flutter_application_migration.dart 1.98 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import '../../base/file_system.dart';
import '../../base/project_migrator.dart';
import '../../globals.dart' as globals;
import '../../ios/plist_parser.dart';
import '../../xcode_project.dart';

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/// Migrate principle class from FlutterApplication to NSApplication.
/// For several weeks, we required macOS apps to use FlutterApplication as the
/// app's NSPrincipalClass rather than NSApplication. During that time an
/// automated migration migrated the NSPrincipalClass in the Info.plist from
/// NSApplication to FlutterApplication. Now that this is no longer necessary,
/// we apply the reverse migration for anyone who was previously migrated.
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class FlutterApplicationMigration extends ProjectMigrator {
    MacOSProject project,
  ) : _infoPlistFile = project.defaultHostInfoPlist;

  final File _infoPlistFile;

  void migrate() {
    if (_infoPlistFile.existsSync()) {
      final String? principalClass =
          globals.plistParser.getValueFromFile<String>(_infoPlistFile.path, PlistParser.kNSPrincipalClassKey);
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      if (principalClass == null || principalClass == 'NSApplication') {
        // No NSPrincipalClass defined, or already converted. No migration
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        // needed.
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      if (principalClass != 'FlutterApplication') {
        // If the principal class wasn't already migrated to
        // FlutterApplication, there's no need to revert the migration.
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      logger.printStatus('Updating ${_infoPlistFile.basename} to use NSApplication instead of FlutterApplication.');
      final bool success = globals.plistParser.replaceKey(_infoPlistFile.path, key: PlistParser.kNSPrincipalClassKey, value: 'NSApplication');
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      if (!success) {
        logger.printError('Updating ${_infoPlistFile.basename} failed.');