39 40
  /// Creates a sliver that places multiple box children in a linear array along
  /// the main axis.
  /// The [childManager] argument must not be null.
    @required RenderSliverBoxChildManager childManager,
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  }) : super(childManager: childManager);
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  void performLayout() {
48 49

    final double scrollOffset = constraints.scrollOffset + constraints.cacheOrigin;
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    assert(scrollOffset >= 0.0);
52 53 54
    final double remainingExtent = constraints.remainingCacheExtent;
    assert(remainingExtent >= 0.0);
    final double targetEndScrollOffset = scrollOffset + remainingExtent;
    final BoxConstraints childConstraints = constraints.asBoxConstraints();
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
    int leadingGarbage = 0;
    int trailingGarbage = 0;
    bool reachedEnd = false;

    // This algorithm in principle is straight-forward: find the first child
    // that overlaps the given scrollOffset, creating more children at the top
    // of the list if necessary, then walk down the list updating and laying out
    // each child and adding more at the end if necessary until we have enough
    // children to cover the entire viewport.
    // It is complicated by one minor issue, which is that any time you update
    // or create a child, it's possible that the some of the children that
    // haven't yet been laid out will be removed, leaving the list in an
    // inconsistent state, and requiring that missing nodes be recreated.
    // To keep this mess tractable, this algorithm starts from what is currently
    // the first child, if any, and then walks up and/or down from there, so
    // that the nodes that might get removed are always at the edges of what has
    // already been laid out.

    // Make sure we have at least one child to start from.
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    if (firstChild == null) {
      if (!addInitialChild()) {
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79 80
        // There are no children.
        geometry =;
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    // We have at least one child.

    // These variables track the range of children that we have laid out. Within
    // this range, the children have consecutive indices. Outside this range,
    // it's possible for a child to get removed without notice.
    RenderBox leadingChildWithLayout, trailingChildWithLayout;

    // Find the last child that is at or before the scrollOffset.
    RenderBox earliestUsefulChild = firstChild;
    for (double earliestScrollOffset = childScrollOffset(earliestUsefulChild);
96 97
        earliestScrollOffset > scrollOffset;
        earliestScrollOffset = childScrollOffset(earliestUsefulChild)) {
98 99
      // We have to add children before the earliestUsefulChild.
      earliestUsefulChild = insertAndLayoutLeadingChild(childConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);

      if (earliestUsefulChild == null) {
        final SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData childParentData = firstChild.parentData as SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData;
        childParentData.layoutOffset = 0.0;
104 105

        if (scrollOffset == 0.0) {
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          // insertAndLayoutLeadingChild only lays out the children before
          // firstChild. In this case, nothing has been laid out. We have
          // to lay out firstChild manually.
          firstChild.layout(childConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117
          earliestUsefulChild = firstChild;
          leadingChildWithLayout = earliestUsefulChild;
          trailingChildWithLayout ??= earliestUsefulChild;
        } else {
          // We ran out of children before reaching the scroll offset.
          // We must inform our parent that this sliver cannot fulfill
          // its contract and that we need a scroll offset correction.
          geometry = SliverGeometry(
119 120 121 122
            scrollOffsetCorrection: -scrollOffset,
124 125

      final double firstChildScrollOffset = earliestScrollOffset - paintExtentOf(firstChild);
      // firstChildScrollOffset may contain double precision error
      if (firstChildScrollOffset < -precisionErrorTolerance) {
128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141
        // The first child doesn't fit within the viewport (underflow) and
        // there may be additional children above it. Find the real first child
        // and then correct the scroll position so that there's room for all and
        // so that the trailing edge of the original firstChild appears where it
        // was before the scroll offset correction.
        // TODO(hansmuller): do this work incrementally, instead of all at once,
        // i.e. find a way to avoid visiting ALL of the children whose offset
        // is < 0 before returning for the scroll correction.
        double correction = 0.0;
        while (earliestUsefulChild != null) {
          assert(firstChild == earliestUsefulChild);
          correction += paintExtentOf(firstChild);
          earliestUsefulChild = insertAndLayoutLeadingChild(childConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
        geometry = SliverGeometry(
143 144
          scrollOffsetCorrection: correction - earliestScrollOffset,
        final SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData childParentData = firstChild.parentData as SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData;
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        childParentData.layoutOffset = 0.0;

      final SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData childParentData = earliestUsefulChild.parentData as SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData;
      childParentData.layoutOffset = firstChildScrollOffset;
152 153 154
      assert(earliestUsefulChild == firstChild);
      leadingChildWithLayout = earliestUsefulChild;
      trailingChildWithLayout ??= earliestUsefulChild;
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    // At this point, earliestUsefulChild is the first child, and is a child
    // whose scrollOffset is at or before the scrollOffset, and
    // leadingChildWithLayout and trailingChildWithLayout are either null or
    // cover a range of render boxes that we have laid out with the first being
    // the same as earliestUsefulChild and the last being either at or after the
    // scroll offset.

    assert(earliestUsefulChild == firstChild);
    assert(childScrollOffset(earliestUsefulChild) <= scrollOffset);

    // Make sure we've laid out at least one child.
    if (leadingChildWithLayout == null) {
      earliestUsefulChild.layout(childConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
      leadingChildWithLayout = earliestUsefulChild;
      trailingChildWithLayout = earliestUsefulChild;
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    // Here, earliestUsefulChild is still the first child, it's got a
    // scrollOffset that is at or before our actual scrollOffset, and it has
    // been laid out, and is in fact our leadingChildWithLayout. It's possible
    // that some children beyond that one have also been laid out.

    bool inLayoutRange = true;
    RenderBox child = earliestUsefulChild;
    int index = indexOf(child);
    double endScrollOffset = childScrollOffset(child) + paintExtentOf(child);
    bool advance() { // returns true if we advanced, false if we have no more children
      // This function is used in two different places below, to avoid code duplication.
      assert(child != null);
      if (child == trailingChildWithLayout)
        inLayoutRange = false;
      child = childAfter(child);
      if (child == null)
        inLayoutRange = false;
      index += 1;
      if (!inLayoutRange) {
        if (child == null || indexOf(child) != index) {
          // We are missing a child. Insert it (and lay it out) if possible.
          child = insertAndLayoutChild(childConstraints,
            after: trailingChildWithLayout,
            parentUsesSize: true,
          if (child == null) {
            // We have run out of children.
            return false;
        } else {
          // Lay out the child.
          child.layout(childConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
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        trailingChildWithLayout = child;
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      assert(child != null);
      final SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData childParentData = child.parentData as SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData;
      childParentData.layoutOffset = endScrollOffset;
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      assert(childParentData.index == index);
      endScrollOffset = childScrollOffset(child) + paintExtentOf(child);
      return true;
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    // Find the first child that ends after the scroll offset.
    while (endScrollOffset < scrollOffset) {
      leadingGarbage += 1;
      if (!advance()) {
        assert(leadingGarbage == childCount);
        assert(child == null);
        // we want to make sure we keep the last child around so we know the end scroll offset
        collectGarbage(leadingGarbage - 1, 0);
        assert(firstChild == lastChild);
        final double extent = childScrollOffset(lastChild) + paintExtentOf(lastChild);
        geometry = SliverGeometry(
228 229 230 231 232 233 234
          scrollExtent: extent,
          paintExtent: 0.0,
          maxPaintExtent: extent,
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236 237 238 239 240 241 242
    // Now find the first child that ends after our end.
    while (endScrollOffset < targetEndScrollOffset) {
      if (!advance()) {
        reachedEnd = true;
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    // Finally count up all the remaining children and label them as garbage.
    if (child != null) {
      child = childAfter(child);
      while (child != null) {
        trailingGarbage += 1;
        child = childAfter(child);
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253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271
    // At this point everything should be good to go, we just have to clean up
    // the garbage and report the geometry.

    collectGarbage(leadingGarbage, trailingGarbage);

    double estimatedMaxScrollOffset;
    if (reachedEnd) {
      estimatedMaxScrollOffset = endScrollOffset;
    } else {
      estimatedMaxScrollOffset = childManager.estimateMaxScrollOffset(
        firstIndex: indexOf(firstChild),
        lastIndex: indexOf(lastChild),
        leadingScrollOffset: childScrollOffset(firstChild),
        trailingScrollOffset: endScrollOffset,
      assert(estimatedMaxScrollOffset >= endScrollOffset - childScrollOffset(firstChild));
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    final double paintExtent = calculatePaintOffset(
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      from: childScrollOffset(firstChild),
      to: endScrollOffset,
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    final double cacheExtent = calculateCacheOffset(
      from: childScrollOffset(firstChild),
      to: endScrollOffset,
    final double targetEndScrollOffsetForPaint = constraints.scrollOffset + constraints.remainingPaintExtent;
    geometry = SliverGeometry(
      scrollExtent: estimatedMaxScrollOffset,
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      paintExtent: paintExtent,
      cacheExtent: cacheExtent,
      maxPaintExtent: estimatedMaxScrollOffset,
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      // Conservative to avoid flickering away the clip during scroll.
      hasVisualOverflow: endScrollOffset > targetEndScrollOffsetForPaint || constraints.scrollOffset > 0.0,
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    // We may have started the layout while scrolled to the end, which would not
    // expose a new child.
    if (estimatedMaxScrollOffset == endScrollOffset)
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