test_async_utils.dart 15.7 KB
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// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';

class _AsyncScope {
  _AsyncScope(this.creationStack, this.zone);
  final StackTrace creationStack;
  final Zone zone;

/// Utility class for all the async APIs in the `flutter_test` library.
/// This class provides checking for asynchronous APIs, allowing the library to
/// verify that all the asynchronous APIs are properly `await`ed before calling
/// another.
/// For example, it prevents this kind of code:
/// ```dart
/// tester.pump(); // forgot to call "await"!
/// tester.pump();
/// ```
/// ...by detecting, in the second call to `pump`, that it should actually be:
/// ```dart
/// await tester.pump();
/// await tester.pump();
/// ```
/// It does this while still allowing nested calls, e.g. so that you can
/// call [expect] from inside callbacks.
37 38 39 40 41 42
/// You can use this in your own test functions, if you have some asynchronous
/// functions that must be used with "await". Wrap the contents of the function
/// in a call to TestAsyncUtils.guard(), as follows:
/// ```dart
/// Future<void> myTestFunction() => TestAsyncUtils.guard(() async {
44 45 46 47 48 49 50
///   // ...
/// });
/// ```
class TestAsyncUtils {
  static const String _className = 'TestAsyncUtils';

  static final List<_AsyncScope> _scopeStack = <_AsyncScope>[];

  /// Calls the given callback in a new async scope. The callback argument is
54 55 56 57 58 59
  /// the asynchronous body of the calling method. The calling method is said to
  /// be "guarded". Nested calls to guarded methods from within the body of this
  /// one are fine, but calls to other guarded methods from outside the body of
  /// this one before this one has finished will throw an exception.
  /// This method first calls [guardSync].
  static Future<T> guard<T>(Future<T> body()) {
    final Zone zone = Zone.current.fork(
      zoneValues: <dynamic, dynamic>{
        _scopeStack: true, // so we can recognize this as our own zone
65 66
    final _AsyncScope scope = _AsyncScope(StackTrace.current, zone);
69 70 71
    final Future<T> result = scope.zone.run<Future<T>>(body);
    T resultValue; // This is set when the body of work completes with a result value.
    Future<T> completionHandler(dynamic error, StackTrace stack) {
72 73 74 75
      bool leaked = false;
      _AsyncScope closedScope;
      final StringBuffer message = StringBuffer();
77 78 79 80
      while (_scopeStack.isNotEmpty) {
        closedScope = _scopeStack.removeLast();
        if (closedScope == scope)
81 82 83 84
        if (!leaked) {
          message.writeln('Asynchronous call to guarded function leaked. You must use "await" with all Future-returning test APIs.');
          leaked = true;
85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
        final _StackEntry originalGuarder = _findResponsibleMethod(closedScope.creationStack, 'guard', message);
        if (originalGuarder != null) {
            'The test API method "${originalGuarder.methodName}" '
            'from class ${originalGuarder.className} '
            'was called from ${originalGuarder.callerFile} '
            'on line ${originalGuarder.callerLine}, '
            'but never completed before its parent scope closed.'
96 97 98 99 100 101 102
      if (leaked) {
        if (error != null) {
          message.writeln('An uncaught exception may have caused the guarded function leak. The exception was:');
          message.writeln('The stack trace associated with this exception was:');
        throw FlutterError(message.toString().trimRight());
      if (error != null)
106 107
        return Future<T>.error(error, stack);
      return Future<T>.value(resultValue);
109 110 111
    return result.then<T>(
      (T value) {
        resultValue = value;
        return completionHandler(null, null);
      onError: completionHandler,
116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170

  static Zone get _currentScopeZone {
    Zone zone = Zone.current;
    while (zone != null) {
      if (zone[_scopeStack] == true)
        return zone;
      zone = zone.parent;
    return null;

  /// Verifies that there are no guarded methods currently pending (see [guard]).
  /// If a guarded method is currently pending, and this is not a call nested
  /// from inside that method's body (directly or indirectly), then this method
  /// will throw a detailed exception.
  static void guardSync() {
    if (_scopeStack.isEmpty) {
      // No scopes open, so we must be fine.
    // Find the current TestAsyncUtils scope zone so we can see if it's the one we expect.
    final Zone zone = _currentScopeZone;
    if (zone == _scopeStack.last.zone) {
      // We're still in the current scope zone. All good.
    // If we get here, we know we've got a conflict on our hands.
    // We got an async barrier, but the current zone isn't the last scope that
    // we pushed on the stack.
    // Find which scope the conflict happened in, so that we know
    // which stack trace to report the conflict as starting from.
    // For example, if we called an async method A, which ran its body in a
    // guarded block, and in its body it ran an async method B, which ran its
    // body in a guarded block, but we didn't await B, then in A's block we ran
    // an async method C, which ran its body in a guarded block, then we should
    // complain about the call to B then the call to C. BUT. If we called an async
    // method A, which ran its body in a guarded block, and in its body it ran
    // an async method B, which ran its body in a guarded block, but we didn't
    // await A, and then at the top level we called a method D, then we should
    // complain about the call to A then the call to D.
    // In both examples, the scope stack would have two scopes. In the first
    // example, the current zone would be the zone of the _scopeStack[0] scope,
    // and we would want to show _scopeStack[1]'s creationStack. In the second
    // example, the current zone would not be in the _scopeStack, and we would
    // want to show _scopeStack[0]'s creationStack.
    int skipCount = 0;
    _AsyncScope candidateScope = _scopeStack.last;
    _AsyncScope scope;
    do {
      skipCount += 1;
      scope = candidateScope;
171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183
      if (skipCount >= _scopeStack.length) {
        if (zone == null)
        // Some people have reported reaching this point, but it's not clear
        // why. For now, just silently return.
        // TODO(ianh): If we ever get a test case that shows how we reach
        // this point, reduce it and report the error if there is one.
      candidateScope = _scopeStack[_scopeStack.length - skipCount - 1];
      assert(candidateScope != null);
      assert(candidateScope.zone != null);
    } while (candidateScope.zone != zone);
    assert(scope != null);
    final StringBuffer message = StringBuffer();
186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247
    message.writeln('Guarded function conflict. You must use "await" with all Future-returning test APIs.');
    final _StackEntry originalGuarder = _findResponsibleMethod(scope.creationStack, 'guard', message);
    final _StackEntry collidingGuarder = _findResponsibleMethod(StackTrace.current, 'guardSync', message);
    if (originalGuarder != null && collidingGuarder != null) {
      String originalName;
      if (originalGuarder.className == null) {
        originalName = '(${originalGuarder.methodName}) ';
          'The guarded "${originalGuarder.methodName}" function '
          'was called from ${originalGuarder.callerFile} '
          'on line ${originalGuarder.callerLine}.'
      } else {
        originalName = '(${originalGuarder.className}.${originalGuarder.methodName}) ';
          'The guarded method "${originalGuarder.methodName}" '
          'from class ${originalGuarder.className} '
          'was called from ${originalGuarder.callerFile} '
          'on line ${originalGuarder.callerLine}.'
      final String again = (originalGuarder.callerFile == collidingGuarder.callerFile) &&
                           (originalGuarder.callerLine == collidingGuarder.callerLine) ?
                           'again ' : '';
      String collidingName;
      if ((originalGuarder.className == collidingGuarder.className) &&
          (originalGuarder.methodName == collidingGuarder.methodName)) {
        originalName = '';
        collidingName = '';
          'Then, it '
          'was called ${again}from ${collidingGuarder.callerFile} '
          'on line ${collidingGuarder.callerLine}.'
      } else if (collidingGuarder.className == null) {
        collidingName = '(${collidingGuarder.methodName}) ';
          'Then, the "${collidingGuarder.methodName}" function '
          'was called ${again}from ${collidingGuarder.callerFile} '
          'on line ${collidingGuarder.callerLine}.'
      } else {
        collidingName = '(${collidingGuarder.className}.${collidingGuarder.methodName}) ';
          'Then, the "${collidingGuarder.methodName}" method '
          '${originalGuarder.className == collidingGuarder.className ? "(also from class ${collidingGuarder.className})"
                                                                     : "from class ${collidingGuarder.className}"} '
          'was called ${again}from ${collidingGuarder.callerFile} '
          'on line ${collidingGuarder.callerLine}.'
        'The first ${originalGuarder.className == null ? "function" : "method"} $originalName'
        'had not yet finished executing at the time that '
        'the second ${collidingGuarder.className == null ? "function" : "method"} $collidingName'
        'was called. Since both are guarded, and the second was not a nested call inside the first, the '
        'first must complete its execution before the second can be called. Typically, this is achieved by '
        'putting an "await" statement in front of the call to the first.'
      if (collidingGuarder.className == null && collidingGuarder.methodName == 'expect') {
          'If you are confident that all test APIs are being called using "await", and '
          'this expect() call is not being called at the top level but is itself being '
249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260
          'called from some sort of callback registered before the ${originalGuarder.methodName} '
          'method was called, then consider using expectSync() instead.'
        'When the first ${originalGuarder.className == null ? "function" : "method"} '
        'was called, this was the stack:'
    throw FlutterError(message.toString().trimRight());
262 263 264 265 266 267 268

  /// Verifies that there are no guarded methods currently pending (see [guard]).
  /// This is used at the end of tests to ensure that nothing leaks out of the test.
  static void verifyAllScopesClosed() {
    if (_scopeStack.isNotEmpty) {
      final StringBuffer message = StringBuffer();
270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282
      message.writeln('Asynchronous call to guarded function leaked. You must use "await" with all Future-returning test APIs.');
      for (_AsyncScope scope in _scopeStack) {
        final _StackEntry guarder = _findResponsibleMethod(scope.creationStack, 'guard', message);
        if (guarder != null) {
            'The guarded method "${guarder.methodName}" '
            '${guarder.className != null ? "from class ${guarder.className} " : ""}'
            'was called from ${guarder.callerFile} '
            'on line ${guarder.callerLine}, '
            'but never completed before its parent scope closed.'
      throw FlutterError(message.toString().trimRight());
284 285 286

287 288 289 290
  static bool _stripAsynchronousSuspensions(String line) {
    return line != '<asynchronous suspension>';

291 292
  static _StackEntry _findResponsibleMethod(StackTrace rawStack, String method, StringBuffer errors) {
    assert(method == 'guard' || method == 'guardSync');
    final List<String> stack = rawStack.toString().split('\n').where(_stripAsynchronousSuspensions).toList();
294 295
    assert(stack.last == '');
    final RegExp getClassPattern = RegExp(r'^#[0-9]+ +([^. ]+)');
297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307
    Match lineMatch;
    int index = -1;
    do { // skip past frames that are from this class
      index += 1;
      assert(index < stack.length);
      lineMatch = getClassPattern.matchAsPrefix(stack[index]);
      assert(lineMatch != null);
      assert(lineMatch.groupCount == 1);
    } while (lineMatch.group(1) == _className);
    // try to parse the stack to find the interesting frame
    if (index < stack.length) {
      final RegExp guardPattern = RegExp(r'^#[0-9]+ +(?:([^. ]+)\.)?([^. ]+)');
309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325
      final Match guardMatch = guardPattern.matchAsPrefix(stack[index]); // find the class that called us
      if (guardMatch != null) {
        assert(guardMatch.groupCount == 2);
        final String guardClass = guardMatch.group(1); // might be null
        final String guardMethod = guardMatch.group(2);
        while (index < stack.length) { // find the last stack frame that called the class that called us
          lineMatch = getClassPattern.matchAsPrefix(stack[index]);
          if (lineMatch != null) {
            assert(lineMatch.groupCount == 1);
            if (lineMatch.group(1) == (guardClass ?? guardMethod)) {
              index += 1;
        if (index < stack.length) {
          final RegExp callerPattern = RegExp(r'^#[0-9]+ .* \((.+?):([0-9]+)(?::[0-9]+)?\)$');
327 328 329 330 331
          final Match callerMatch = callerPattern.matchAsPrefix(stack[index]); // extract the caller's info
          if (callerMatch != null) {
            assert(callerMatch.groupCount == 2);
            final String callerFile = callerMatch.group(1);
            final String callerLine = callerMatch.group(2);
            return _StackEntry(guardClass, guardMethod, callerFile, callerLine);
333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360
          } else {
            // One reason you might get here is if the guarding method was called directly from
            // a 'dart:' API, like from the Future/microtask mechanism, because dart: URLs in the
            // stack trace don't have a column number and so don't match the regexp above.
            errors.writeln('(Unable to parse the stack frame of the method that called the method that called $_className.$method(). The stack may be incomplete or bogus.)');
        } else {
          errors.writeln('(Unable to find the stack frame of the method that called the method that called $_className.$method(). The stack may be incomplete or bogus.)');
      } else {
        errors.writeln('(Unable to parse the stack frame of the method that called $_className.$method(). The stack may be incomplete or bogus.)');
    } else {
      errors.writeln('(Unable to find the method that called $_className.$method(). The stack may be incomplete or bogus.)');
    return null;

class _StackEntry {
  const _StackEntry(this.className, this.methodName, this.callerFile, this.callerLine);
  final String className;
  final String methodName;
  final String callerFile;
  final String callerLine;