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// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

/// A token that composes an expression. There are several kinds of tokens
/// that represent arithmetic operation symbols, numbers and pieces of numbers.
/// We need to represent pieces of numbers because the user may have only
/// entered a partial expression so far.
class ExpressionToken {

  final String stringRep;

  String toString() => stringRep;

/// A token that represents a number.
class NumberToken extends ExpressionToken {
  NumberToken(String stringRep, this.number) : super(stringRep);

  NumberToken.fromNumber(num number) : this('$number', number);

  final num number;

/// A token that represents an integer.
class IntToken extends NumberToken {
  IntToken(String stringRep) : super(stringRep, int.parse(stringRep));

/// A token that represents a floating point number.
class FloatToken extends NumberToken {
  FloatToken(String stringRep) : super(stringRep, _parse(stringRep));

  static double _parse(String stringRep) {
    String toParse = stringRep;
38 39 40 41
    if (toParse.startsWith('.'))
      toParse = '0' + toParse;
    if (toParse.endsWith('.'))
      toParse = toParse + '0';
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
    return double.parse(toParse);

/// A token that represents a number that is the result of a computation.
class ResultToken extends NumberToken {
  ResultToken(num number) : super.fromNumber(round(number));

50 51 52
  /// rounds `number` to 14 digits of precision. A double precision
  /// floating point number is guaranteed to have at least this many
  /// decimal digits of precision.
  static num round(num number) {
54 55
    if (number is int)
      return number;
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
    return double.parse(number.toStringAsPrecision(14));

/// A token that represents the unary minus prefix.
class LeadingNegToken extends ExpressionToken {
  LeadingNegToken() : super('-');

enum Operation { Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division }

/// A token that represents an arithmetic operation symbol.
class OperationToken extends ExpressionToken {
69 70
   : super(opString(operation));
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84

  Operation operation;

  static String opString(Operation operation) {
    switch (operation) {
      case Operation.Addition:
        return ' + ';
      case Operation.Subtraction:
        return ' - ';
      case Operation.Multiplication:
        return '  \u00D7  ';
      case Operation.Division:
        return '  \u00F7  ';
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    assert(operation != null);
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    return null;
87 88 89 90 91 92

/// As the user taps different keys the current expression can be in one
/// of several states.
enum ExpressionState {
93 94
  /// The expression is empty or an operation symbol was just entered.
  /// A new number must be started now.
96 97

  /// A minus sign was entered as a leading negative prefix.
99 100

  /// We are in the midst of a number without a point.
102 103

  /// A point was just entered.
105 106

  /// We are in the midst of a number with a point.
108 109

  /// A result is being displayed
110 111 112 113 114

/// An expression that can be displayed in a calculator. It is the result
/// of a sequence of user entries. It is represented by a sequence of tokens.
Ian Hickson's avatar
Ian Hickson committed
115 116 117 118 119
/// The tokens are not in one to one correspondence with the key taps because we
/// use one token per number, not one token per digit. A [CalcExpression] is
/// immutable. The `append*` methods return a new [CalcExpression] that
/// represents the appropriate expression when one additional key tap occurs.
120 121 122
class CalcExpression {
  CalcExpression(this._list, this.state);

    : this(<ExpressionToken>[], ExpressionState.Start);

  CalcExpression.result(FloatToken result)
127 128
    : _list = <ExpressionToken>[],
      state = ExpressionState.Result {
129 130 131

  /// The tokens comprising the expression.
  final List<ExpressionToken> _list;
  /// The state of the expression.
135 136
  final ExpressionState state;

137 138
  /// The string representation of the expression. This will be displayed
  /// in the calculator's display panel.
139 140
  String toString() {
    final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer('');
142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155
    return buffer.toString();

  /// Append a digit to the current expression and return a new expression
  /// representing the result. Returns null to indicate that it is not legal
  /// to append a digit in the current state.
  CalcExpression appendDigit(int digit) {
    ExpressionState newState = ExpressionState.Number;
    ExpressionToken newToken;
    final List<ExpressionToken> outList = _list.toList();
    switch (state) {
      case ExpressionState.Start:
        // Start a new number with digit.
        newToken = IntToken('$digit');
157 158 159 160
      case ExpressionState.LeadingNeg:
        // Replace the leading neg with a negative number starting with digit.
        newToken = IntToken('-$digit');
162 163
      case ExpressionState.Number:
        final ExpressionToken last = outList.removeLast();
        newToken = IntToken('${last.stringRep}$digit');
166 167 168
      case ExpressionState.Point:
      case ExpressionState.NumberWithPoint:
        final ExpressionToken last = outList.removeLast();
        newState = ExpressionState.NumberWithPoint;
        newToken = FloatToken('${last.stringRep}$digit');
172 173 174 175 176 177
      case ExpressionState.Result:
        // Cannot enter a number now
        return null;
    return CalcExpression(outList, newState);
179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188

  /// Append a point to the current expression and return a new expression
  /// representing the result. Returns null to indicate that it is not legal
  /// to append a point in the current state.
  CalcExpression appendPoint() {
    ExpressionToken newToken;
    final List<ExpressionToken> outList = _list.toList();
    switch (state) {
      case ExpressionState.Start:
        newToken = FloatToken('.');
190 191 192
      case ExpressionState.LeadingNeg:
      case ExpressionState.Number:
        final ExpressionToken last = outList.removeLast();
        newToken = FloatToken(last.stringRep + '.');
195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202
      case ExpressionState.Point:
      case ExpressionState.NumberWithPoint:
      case ExpressionState.Result:
        // Cannot enter a point now
        return null;
    return CalcExpression(outList, ExpressionState.Point);
204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221

  /// Append an operation symbol to the current expression and return a new
  /// expression representing the result. Returns null to indicate that it is not
  /// legal to append an operation symbol in the current state.
  CalcExpression appendOperation(Operation op) {
    switch (state) {
      case ExpressionState.Start:
      case ExpressionState.LeadingNeg:
      case ExpressionState.Point:
        // Cannot enter operation now.
        return null;
      case ExpressionState.Number:
      case ExpressionState.NumberWithPoint:
      case ExpressionState.Result:
    final List<ExpressionToken> outList = _list.toList();
222 223
    return CalcExpression(outList, ExpressionState.Start);
224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241

  /// Append a leading minus sign to the current expression and return a new
  /// expression representing the result. Returns null to indicate that it is not
  /// legal to append a leading minus sign in the current state.
  CalcExpression appendLeadingNeg() {
    switch (state) {
      case ExpressionState.Start:
      case ExpressionState.LeadingNeg:
      case ExpressionState.Point:
      case ExpressionState.Number:
      case ExpressionState.NumberWithPoint:
      case ExpressionState.Result:
        // Cannot enter leading neg now.
        return null;
    final List<ExpressionToken> outList = _list.toList();
242 243
    return CalcExpression(outList, ExpressionState.LeadingNeg);
244 245 246 247 248

  /// Append a minus sign to the current expression and return a new expression
  /// representing the result. Returns null to indicate that it is not legal
  /// to append a minus sign in the current state. Depending on the current
  /// state the minus sign will be interpreted as either a leading negative
250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260
  /// sign or a subtraction operation.
  CalcExpression appendMinus() {
    switch (state) {
      case ExpressionState.Start:
        return appendLeadingNeg();
      case ExpressionState.LeadingNeg:
      case ExpressionState.Point:
      case ExpressionState.Number:
      case ExpressionState.NumberWithPoint:
      case ExpressionState.Result:
        return appendOperation(Operation.Subtraction);
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261 262
        return null;
263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283

  /// Computes the result of the current expression and returns a new
  /// ResultExpression containing the result. Returns null to indicate that
  /// it is not legal to compute a result in the current state.
  CalcExpression computeResult() {
    switch (state) {
      case ExpressionState.Start:
      case ExpressionState.LeadingNeg:
      case ExpressionState.Point:
      case ExpressionState.Result:
        // Cannot compute result now.
        return null;
      case ExpressionState.Number:
      case ExpressionState.NumberWithPoint:

    // We make a copy of _list because CalcExpressions are supposed to
    // be immutable.
    final List<ExpressionToken> list = _list.toList();
285 286
    // We obey order-of-operations by computing the sum of the 'terms',
    // where a "term" is defined to be a sequence of numbers separated by
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Josh Soref committed
    // multiplication or division symbols.
    num currentTermValue = removeNextTerm(list);
    while (list.isNotEmpty) {
290 291
      final OperationToken opToken = list.removeAt(0);
      final num nextTermValue = removeNextTerm(list);
292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304
      switch (opToken.operation) {
        case Operation.Addition:
          currentTermValue += nextTermValue;
        case Operation.Subtraction:
          currentTermValue -= nextTermValue;
        case Operation.Multiplication:
        case Operation.Division:
          // Logic error.
305 306 307
    final List<ExpressionToken> outList = <ExpressionToken>[
    return CalcExpression(outList, ExpressionState.Result);
309 310

311 312 313
  /// Removes the next "term" from `list` and returns its numeric value.
  /// A "term" is a sequence of number tokens separated by multiplication
  /// and division symbols.
  static num removeNextTerm(List<ExpressionToken> list) {
    assert(list != null && list.isNotEmpty);
316 317
    final NumberToken firstNumToken = list.removeAt(0);
    num currentValue = firstNumToken.number;
    while (list.isNotEmpty) {
      bool isDivision = false;
      final OperationToken nextOpToken = list.first;
321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334
      switch (nextOpToken.operation) {
        case Operation.Addition:
        case Operation.Subtraction:
          // We have reached the end of the current term
          return currentValue;
        case Operation.Multiplication:
        case Operation.Division:
          isDivision = true;
      // Remove the operation token.
      // Remove the next number token.
      final NumberToken nextNumToken = list.removeAt(0);
      final num nextNumber = nextNumToken.number;
336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343
      if (isDivision)
        currentValue /= nextNumber;
        currentValue *= nextNumber;
    return currentValue;